Jazz Education Accomplishments in Nearly 50 Years:  1966 to the Present!

Here Is A Brief Summary of John's Professional Highlights in Jazz Education

  1. Contributions to the Jazz Educators Journal for 31+ years as a senior columnist since 1975 with the "Survey of New Teaching Materials" and since 1992 with the "Watch Out" column. The first column has over 1,300 jazz eduction materials reviews.. Here is a good model of the latter column with innovative jazz instruction at: http://www.kuzmich.com/articles/Strings2.pdf: "Wire Choir Can Be Electriiying!" (Part 11)

  2. 700+ contemporary music articles published. To peruse over 150+ articles currently published on-line, please go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/articles.html and 100+ music technology articles on-line at: http://www.kuzmich.com/bibliography.html.

  3. Past international workshop appearances include Australia (2003 and 2005), Brazil (2007), Hawaii (2006 and 2008), New Zealand (2005), Switzerland (2009) and Santiago Chile in the summer of 2003, Poland in 1996, 1998, 2001 and 2012.  In 2015, I will be doing a 45 day "Down Under" workshop tour in Australia, China, Fiji and Los Angeles.

  4. If you are not familiar with my landmark books in jazz education, you might want to peruse my three landmark jazz pedagogy textbooks published by Alfred Publishing Co./Warner Bros. at:  http://www.kuzmich.com/jazzbooks.html

    COMPLETE GUIDE TO INSTRUMENTAL JAZZ INSTRUCTION by Lee Bash and I, published by Alfred Publishing Company, available in three volumes with over 600 pages of "how to" instructional materials.

  5. Conducted the Utah All-State Jazz Band in St.George, Utah at the 1992 Utah Music Education annual conference in which every person in the band had to improve during the concert.

  6. For a multimedia presentation of music technology workshops, You can view me at: http://www.kuzmich.com/clinics.html Be sure to click on the Personal Video Conferencing link as it is rather catchy by linking 5 or 6 video presentations together in an informative multimedia presentation.

  7. For a multimedia presentation of 2006 jazz education workshops recently given in on Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/Hawaii2006.html.

  8. For a video presentation of a three-day 2008 Hawaiian Jazz workshop on Maui, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/Hawaii2008.html

  9. Upon reference, I will provide e-mail addresses for you to contact their directors about my recent 2003 and 2005 "Down Under" workshops for which you can get personal referrals about my work. Here are references for my 2005 "Down Under" jazz education workshop tour.

    • North Sydney Boys Jazz Band directed by Saul Richardson in Sydney, Australia.

    • Blackburn High School directed by Andrew Mott in Melbourne, Australia.

    • Dunedin, New Zealand Community Jazz Band directed by Calder Prescott in Dunedin, New Zealand.

    • Wellington, New Zealand Conservatorium of Music Jazz Bands directed by Paul Dyne in Wellington, New Zealand.

    • Music technology workshops for Karen Henderson of Binary Music in Brisbane, Australia.

  10. Senior editor of the Jazz Educators Journal for the International Association of Jazz Educators for nearly 15 years in which the magazine attained 50% advertising and a leading publication in the jazz education market.

  11. There are many things that I might be of assistance to you. For example, I have a great 10-minute daily improvisation warm up that involves the big-band as a jazz combo in which everybody improvises every day to head tunes of famous jazz combos and is freely directed with hand-signals from the teacher. At a Polish jazz camp in Pulawy, Poland in 2001, my warm upswere a smash hit in a concert in which the band members went into the audience much like a Maynard Ferguson concert to "Hey Jude." I have an article about it that I can fax to you if you can give me a fax number. In fact, it even works well in a concert-setting or as a jazz concert warm up while the PA system is being tested.

  12. Jazz play-along materials are a specialty for me. Here are some sample music tech clinics recently presented that are jazz related.

    • The 2005 IAJE International Conference and 2006 Texas Music Educators workshops below on "Creative Practicing With Automatic Generating Software/Hardware Applications" is particularly relevant for jazz educators and you can audio stream the entire workshop over the Internet to listen to them.

    • 2006 Texas Music Educators Conference in San Antonio, Texas on February 16, 2006: http :// www.kuzmich.com/handouts/Jazz Education Technology Options.html and http://www.kuzmich.com/handouts/2006TMEA.html : Jazz Education Technology Options:: A to Z and Beyond With "Digital Magic!"

    • 2005 Colorado Music Educators Conference in Colorado Springs on January 28, 005: "Creative Web Development for Music Educators" clinic handout and the audio streaming of the entire workshop for 63.16 minutes. To download RealPlayer for Macintosh and PC Windows users, go to: RealOne Player

    • Douglas County K-6 Music Tech In-Service Workshop in Highlands Ranch, Colorado on January 24, 2005: "Creative Practice Ala Play-Along Mode."

    • 2005 IAJE International Jazz Conference in Long Beach, California on January 7, 2005: "Creative Practicing: With Automatic Accompaniment Generating Software/Hardware Applications" Hand-out 1 and Hand-out 2 . The entire clinic is audio streamed for 56+ minutes with RealPlayer by clicking on the file entitled: Track 01.rm . To download RealPlayer for Macintosh and PC Windows users, go to: RealOne Player . This workshop was also given and expanded again at the 2006 Texas Music Educators Conference in San Antonio on February 15-18, 2006 and for the 2006 Mid-West Band & Orchestra Clinic in Chicago as well.
  • I am very open to just about any jazz pedagogical/music technology challenges that your students, faculty and/or you might present to me!

  • For more information, please go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/clinics.html.
  • Hope this information is helpful.

    Till next time,,

    John Kuzmich, Jr. Ph.D.