8th Grade Computer Class

  1. "How To Start A Teenage Business!" - Entire Semester Lesson Plans: Please be aware that there will be updating all semester at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Lesson_Plans.html

  2. Curriculum Overview

Software Applications Being Utilized in Class or at Home!

  1. HTML: NotePad (or any ASCII editor), Microsoft Publisher and web browser
  2. Photo editing: Adobe PhotoElements 4.0 and Picassa (free download from Google) for editing/cropping/improving photos
  3. Web-based artwork: animated GIFS, clip art, photos, banners, backgrounds, calendars, etc. All free!
  4. Scanning artwork, photos.
  5. Digital cameras: maybe can borrow from Yearbook or other resources at Carmody?
  6. Serious GUI web development: Dreamweaver, PageBreeze (freeware) or Microsoft Publisher
  7. PrintShop and/or Microsoft Publisher for designing artwork, folding brochures, flyers, business cards, etc. beyond web pages.
  8. http://www.designyourowncard.com to develop professional business cards.
  9. Audacity by Soundforge ( http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ ) for creating audio files to .WAV or .MP3 audio files for your multimedia and podcasting projects. PC and Mac availability. Freeware. Be sure to download (extract) the LAME encoder plug-in which is needed to produce MP3s.
  10. A graphic file converter to change graphic files to other file types (TIFF to GIF or JPEG). A free download available for PC is Easy Graphic Converts 1.1.7 at: http://www.bluechillies.com/download/35018.html .
  11. Microsoft PowerPoint or any presentation program for the multimedia project. Keynote by Apple would also be a good Mac multimedia slide presentation program to use besides PowerPoint at: http://www.apple.com/iwork/keynote/
  12. Microsoft Word or any word processor foro creating business documents.
  13. Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet for calculating and projecting business expenses/profits.
  14. PDF conversion software: free: PrimoPDF
  15. Others to be added