Data" Music Technology
Dear Music Educators:
I'm ready for 2008 as can be exhibited with my 2008
summer workshops below. Three different workshop settings are offered
to best meet your needs with special options and workshop locations plus the opportunity for videoconferencing with John in your home or at your school at: http://www.kuzmich2.com/Camtasia_Videoconferencing/Intro.html.
Master On-Line Calendar for 2008 Summer Music Technology Clinics for Three Different Workshop Options
- Colorado State University on line videoconferencing workshop with up to 15 workshop participants anywhere in the world with Broadband Internet access. College credit offered by Colorado State University. for more details about the general music and jazz workshops, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/CSUWorkshops.html
- TI:ME (Technology Institute for Music Educators). Three national
music technology workshops. College credit offered by Colorado
State University. For more details, go to: http://www.ti-me.org/sites.html#CO
- Workshops in my home computer studio in Golden, Colorado (to
be arranged and customized with 3 or more teachers enrolled).
College credit offered by Colorado
State University.
You can earn 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 graduate credit at very
competitive fees. Because I found it more successful to offer my
2005 and 2006 summer workshops on a "to be arranged" manner, I
will again do it for 2008 summer and fall workshops. In the
meantime, here is a list of what I'm offering below at: http://www.kuzmich.com/Summertech.html
To learn more about the instructor,
Dr. Kuzmich, you can view 60+ feature articles posted on the Internet
at School Band & Orchestra magazine at:
National Music Technology Certification Now Available
from the
Technology Institute for Music Educators (TI:ME)
The Technology Institute for Music Educators (TI:ME)
offers a national certificate for music technology. John Kuzmich,
Jr. is an approved training institute for TI:ME. Official TI:ME
courses is part of the class, including workbooks that will be given
to each participant. Two graduate college credits are awarded for
30 hours of instruction in each TI:ME course by Colorado
State University.
Seven More Reasons to Join TI:ME
- Stay abreast of the fast changing world of technology.
- Learn how to incorporate the seven areas of technology into
your teaching.
- Learn how to use technology for specific student and teacher
- Learn how to align technology with the MENC national standards.
- Be among the leaders in music education using technology in
creative ways.
- Share information about the use of technology with colleagues
around the world.
- Participate in national technology conferences.
More TI:ME information about this innovative national
music technology certification curriculum is available at: <http://www.ti-me.org/sites.html#CO>.
Three TI:ME courses will be taught this summer at my home computer studio in Golden, Colorado.
- "Basic Skills in Music Technology: Electronic Keyboards,
MIDI Sequencing, and Notation., 1A " - To Be Finalized soon (Monday thru Friday). Covers the basics of music technology
very well.
The course will cover basic skills in music notation, MIDI sequencing, and electronic keyboards in K-12 education. Participants will explore many ways to incorporate these tools into the curriculum. The course will be taught in a hands-on environment. Satisfactory participation in class activities and successful completion of several projects will be required. This course fulfills half of TI:ME Level 1 certification requirement. Maximum of one person per computer station, 6 students maximum.
PREREQUISITE: This course requires basic facility on a computer, including using a mouse, opening applications, and saving files. If you are a beginning computer user, you are required to attend the orientation session on (date) to gain the basic computer skills you will need to successfully complete this course.
- "Basic Skills in Music Technology: Instructional
Software, Communications and Digital Media" - To Be Finalized soon (Monday thru Friday). Covers the basics of music
technology very well.
The course will cover basic skills in using computer instructional software, configuring and using computers on networks and the Internet, and the basics of using digital media in K-12 education. Participants will explore many ways to incorporate these tools into the curriculum. The course will be taught in a hands-on environment. This course fulfills half of the TI:ME Level One Certification requirement. Maximum of 1 person per computer station, 6 students maximum.
