Unique Workshop Sliding Discount Fee Schedule

• All TI:ME and some summer 2014 workshops are available with graduate level college credit. As a result, there is a significant discounted fee scale plus John and Paul are willing to teach workshops with insufficient enrollment based on a unique sliding fee scale. This passes the savings directly to everybody in the workshop. Payments schedule consists in three or four steps.
  1. $150 deposit for a registration to be submitted before three weeks before the first day of a workshop.
  2. Full payment is due 3 weeks before the first day of class based on the balance due on the minimum attendance of 5 enrollees.
  3. Three weeks before the first day of the workshop, the remainder of the fees is due based on the minimum enrollment fee for five enrollees.
  4. A refund check will be promptly issued to all attendees after the last day of the workshop if more than the minimum of five enrollees complete the workshop based on the unique sliding discount fee scale published below in the spreadsheet format.
  5. To register, go to http://www.kuzmich.com/fee.html
Number Of Students Enrolled (5 Students is the Minimum (Yellow) but there's a flexible sliding fee scale for 6 or more enrolled.) 3 Graduate Quarter Credits = 2 Semester Credits Paid to Seattle Pacific University. Honorarium Fee Paid Directly To Teachers Per Student. Total Fees Paid For 2 or 3 Teachers & Seattle Pacific University.

Total Amount Each Student Saves (Green) For Enrollment Of 6 Or More Students.**

1 $135 $500 $635 $0.00
2 $135 $500 $635 $0.00
3 $135 $500 $635 $0.00
4 $135 $500 $635 $0.00
5 $135 $500 $635 $0.00
6 $135 $450 $585 $50.00
7 $135 $450 $585 $50.00
8 $135 $425 $560 $75.00
9 $135 $410 $545 $90.00
10 $135 $390 $525 $110.00
11 $135 $370 $505 $130.00
12 $135 $355 $490 $145.00
13 $135 $330 $465 $170.00
14 $135 $320 $455 $180.00
15 $135 $300 $435 $200.00
16 $135 $290 $425 $210.00
17 $135 $280 $415 $220.00
18 $135 $270 $405 $230.00
19 $135 $260 $395 $240.00
20 $135 $250 $385 $250.00

** Minimum enrollment is 5 students (Yellow). More than 5 students results in additional tuition discounts (Green).

• Why a sliding discount fee schedule?
  1. Fees are based on a minimum enrollment for five people (Yellow) but with a sliding adjusted fee schedule resulting that workshops never get cancelled regardless of whether a minimum of five enrollees is met or or not.
  2. You receive two TI:ME certified teachers for less than the price of one teacher in other music tech competitor's workshops.
  3. All workshops are truly affordable for both college credit and three graduate-level quarter credits because our expenses are lower, so we pass the savings directly to you.
  4. No hidden fees such as transportation, room and board because remote videoconferencing instruction eliminates these additiuonal expensive fees
  5. Rebates are routinely offerred whenever enrollment exceeds the minimum five enrollees (see Green)
  6. Both on-location in Denver, Collorado and remote videdoconferencing instruction are offerred sikmultaneously for all workshops.
  7. Note: there are additional non-college credit workshops available all priced significantly lower. Contact John for those pricings
  8. Note: there are four free workshops available for one or two days as a gesiture of providing music technology to music educators in the areas of music theory, play-along arrangements, a music suite offering eight interactive components and digital recordings techniques. For details for all 2014 workshop offerings, go to www.kuzmich.com/-Blastl1.pdf, www.kuzmich.com/2014workshops.html and www.kuzmich.com/bibliography.html. Note: There is a limit of 25 Internet connections.

Note: Fee structure for classes for all videoconferenencing or in John's home music studio in Golden, Colorado are the same.

• John can also travel to your locality for the same honorarium plus transportation, room and board, and teach as many teachers there as well. If more than a 1 hour commute to the clinic location, a 1/2 day honorarium ($100) fee for both going to and from the workshop site will be required as well. Still quite a buy for personal instruction in your own computer setting.

• Also available are special group discounts for school district sponsored workshops that Paul and I can also teach by videdoconferencing which can handle up to 25 world-wide workstations with many more enrollees participating through local school-district computer labs. Contact John for these special group pricings. TI:ME workshops are available as well as we can customize the curriculum based on my 200 publications found at http://www.kuzmich.com/articles.html for a bibliographical isting and the "hot" links for reading the articles can be found at: http://www.kuzmich.com/bibliography.html plus over twenty topics at: http://www.kuzmich.com/clinics2/workshops.html