8th Grade Computer Assignment #1

August 22, 2007

Dear Students:

Welcome to Dr. Data’s 8th grade computer class. Trust you had a great summer and ready to work on your computer chops. Since this is the first time I’m teaching an 8th grade computer class, it will be exciting to explore a brand-curriculum. And at the same time, get to know you. To be successful as a teacher, it is important that you know a little bit more about me and what I’m like as a teacher.

To begin with, I been teaching 7th grade elective computer classes since 1992. First we taught on Apple IIe’s and then on Windows 386 computers and then with Pentium II computers. And now we are mostly using Pentium IV computers. Before coming to Carmody, I was a high school band director for 25 years teaching in New York City/New Jersey area, Chicago, St. Louis and Los Angeles as well as at Everegreen High School before coming to Carmody.

Being prepared to participate in class daily is important. Just doing the assignments may seem important but doing them well is more important because you will be learning/mastering skills and techniques on how to start up a business. The 8th grade curriculum is readily available on-line at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Curriculum_Preview2.html. A good introduction to the courseware, expectations and Dr. Data will be found at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Meet_Dr_Data.html. We even have on-line web conferences for parents-students-teacher at: http://www.kuzmich.com/web_conference.html. And grades get posted daily on-line which will help you and your parents know how you are doing.

When I’m not busy being a teacher at Carmody, I teach instrumental music lessons at Denver Music Institute in Englewood in the evenings And for professional growth, I write articles for two national/international music educator journals. You can read some of my 50+ on-line versions at: http://www.kuzmich.com/articles. In total, I have over 400 articles published. And for real fun, I love to travel internationally. In the summer of 2007, I taught music technology and jazz improvisation in Sao Paul and Rio de Janiero, Brazil, respectively, and vacationing on a archaeological trip to the Yucatan and climbed the Inca Trail at Machu Picchu, Peru. Previous international teaching trips include Australia, New Zealand, Poland, and Chile. My all-time favorite vacation was in Tahiti in 2003 where I hope to retire some day.

Excellence is what we are striving for here at Carmody. Good luck in making it become "Pride" a habit.


Dr. Data



Computers 8th Grade - Dr. Data

Assignment #1 - I would like to know more about each one of you. This assignment will be a great opportunity to tell me what you’re like, and it will also be an assessment of your skills in a word processing application.

Pick three topics for each category to include in your letter. Each category will be a separate paragraph. (They do not have to be in the same order as in the example.) Each paragraph should be at least five sentences. Do not forget to sign and date your letter. Points for grammar, punctuation and spelling will be deducted. This assignment will be worth 50 points. The following bulleted items are suggestions you could write about.

Class Information (10)

            *          I took this because..,.

            *          In this class, I hope to learn about...

            *          My favorite subject is....

Computer Background (10)

            *          I have experience in the following computer applications:

            *          I have a PC/Mac computer at home.

            *          I can type about ____ wpm.

            *          I wish I knew more about ...(computer applications, hardware, etc.)

Learning Styles (10)

            *          My strengths and weaknesses are?

            *          What motivate me is....

            *          The one thing you should know about me is?

            *          Most of the classes that “ve loved are because...

Hobbies and Interests/Other (10)


            *          I like to ...

            *          My favorite person is...

            *          When I grow up, I would like to be .....

***Other (10)

            *          Name/Date/Greeting/Type Name/Signature

            *          Creativity