PREREQUISITE: This course requires basic facility on a computer, including using a mouse, opening applications, naming and saving files, clicking and dragging, copying files, and basic windows operations (closing, resizing, expanding, minimizing). If you are a beginning computer user, you are required to attend the orientation session on [date] to gain the basic computer skills you will need to successfully complete this course. It is strongly recommended that beginners take TI:ME 1A: Basic Skills with Electronic Keyboards, MIDI Sequencing, and Notation prior to registering for this course.
- "Advance Notation, 2A "
- June 30 to July 4, 2008 (Monday, through Friday). A very creative
class for web development.
Participants will learn to use music notation [insert name of software program] to print out scores and parts. The course will be taught in a hands-on environment. The course is designed to train instrumental, choral, and classroom music specialists to use [program name] for notating and printing music. Participants will learn how to input music using an electronic keyboard and computer and to print out scores and parts. Topics include: transposing band and orchestra parts; printing a choral score; music notation problem solving; incorporation of notation examples into word processors; composing and arranging music; and using notation software with students. Participants will bring several examples of music notation to be entered during the course. Maximum number of students is 16.
PREREQUISITE: TI:ME Level One Certification, or completed a minimum of 2 courses in music technology, or comparable experience using music sequencing software with a Macintosh or Windows PC. This course is designed for the experienced computer user. Completion of one TI:ME 2A course meets one third of the requirements for Level Two TI:ME Certification.
PREREQUISITE: TI:ME Level One certification or equivalent experience.
Special notes: small workshops with six workstations with 7.1 megabit Internet access and lots of individual attention. Location of workshops is in Dr. Kuzmich's residence which has many advantages over a classroom. In addition, there are seventeen other music technology workshops offered this summer as well. Click here to peruse them. Excellent driving location in the Denver metropolitan area. Many motels nearby with several specially priced from $19.95 to $45 all with full amenities. Luxury motels/hotels as well as Marriott Embassy Suites, Mariott Residency, Mariott Hotel and Sheraton Inn all within one mile as well. Many good fast-food and full-service restaurants nearby. Denver largest shopping mall of 250 million dollars, Colorado Mills, is less than one mile away at: http://www.coloradomills.com/static/node46.jsp;jsessionid=a3rCjuroYsw7. Many scenic Rocky Mountains sight-seeing attractions within a one-hour drive of workshop location. Suggest you contact the Denver Visitors Burea at: http://www.denver.org/, Colorado Vacations at: http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-191501893-colorado_vacations-i;_ylc=X3oDMTE3N2phcW1vBF9TAzI3NjY2NzkEX3MDOTY5NTUzMjUEc2VjA3NyBHNsawN0aXRsZQ-- or the Amereican Automobile Association at: http://www.aaa.com for more options and details. Instructor has over 350 articles published in national/international music education journals.
Colorado State University
Videoconferencing in Your School or Home!
- June 23 to 27, 2008: "MU 590 K Computers in Music Education" (Click here for more info as workshop #7 taught on the Colorado State University campus)
- July 14 to 2008: "MU 695 D Independent Study Music Education" (Click here for more info as workshop #16 taught on CSU's Denver downtown campus)
For more information concerning course descriptions, fees and registration, please go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/CSUWorkshops.html
Website: www.learn.colostate.edu posted beginning Monday, March 20, 2007
Email: Info@learn.colostate.edu Phone: 877-491-4336 (toll-free)
John Kuzmich, Jr.'s Home Computer Studio in Golden, Colorado:
Workshops Between 1 to 5 Music Educators
- "Interactive Web-Based Instruction! 1 or 2 graduate credits. There are five magical ingredients in offering extensive interactive web-based instructions in learning and mastering the repertory of available software applications that can and will allow you to improve the depth and accountability of your instruction in all aspects of music education.
- Provide on-line testing with test results being downloaded from your Internet provider to the teacher and also for your students in getting immediate feedback as well for any phase of music instruction covering music theory, general music, stylistic interpretation, music history, drum rhythm accuracy.
