Final Internet Unit

Assessment Test

(500, 400, 300, 200, 100 or Zero Points if you can ....)

(Click to Take the Test)

  1. Earn 500 points if you can obtain an 80% score (28 or more correct answers) within a 3 minute time period. Yes, the computer will time you as well as evaluate your test results.
  2. Earn 400 points if you can obtain an 80% score (28 or more correct answers) within a 4 minute time period. Yes, the computer will time you as well as evaluate your score.
  3. Earn 300 points if you can obtain an 80% score (28 or more correct answers) within a 5 minute time period. Yes, the computer will time you as well as evaluate your score.
  4. Earn 200 points if you can obtain an 80% score ((26 or more correct answers) within a 6 minute time period. Yes, the computer will time you as well as evaluate your score.
  5. Earn 100 points if you can obtain an 75% score (24 or more correct answers) within a 7 minute time period. Yes, the computer will time you as well as evaluate your score.
  6. If your score is below 70% and/or longer than 7 minutes, please retake the test as many times as you want before printing out the best the test score and submitting it to Dr. Data. Student assistant must initial the paper to certify that you indeed took the test and not someone else.
  7. Yes, the test can also be taken at home, but a parent must sign and date the paper that you indeed took it.
  8. Note: both questions and answers will be completely randomized every time you take the test.
  9. Click to begin the testing process and you can take it as many times as you want until you earn the grade of your choice. Just be sure the parent, student assistant or Dr. Data signs your before submitting to for a grade.
  10. Good luck with this innovative approach to learning the Internet concepts! Remember: “Practice Makes Perfect.” Don’t hesitate to take the test several times to get a better understanding about the concepts being evaluated.

    This Internet Assessment Is Important Because...

  11. 1. It will show how well you understand the concepts of Internet essentials on a computer because you will timed and evaluated with a score.
    2. Provide repetitive practice for mastering Internet concepts so you can learn those concepts that are still not clear to you.
    3. Provide a window of opportunity to have Dr. Data or a student assistant or a classmate tutor you in mastering the Internet concepts. Important to learn these concepts before we move on to the next unit of this class which will be on Internet.
    4. Explain to students at the beginning of the Internet unit what they are going to taught and then evaluate them at the end of the instructional period with a pre-and-post test design.
    5. Present to parents the spreadsheet concepts to be taught so they can more actively tutor their children if they are knowledgeable about Internet structures.
    6. Present a systematic course of instruction that can also be used by parents and other members of the student’s immediate family to both learn and master spreadsheet concepts as the students do in the class. The goal is to have the student help train their parents and brothers and sisters so that teaching becomes a viable activity in this unit of instruction.
    7. Help establish a working model for on-line instruction for all units of the 7th grade elective computer class found at: