Interactive Internet Authoring

by John Kuzmich, Jr.

2.0 Graduate Credits from Colorado School of Mines

Monday, June 13-16, 2005

Clinic handout:

Time: Topic

Monday, June 13, 2005

8 to 8:15 a.m.

Registration and Introductions

8:15 to 8:30 a.m.

Flash Video presentation entitled: Why Join TI:ME? at:> Browse the TI:ME web site at: <>.


Interactive web sites:

  1. Audio streaming:
  2. More audio and video streaming:
  3. On-line tests:
  4. On-line student grades: Post Grades for Parents and Students to View 24-Hours a Day with the option of printing out a complete progress report!
  5. On-line Parent-Student-Student Conferences: and

  6. Weekly parent newsletters:
  7. Weekly e-mail to parents: Eudora e-mail

8:30 to 9 a.m.

Focus of Workshop which is divided into two areas: Internet authoring and interactive techniques for classroom use. To learn the basics of web construction, you will receive a complimentary copy of How To Use Macromedia Dreamwever MX & Fireworks MX and a 4 month subscription to: <>. 


Read a beginning web development article: "Building Your Own Web Page" at: <>. Introduced to four methods of web building:

  1. ASCII Editor/Browser
  2. Word Processor/Browser
  3. Netscape Composer
  4. Dreamweaver

Meet John Kuzmich, Jr.:

9 to 10:30 a.m.

Web development foundations: Internet authoring: text, graphics, sounds, video, interactive links, JavaScript and Java.

Review: school web pages for aspects of text, graphics, sounds, video, JavaScript, and Java. Look at codes to verify what’s there to better understand how commands/codes are executed.


HTML concepts at: <>. 15 lessons.


HTML review tutorial: pages: 50 to 55 for an overview.


Note: these 15 lessons could take the rest of the morning, but do not all have to be completed at this time.

Dreamweaver: a GUI (graphical utility interface) that works hand-in-hand with HTML, the source of web pages.


As a result of this HTML training at: <> and <>, you will understand:

  1. Understanding HTML Tags,
  2. Reviewing Selected Web URL, Analyze Them, Copy Them, Alter Them and More!
  3. A No-Nonsense Approach,
  4. A More Advanced Approach,
  5. HTML On-Line Internet Tutorials: Nearly 9,000 URL listed in Alta Vista Search Engine under: & HTML Tutorials. My favorite on-line HTML tutorial is The Barebones Guide HTML at,
  6. Do's of Good Web Page Design: See handout: What Makes For A Good Web Page, and
  7. Registering Your Web Page With Internet Search

10:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.


10:45 a.m. to noon

Internet Authoring HTML on-line tutorials continued at: <>


When you need a break from the HTML tutorial, let's understanding web designs:


1. Web Pages That Suck by Vincent Flanders and Michael Willis (Sybex) at: <> and


2. Design Elements:

12 to 1 p.m.


1 to 2:30 p.m.

Understanding Style Sheets (CSS) at: <>. Work through some of the lessons, but not all. For another good tutorial, go to "How to Use Macromedia Dreamweaver MX & Fireworks," pages 330 to 349.


Web Primer: <>.

Web builder definition of terms: <>.


Begin your first page of a web site. Below are a lot of tools below to make it easier.


Let's Start with "Basic HTML Programming Elements" with Tutorials that cover many important web page concepts at: <> and free HTML Tutorial at: <>.

  1. The Very Beginning,
  2. Simple Text Enhancement,
  3. Italics typeface: and
  4. Underline typeface
  5. Creative banners with fancy fonts:
  6. Simple Text Formatting
  • Hard carriage return: <BR>or <P>,
  • Centering: <center>, 3. Font Size: <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>,
  • Multiple columns: <MULTICOL COLS=2 GUTTER=10>, </MULTICOL> and
  • Line Across the Screen: <HR>

Fancy backgrounds: <Body Background="File.JPG"> or HTML code: <BODY BGCOLOR="C6EFF7">: Also animated GIFs, buttoms and more.

  1. Animation Online:,,
  4. Netscape Editor and Microsoft FrontPage Express and
  5. Download free backgrounds on the Internet

Outling and Organizing Text:

  1. Indent with numbered order: <OL>
  2. Assorted graphical indents: <UL>
  3. List Item: <LI>

Linking to other web sites <A HREF="URL">Text</A> Posting photographs: <img SRC="name of photo file JPEG or .GIF">:

  1. Digital camera photos and
  2. Scan in photographs to JPEG or GIF files.

Post Calendars!:

  1. Creative Calendar Creator by Broderbund and Calendar Server at: and
  2. Generate an HTML Calendar at:

Post Grades for Parents and Students to View 24-Hours a Day with the option of printing out a complete progress report!:

  1. Making The Grade by Jay Klein Products :,
  2. Pentamation's Teacher Workstation: and
  3. Pinnacle by Excelsior at:

Special Browser Effects:

  1. Blinking Headlines in Netscape: <BLINK>
  2. Microsoft Explorer traveling headlines across the screen: <marquee>text example</marquee> at:

2:30 to 2:45 p.m.