- Provide a Flash card animator/builder that will allow students to prepare for the on-line testing with repetitive on-line drilling and presentation of instructional materials to be tested on-line, including audio and video.
- Provide interactive crossword puzzle maker to allow you to post crossword puzzles on-line for your students to be done in Real-Time with time restraints for more accurate assessment.
- Provide interactive word search application to allow you to post word search puzzles on-line for your students to be done in Real-Time with time restraints for more accurate assessment.
- Learn about constructing on-line timeline charts for presenting in-depth instruction of musical form and analysis of repertory being rehearsed.
The workshop will cover multi-applications for your perusal so you can realistically balance your budget while expanding your teaching efforts
- "Best Music Software Application Buys Under $60.00!
0.5 or 1.0 graduate credits. Ever feel frustrated how your school
budgets are limited when dealing with software acquisitions? Learn
about quality music software applications that can be classified
as best buys for under $50.00. Software will be perused in four
categories: 1) freeware, 2) shareware, 3) manufacturer demos and
4) software applications that all rock under $50.00. Publishers
like Electronic Courseware
Systems have many, many quality products waiting
for you to investigate plus special bundling options to save you
even more money. To further enhance your music technology instruction,
curriculum guides, national teaching standards and other books
and ebooks will be covered so you can more fully get into music
technology instruction. Don't delay your acquisitions because
of budget limitations! You will be pleasantly surprise to see
all the creative options waiting for you including many with game
options to both educate and entertain your students.
- "Power Users: Seamless Integration of Sequencing,
Notation, Music Scanning and Automatic Accompaniments Generators"
- To be Arranged 1.0 and 2.0 graduate credits. Great introduction
class for learning Power-User software applications that is Gestalt
psychology in a nutshell with the whole being greater than the
sum of its parts." Power-User software applications are for
producing quality music projects that require more than one software
application to maximize the project.
- "Sibelius 5.0, Sibelius
G7, Sibelius
Student Edition, Notes,
and/or Compass."
- To be Arranged - 0.5 graduate credits (one day workshop). Through hands-on instruction discover how and why the Sibelius family of notation products perform at the high professional level their reputation claims.
- "Entry-level Finale
2008, Finale Allegro, PrintMusic
2008" and NotePad
2008" - To be Arranged - 0.5 graduate credits.
The family of Finale music notation products constituted the greatest
family of music notation products for music educators at every
level of need and development and pricing that can't be duplicated.
- “How to Creatively
Use Band-In-A-Box" - To be Arranged - 0.5 and
1.0 graduate credits. Every music teacher needs Band In-Box. It is the closest music software application to "artificial intelligence" that goes beyond automatic accompaniment generating software; including ear training, transcribing, jazz theory, contemporary music styles, jazz composition and instrumental techniques.
- "The Eight Wonders of the World in Music Technology
for Music Educators" that is a must class for the
very best seven music technology products of all time, plus honorarium
mentioned products included. Software included are: Sibelius
5.0 / Finale
2008, Band
In-A-Box, Music
Ace Maestro, SmartMusic,
/ Essential
Elements of Music Theory, PhotoScore
/ SmartScore,
Groovy Music Series and Mastery
Music Professional plus honorarium mentionable products
all with a single workshop!. To be Arranged - 1.0 and 2.0
graduate credits.
- Guaranteed Success for General Music Teachers: "User-Friendly
Music Software for General Classroom Instruction including several
Electronic Courseware Systems
General Music Bundling options, Sibelius
Groovy Music series, Sibelius
Starclass and Sibelius
Instruments, Music
Ace 1 & 2, MIDIsaurus,
Jam Trax and/or Super
Dooper Music Looper" - To be Arranged 1.0 and
2.0 graduate credits. An absolute must class for all general music
teachers because there are so many innovative options to teaching
general music with technology.
- "Web Development for Music Educators"
- To be Arranged - 1.0 and 2.0 graduate credits. This web development workshop is a "must" class for music educators learning how to effectively promote their students, concerts and career.
