Registration Information for John Kuzmich, Jr. 2008 Summer Workshops

To register for either 2008 TI:ME and/or Colorado State University workshops, please complete this form with a $50 non-refundable check for each workshop along with a completed pre-registration form made out to: John Kuzmich, Jr. and received no later than three weeks prior of the starting date for each workshop. When in doubt, please e-mail or numeric page Dr. Kuzmich to reserve your seat in the class as seats are rather limited because of the music lab size. Please duplicate form for additional workshop(s).

Your Name:

Workshop Name(s):



Your School: Position:
Work Phone: Home Phone:
Work Fax Phone: Cellular Phone:
Home Address City:
State & Zip Code: E-mail Address:

Primary Notation Software:


Primary Sequencing Software:

Secondary Notation Software:


Secondary Sequencing Software:
Interest in Learning Mastering Music: Yes or No If you need more information on Mastering Music, go to:
Have you studied and feel comfortable with the videoconferencing procedures? Yes or No Will you be taking the workshop by videoconferencing or on-location? Yes or No

Will you be enrolling for graduate credit? Yes or No

Source of payment: money order, check or PayPal

Primary platforms and operating system used.



Dates for the workshops:

Procedures for Enrolling for Optional College Credit

With Colorado State University

go to

Mail or Fax Enrollment Forms and Regustration Payment to:

John Kuzmich, Jr.
13888 W. 3rd Place
Golden, CO 80401
Call/FAX 303-279-1438 or register by email:
Numeric pager: 303-208-6769 (7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily)

Dr. Kuzmich's Honorarium Fees With or Without Optional College Credit Fees:

  1. Dr. Kuzmich's honorarium fees are:

Note: When two or more teachers take private lessons together, the hourly honorarium fee will be based on a decreasing sliding scale and can decrease significantl depending on the number of enrollees. Contact Dr. Kuzmich for pricing.

PayPal Option Only Available for John Kuzmich, Jr. Honorarium

Official PayPal Seal 

For those who what to use the PayPal Option with their credit card, I will attempt to provide instructions. Note: you will need to add 3% to your total payment by sending me a check separate so you don't have to pay interest on top of interest. My newly created PayPal account will probadbly be ready for transactions by Monday, June 2, 2008.

  1. Please go to
  2. Click on the "Business icon"
  3. Then click on "Send Money icon."
  4. Then in the right hand corner in a large box entitled Send Money, put in my e-mail address: and then put in your e-mail address in the appropriate box.
  5. Then put in the money ($450.00 for example) for the transaction.
  6. Then click on the Continue icon.
  7. Then you will need to log into your PayPal account and the rest goes on smoothly with you selecting your credit card.
The simplest way to address the 3% fee that will be assessed to my PayPal account for each PayPal transaction is to send me a separate a check so you don't have to pay service charges on the 3% on top of the $450.00.  And best of all, you will get a paid receipt ASAP.