2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

Let's Find Suitable School Web Pages and School Music Web Pages:


1. Spot Light on Bands in all 50 states:

2. Elementary and Middel School General Music Web:

3:30 to 3:50 p.m.

Your choice: Netscape Composer, Microsoft WordPad and a Word Processor with HTML Capabilities or Dreamweaver? Pick Dreamweaver!


Netscape tutorial

  1. Build a Web Site In One Day with Netscape Composer by Visions Technology in Education

Dreamweaver tutorials:

  1. Learn Dreamweaver in a Day Tutorial, Summary of GUI Web Development Applications at:>. Free on-line Dreamweaver installation at: <> for learning the very basics of Dreamweaver.
  2. Dreamweaver Development Center with many excellent tutorials at: <>.
  3. W3 Web Development free tutorials at:

3:50 to 5 p.m.

Continue working on your First Project: Your very first home page that has a title with appropriate headings


Read Second Web Development article: Building Exciting Web Pages: Part 2:


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Time: Topics


8 to 10:00 a.m.

Continuation of First Projects expanding it by building additional pages that will link to the home page. Understanding “Hot” Links. Where concepts are needed, use appropriate chapters in "How To Use reamweaver MX & Fireworks MX."

10 to 10:15 a.m.

Read Second Web Development article: Building Exciting Web Pages: Part 2:

10:15 to 10:30 a.m.


10:30 to 10:45 .m.

Understanding multimedia basics at:

  1. Text
  2. Sound
  3. MIDI
  4. Still images: GIF, JPEG
  5. Movies:
  6. Streaming: QuickTime, RealPlayer

10:45 to 12

Sign up for free web hosting page. Free web sites:

FTP file transfers to your web site for uploading and downloading your web site:

  1. Fetch (Macs):
  2. WS_FTP LE 5.08 (PC):
  3. SmartFTP at: <>
  4. FTP Commander: <>.
Read Second Web Development article: Building Exciting Web Pages: Part 2:



12:30 to 3 p.m.

PowerPoint slideshows: a multimedia phenonomon. Read Music Technology Courseware Options Part III of a III-part Series: Multimedia Authoring Applications: Programming by Non-Programmers (you!) at: and for graphical illustrations, go to:


Review PowerPoint presentation entitled: Creative Web Development for Music Education at: mhtml:!2004_ASU_Web_Development_files/frame.htm or go to:


Resources for PowerPoint tutorials at;


Two supplemental tutorial activities: "The Portfolio builder for PowerPoint" and "50 Quick & easy PowerPoint Activities" by Visions Technology in Education

Dreamweaver tutorials:

  1. Learn Dreamweaver in a Day Tutorial by Arnie Abrams (Vision Technology in Education). Great hands-on tutorial.
  2. Summary of GUI Web Development Applications at:>.
  3. Free on-line Dreamweaver installation at: <> for learning the very basics of Dreamweaver.
  4. Dreamweaver Development Center with many excellent tutorials at: <>.
  5. W3 Web Development free tutorials at:

2 to 2:30 p.m.

Adding to Existing Web Page: Continuation of 1st and 2nd Projects with colorful backgrounds and animation:

  1. Colored backgrounds:,, and
  2. Fancy backgrounds: <body background="File.jpg"> or HTML code,
  3., and

2:30 to 3 p.m.

Outlining and Organizing Text:

  1. Indent with numbered order: <OL>
  2. Assorted graphical indents: <UL>
  3. List Item: <LI>
  4. Blinking Headlines in Netscape: <BLINK>

3 to 3:15 p.m.


3:15 to 4:30 p.m.

Third Project: Adding Additional Pages to Web Page and loading to Web server in Preparation for Final Project Presentations!


Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Time: Topics

8 to 8:30 a.m.

Scanning: OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

  1. Photos: Adobe Photoshop by Adobe:
  2. Text: OmniPage 14.0 by Scan Soft:
  3. Music: Smartscore by Musitek:

8:30 to 8:50 a.m.

Interactive Instruction: tests, crossword puzzles, posted tests,

  1. Vision Technology: Teacher's Resources Deluxe and Crossword Companion Puzzle by Vision Technology in Education
  3. Flash:
  4. QuickTime:
  5. JavaSript:
  6. DHTML:

8:50 to 9:10 a.m.

Public School Examples:


Webware examples:

  1. Charms self-directing web sites: and tutorial at:
  2. Molto Music:
  3. Private studio teaching: and tutorial at:

9:10 to 9:30 a.m.

The Web Kit: How to Build Great Web Sites for Students and Teachers by Vision Technology in Education: go through tutorial for hand-on experience.                                             

9:30 to 10:00 a.m.

Superscope digital recordings for web site: and

10 to 10:15 a.m.


10:15 to 11 a.m.

Audio streaming techniques and demonstration at: <>.

1. Pyro 2005, RealProducer, and RealPlayer

11 to noon

Video streaming techniques and demonstration at: at: <>. Videos from camcorder to computer.

  1. Vegas and RealPlayer
  2. How to Use Digital Video by Dave Johnson (Sams)
  3. Video Streaming article: URL: and
  4. Digital Video with Windows XP in a Snap by Greg Perry (Sams)

12 to 1 p.m.