- "Successful Music Theory/Ear Training Instruction."
To be arranged - 1.0 and 2.0 graduate credits. The only music
theory music tech class you will ever need for teaching in the
trenches. From many Electronic
Courseware Systems music reading options to Auralia
3.0 and Musition 3.0 and Essentials of
Music Theory , Practice
Musica, MusicLab
Melody and Harmony, Music
Lessons 1 and 2 and new applications such as EarMaster
and others.
- "Entry-Level Music Scanning: PhotoScore,
SharpEye Music Reader and
- To be arranged. .05 and 1.0 graduate credits. find out why music
scanning is here to stay in music technology.
- "Creative Music Teaching: via Interactive Accompaniments,
Assessment and Web Posting with SmartMusic
with Finale 2008 and Music
Scanning Techniques and/or iPAS
Creatively and Effectively." To be Arranged 1.0,
2.0 and 3.0 (45 hours of instruction) graduate credits. Should
be required for every performance oriented music educator, grades
4 to 12 and beyond. Everything you need to know and opportunities
to do it within the workshop . For example, teachers can accomplish
much of their Finale Performance Assessment and
SmartMusic projects (marching band, All-State
Band/Choir/Orchestra, festival music and solo & ensemble festivals)
for the entire school year if taken in the 3.0 credit format!
- "Music Sequencing on a Budget with PowerTracks
Pro and Mastery Music
Professional." Sequencing basics are covered
and understood.. To be arranged. 1.0 and 2.0 graduate credits.
- "How to Budget for Music Technology Instruction
from A to Z." To be arranged. 1.0 and 2.0 graduate
credits. A no-nonsense perspective of how to budget more effectively.
- "The Mysteries of MIDI for Instruction!"
To be arranged. 1.0 and 2.0 graduate credits. Find out the do's
and don't's of MIDI performance and instruction. To be Arranged
- 0.5 graduate credits
- "Digital Recording of Music Concerts and Lectures
with Digital Sequencing Software Applications such as PowerTracks
Pro and Home
Studio and/or Dedicated Hardware such as, Superscope
PSD 300 and PSD
340, PowerTracks Pro,
Korg PX4 and other recording
technologies". To be Arranged - 1.0 and/or 2.0 graduate
- "Break-Throughs in Jazz Education Music Technology
Options/Applications, including Improvisation Instruction. Demonstrate
various music technology hardware/software applications that can
and will make a significant difference on the development of jazz
education performers. Jazz application topics covered include:
1) jazz ear training, 2) jazz theory, 3) jazz improvisation, 4)
jazz styles, 5) jazz history, 6) jazz play-along - automatic accompaniment
generation, 7) transcribing, 8) jazz instrument techniques:
drums, piano, guitar, bass, individual instruments, vocals, 8)
digital/audio/MIDI sequencing and 9) jazz composition. To be arranged
- 1.0 and/or 2.0 graduate credits.
- "E-Learning" is the very next
generation of music technology instruction incorporating Teaching
Music With Reason, Spike
and Mastering Music.
Why learn individual software applications only to find yourself
not able to use the software for instruction. With music lessons
incorporated in these creative user-friendly applications. One
application does the work of many different music applications
all within a single application plus your students are into functional
lesson plans that instantly and painlessly work in the classroom
setting! No place else in the USA has this kind of courseware
ever been defined and/or offered before.
Hope this information is helpful.
Till next time,
John Kuzmich, Jr.
- Note: all one-day courses are for 0.5 graduate level credits,
two-day courses are for 1.0 graduate level credits and 2.0 graduate
level credits for four-day courses at rather inexpensive college
tuition rates of $30, $45 and $85, respectively which is the best
buy in the entire USA for college credit fees. Note:
most in-service workshop times will be arranged but the TI:ME
National Music Technology workshops and Colorado State University
workshops are all scheduled because they are nationally and regionally
- Note: if the advanced pre-registration form from the web site
above and a $50.00 deposit check are not both received at least
two weeks in front of the designated workshop, the workshop will
probably be cancelled and replaced with private tutoring for music
educators. Please e-mail to confirm whether the class is going
as scheduled or changed to private tutoring. See alternative choice
heading below for more information about private tutoring.
