Specific Tips for Planning What Features You Want

In Your Web Site and Blogs:

Music Teacher Modeling Excerpts For All Teachers!

by John Kuzmich, Jr.

July 21-25, 2014

Return to Primary Clinic Web Techniques:  http://www.kuzmich.com/webdevelopment6..html

  1. Good Overview: 2004 Arizona State University Web Development Clinic for many links to see model examples at: mhtml:http://www.kuzmich.com/2004_ASU_Web_Development.mht!2004_ASU_Web_Development_files/frame.htm. Another one is: http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/RAS%20Music.htm

  2. Clinician web site: http://www.kuzmich.com/clinics.html

  3. Examples of Web-Based Performance Instruction

  4. Former workshop participant web projects:
  5. Photos (printed copies) of you, your students, music groups, classroom, etc.  For example of a music faculty that roars, go to:  http://www.kuzmich.com/Pam/index.html which uses a short video clip.  Another example is:  http://www.kuzmich2.com/Jesse/Band_pictures.htm. Another great source is what Leona (teaches in Morocco) did last summer: http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver Projects/Mozart.htm, http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/Choir.htm, http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/Spring%20Concerts.htm, http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/Tone%20Chimes.htm, http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/RAS_Student_Teachers.htm, http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/Recorders.htm

  6. Photos (digital copies on CD, card that I can plug into a card reader, digital camera).  You might even consider next week in school taking a few photos!

  7. Videos for preparation for video streaming of your music group(s) in concert, rehearsal, etc.  For example, go to:  http://www.kuzmich2.com/Reva_Gig/Reva_Gig.html. Or video clips at: http://www.kuzmich.com/Pam/index.html

  8. Audio recordings for preparation for audio streaming of your music group(s) in concert, rehearsal, etc.  For example, go to:  http://www.kuzmich2.com/Reva_Gig/Reva_Gig.html.  Another example is:  http://www.kuzmich2.com/Jesse/Band_recordings.htm

  9. Articles about your music program or about music technology. See: http://www.kuzmich.com/articles.html

  10. Software applications that you recommend for your students. Particular areas might music theory, ear training, sight singing, music notation, etc. See: http://www.kuzmich.com/handouts/iaje_clinic.102.html for most major software manufacturers with their links.
  11. Your school web site that we can download school logo, school mascot, building photos, etc. Or search for animated gifs on-line. For example, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/roslyn/welcome.html, http://www.kuzmich.com/roslyn/lessons.html and http://www.kuzmich.com/roslyn/welchester.html

  12. Music tests that you want to create for web posting.  For example, go to:  http://www.kuzmich.com/Laura/instructional/periodsmatching.pdf

  13. Crossword puzzles are another bonus to web pages. For examples, go to: Crossword Spreadsheet #1, Crossword Puzzle, and Crossword_Puzzle2. For fantastic interactive on-line crossword puzzles, go to: http://www.theradiohour.net/Puzzles.htm.

  14. Interactive on-line tests: http://www.kuzmich.com/Quiz/PowerPoint/Final_PowerPoint2.html. Two types of tests illustrator. First one illustrates a test as a preparation for a final test. Second test has high security and can only be tested once.

  15. Calendar dates for second semester, For example, go to:  http://www.kuzmich.com/Laura/pages/calendarpage.htm.  Another example is:  http://www.kuzmich2.com/Jesse/_2006.htm

  16. Introductionary letter for your students and parents. Go to: http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/RAS%20Music.htm

  17. If you want to post grades on your web site, I suggest you check out my school grades at:  http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Grades.html. I can show you how to post "Making the Grades" electronic gradebook to the Internet.  For more information about "Making the Grades," go to:  http://www.gradebusters.com/

  18. Information about your national teaching standards that you teach.  For example, go to:  http://www.kuzmich.com/Laura/pages/standardspage.htm

  19. Another example about teaching standards is:

  20. Academic Achievement, Skills & Teaching Standard Scorecards: All Forthcoming This Semester.

  21. Student Contract.  For example, http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/contract.html

  22. A newsletter for your classes that you would like to post on your web site.  For example, http://www.kuzmich.com/parent_newsletters.html

  23. PowerPoint presentations you would like posted on your web site.  For examples, go to:  http://www.kuzmich.com/index2.html or links below:

    Best PowerPoint clinic presentations: (works best in Microsoft Explorer)

  24. A short aural introduction you would like to record and post to your web site.  For example, please go to:  http://www.kuzmich.com/index2.html or link below: Second Welcoming Message!

  25. Links of web sites you want your students to be familiar with.  For example, http://www.kuzmich.com/handouts/bookmarks.html will give some ideas.  Another one below at:  http://www.harmonicvision.com/links.htm with its many "Hot" Music Links.

  26. Do you need parent volunteers with your program?  For example, http://www.kuzmich.com/Laura/pages/volunteerpage.htm.  Another example is:  http://www.kuzmich2.com/Jesse/Parent_Form.htm

  27. Information about your teaching schedule?  For example, http://www.kuzmich.com/Laura/pages/shedulepage.htm

  28. How can parents contact you?  For example, http://www.kuzmich.com/Laura/pages/contactpage.htm
  29. Music compositions you would like to post:  For example, http://www.kuzmich.com/Compositions.html.  Another one is:  http://www.kuzmich2.com/Jesse/Band_finaleprojects.htm which has Finale warmup exercises (Note you need a Finale notation program to display. Will work with Finale NotePad, a free download product).

  30. Or with PDF, here's Leona's from Morocco at: http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/Maybe-1.pdf and http://www.kuzmich2.com/Leona/Dreamweaver%20Projects/Maybe.sib
Hope this helps create some excitement for your web pages and motivate you to personalize your school web site to obtain/bring materials that we can quickly get into.