Digital photos from camera to computer!

  1. P.D.Q. Guide to Digital Photography 2.0 by Arnie Abrams (Vision Technology in Education)

1 to 3 p.m.

Learn Adobe Photo Elements 2.0 in a Day by Vision Technology in Education


Adobe Acrobat PDF by Adobe

  1. Adobe Acrobat 7 in a Snap (Sams)
  2. Adobe Acrobat 7: Tips and Tricks by Donna L. Baker (Adobe Press). The best 150 tips & tricks.

3 to 3:15 p.m.


3:15 to 4:30 p.m.

National Teaching Standards:

  1. Teaching Music with Technology by Thomas E. Rudolph (GIA Publishing)
  2. Technology Strategies for Music Education by Thomas Ruldoph, Floyd Richmond, David Mash and David Willaims (Hal Leonard Publishing at


  1. How To Use Dreamweaver MX & Fireworks MX by Lon Coley (Que). Fantastic tutorial on forms: pages 268 to 285.
  2. Teach Yourself CGI by Rafe Colburn (Sams). In-depth 24 hour instruction.


Thursday, June 9, 2005

Time: Topics:

8 to 10 a.m.

Learn how to build portfolios with PowerPoint via: the Portfolio Builder for PowerPoint by Visions Technology in Education at:

10 to 10:15 a.m.


10:15 to 12 p.m.

Web audio: Lots ofo materials go through on-line. You must login with username and password that I have for you.


Audio streaming techniques with MIDI or .WAV files or Web Kit:


How to Build Great Web Sites by Arnie Abrams at:

12 to 1 p.m.


1 to 3 p.m.

Individual final web site instruction to organize and develop web sites from the previous first two days of this work.

3 to 3:15 p.m.


3:15 to 4:15 p.m.

Continuation of individual final web site instruction to organize and develop web site.

4:15 to 4:30 p.m.

Presenting Final Projects

4:30 to 4:35 p.m.

Workshop Assessment and Closure

Addendum When\Where Appropriate:

Based on Interest and Abilities!


Fancy enhancements with digital photos, posting calendars and more!

Linking to other web sites <A HREF="URL">Text</A>

∙ Posting photographs: <img SRC="name of photo file JPEG or .GIF">

1. Digital camera photos

2. Scan in photographs to JPEG or GIF files

∙ Creative Calendar by Broderbund

∙ Making The Grade by Jay Klein Products :

Continuation of Projects 1 and 2 plus being Project 3 with more powerful web enhances with digital photos, calendar, posting grades and more.

Are You Ready For Powerful Web Enhancements?!

∙ Posting Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel Presentation Slide Show Presentations!

∙ Posting speech audio files with WAV. files

∙ How to create and post a musical presentation with analog and wave table sounds: Band-In-A-Box

∙ How to prepare, enhance and post photographs. Edit in PhotoShop

4nd Project with more linked web pages with the home page.

 Musical Things!

• Music Scores: Using Finale 2005

• Audio Streaming: Using Pyro Plus and Helix RealProducer and Plus

• Audio Streaming: Band In-A-Box

 More Considerations!

∙ How to prepare and post a video presentation!

∙ Posting clinic handouts:

∙ Posting e-mail responses from your web page to your e-mail account: <A HREF="mailto:Your E-mail address">Your E-mail Address</A>

Adding a counter to your web page so you know how many "hits" have occurred:,, and

Using Web Making Editing Programs: Full Circle from HTML codes to Powerful Web Graphical Software Applications!

∙ Designing and Making Your Own Animated GIF's:,,, http://coorachive;.com, and

1. Post animated GIF's: <img SRC="notes.gif">

a. Download animated GIF's

2. Create animated GIF's on-line the Internet at <>.

∙ Design your own buttons from photos, anything graphical on-line at , and

∙ Software that creates your own animated GIF's with PhotoImpact:

∙ Editing and Posting Photographs creatively! Enhance photos with PhotoShop!

∙ FrontPage 2003:

∙ Playback of Audio Files and Streaming: <A HREF="URL location/Name of the audio file (MIDI, MP3, .WAV)">. URL: ">">

∙ Video Streaming: URL: and

∙ Reference Books and Where to Go for More Web Making Ideas!

A. Sams Publishing:

B. IDG Books: 800-434-2086

C. Que:

D. Peachpit Press:

∙ Web Development:

∙ Five Different Computer Music workshops:

∙ Videoconferencing: Contact John about when this class will be offered again. In the meantime, please to the following web site for details about his last videoconferencing class.

∙ Let's Fix Your Computer Software/Hardware Installations, including Internet access! Contact John about when this monthly time will be available to educators with both their school and personal computers. This is a no credit class. E-mail:

* Registering Your Web Page With Internet Search Engines

∙ Add Powerful 3D Graphics to Your Web Page with ULead's WebRazor Pro

∙ DreamWeaver Suite by Macromedia and Go Live! By Adobe

∙ HTMLValidators:;ml/html_validators.html

∙ NetTools Box version 2.0.

∙ Posting music files from Finale 2001.

∙ Simple Intuitive Web Publishing Software