- Note: because
John's busy teaching and workshop schedule, all workshops as to
be arranged so he could schedule them more creatively based on
demand of the participants. Namely, he will schedule and teach
any and all classes that are requested rather than just over scheduling
for specific dates which actually limits what dates they will
be offered.
Choice: Private Tutoring with Flexible Scheduling and Reduced Rates!
Normally, private tutoring is very expensive in music
technology. My private tutoring rates range from $30.00 and hour (4 hour
minimum) to $60.00 an hour (for 1 to 3 hours) on just about any
music technology topic including all the fall, 2008 semester courseware
listed above. Music educators can also earn the same graduate level
college credit if 8 hours are purchased for $240. If two or more
educators enroll together, there is even a sliding rate scale that
continues to go down further which is nice because your colleagues
can study with you in a private class setting at a mutually agreed
time and all participating parties get price reductions as well
as college credit opportunities.
For more information, please go to John Kuzmich’s Home Page
at: <http://www.kuzmich.com>.
2008-2009 School
District In-Service Workshops
Note: Dr. Data will begin videoconferencing this
fall for school district in-service music technology workshops as
well as national and international presentations from his home computer
studio. Your school district videoconferencing equipment needs four
things, Here is what you need for a two-way (point-to-point) videoconferencing
- Your videoconferencing hardware/software needs to be .323 compatible
- Provide me with either a dynamic or static IP address
- You must have high speed Internet connection. Mine is at 7.1
megabits per second.
- Relatively newer model Pentium III and any Pentium IV computer.
And that is how easy videoconferencing can be and at no expense for
the call/conference. And best of all, no travel/housing/food expenses!
For more information, e-mail John at: jkuzmich@earthlink.net or numeric
page him at: 303-208-6769 between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. mountain time
- In Sao Paulo, Brazil, a three-day Sibelius 4.0 workshop was given on July 29-31, 2007.
- For the Douglas County School District, I presented a workshop for their elementary instrumental music faculty members that was very successful. Clinic handouts are at: Douglas County K-6 Music Tech In-Service Workshop which was presented in Highlands Ranch, Colorado on January 24, 2005 entitled: "Creative Practice Ala Play-Along Mode."
- Other past recent in-service workshops include for the Jefferson County School District, I presented a teacher in-service workshop on "Wireless Portable Sound Enhancement Systems" at Dakota Ridge High School from 4 to 6 pm. on Monday, November 15, 2004. If you need more information about Dr. Kuzmich, please go to: http://www.kuzmich.com. Another Jefferson County School District in-service workshop was given in April, 2005 dealing with music scanning techniques. For a definitive library of over 50+ "how to" published feature articles in School Band & Orchestra magazine on computer music applications that can also be printed out at no charge, please go to: http://www.sbomagazine.com/technology.html. Note: nearly all of the workshops listed on this web page have had featured articles published pertaining to them at the previously mentioned School Band & Orchestra music technology URL.
You can contact John by e-mail (jkuzmich@earthlink.net) or numeric pager at 303-208-6769. Hope this information is helpful.
Colorado State University
Workshops Will be Posted Soon
(e-mail John Kuzmich, Jr.for more curriculum, registration form and tuition fee details
at: jkuzmich@earthlink.net)
Registration and Fees for Other John Kuzmich, Jr. Workshop Info Below
Please go to fees for specific rates for honorarium and graduate credit fees:
Dr. Kuzmich's Colorado State University workshop rates for tuition are available at either http://www.kuzmich.com/CSUWorkshops.html or below:
Email: Info@learn.colostate.edu
Phone: 877-491-4336 (toll-free) |