Tutorials for Microsoft Excel:

Spreadsheets and Charts




Introduction Module_4


Module_2 Module_6




*        Microsoft Word: The word process or program that you can use to create documents like letters, memos, and reports.

*        Excel: The spreadsheet  program that you can use to analyze numbers and create charts.

*        PowerPoint: The presentation program used to create and deliver slide presentations.

*        Outlook: The desktop information management program.


May Also Include

*        Access: The database program that used to store information like customer lists or inventory lists.

*        FrontPage: The program that helps you create and manage web sites.

*        Publisher: The desktop publishing package.



1. To create a new document

*        Click the Start button

*        From the New Document dialogue box, choose Programs

*        In the Programs dialogue box click on an application like Microsoft Word

*        Start typing on the blank page


2. To Use Templates

*        Click the General tab

*        Letters and Faxes tab for Letter wizard

*        Mailing Label tab for Mailing Label wizard

*        Spreadsheet tab for Invoice and purchase order wizard

*        Web Page tab for Web Page wizard


3. To use toolbars

*        Go to top of the screen for toolbar buttons

*        Choose left toolbar for standard commands like open, save and print

*        Choose right toolbar for formatting commands


4. To view all toolbar buttons:

*        Click on the handle on the left of the toolbar and slide it back and forth


          Click on the little double arrow that says more buttons


5. To add or remove buttons

*        Hover over the Add or Remove button at the bottom of the list until a list of all the buttons available pops out

*        Remove or add a check mark next to the your button by clicking on it

*        Click OK


6. To make all the button visible

*        Click the Tools menu and then click customize

*        Under the Options tab clear the first check box and click Close



7. To open an existing file

*        Go to the Open button on the toolbar

*        From the File Open dialogue box click the location of your document

*        From the location dialogue box select the file and click the Open button


8. To use format painter

*        Highlight the cells that have the formatting you want

*        Click on the Format Painter button on the toolbar

*        Highlight the cells you want to apply the format to


9. To insert a hyperlink

*        Highlight the text to be linked and click the hyperlink button on the toolbar

*        From the Hyperlink dialogue box select the destination of the link and click OK


10. To choose your office assistant

*        Right-click on the Office Assistant icon

*        Select Choose Assistant from the dialogue box

*        Click until you find the one you like

*        Click OK


11. To view all Menu items

*        Go to Tools and select Customized

*        Click on the Options tab and uncheck the item that says Show Recently Used Commands  First

*        Click OK


12. To find more help:

*        Right-click the office assistant, choose Options and remove the check next to Use the Office Assistant

*        Go to the Contents tab and click the plus sign next to your topic of interest

*        Click on the subtopic that interests you

*        When finished with subtopic click on the X to close

*        Click the Hide button on the toolbar to exit help


13. To use index tab

*        Go to index tab on toolbar

*        In the index dialogue box type a key word

*        Double-click on the key word

*        From the pane on the right click the graphic to display the topic

*        Close the topic by clicking the X next to it

*        Close Help by clicking the Hide button on the toolbar



14. To use the Office Update Web Site

*        Choose help from the toolbar and click Office On The Web

*        Type "web help" in the Answer Wizard dialogue box

*        Follow the Answer Wizard steps to connect to on-line help


  Module_1: Getting to Know Excel


1. Menus and toolbars in Excel

* The menu common across most Office applications is at the top of the Excel screen.

* The toolbar is under the menu and is also common to most Office applications.

* The formula bar is the area directly below the toolbars.  It is used for entering formulas and editing cell content.

* At the bottom of the screen, there are three tabs labeled Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3.  They represent three separate work-SHEETS, which are contained in the work-BOOK that is open when Excel is open.

* The Status bar is at the bottom of the Excel screen and provides information on the current status of Excel, such as telling the user what to do next when they start an operation.

* The right side of the status bar provides information about keyboard status.


2. To select cells

* To select a single cell, just click on it. 

* To select a range of cells, such as A1 through A5

* Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse across the block.


          *  Select the first cell in the range and hold down the left mouse button

          * Drag the mouse across the cells you want to select and release the mouse.


* To select nonadjacent cells

* Click on the first cell you want to select and hold down the CONTROL key

*Click on the other cells you wish to select



3. To Freeze Column or Row Headings

* Select the column labels you wish to freeze in place

* Click on Window in the menu bar

* Click on Freeze Panes


4. To move between worksheets and workbooks

* to move between worksheets: press CTRL and Page up or down at the same time

* To move between workbooks: press CTRL and TAB at the same time to move ahead, and CTRL, TAB and SHIFT at the same time to move to the previous one



Module_2: Building a Worksheet


1. To copy and paste data

          * Select the cell or cells you wish to copy

          * Right click and choose Copy

          * Select the cell you want to paste into

          * Right click and choose Paste


2. To copy and paste non-adjacent cells

          * Select the first cell or cells you wish to copy

          * Right click and choose Copy

          * Select the second cell or cells you wish to copy

          * The Excel Clipboard will appear

* Select the cell you want to past into

* Click the icon on the Clipboard for the information you want to copy


3. To use AutoFill

          * Select a cell and enter your number

          * Select an adjacent cell, and enter the second number in the series     (Example: First number is 200, second number is 300 for a series that     increases by 100.)

          * Highlight both cells

          * Click on the handle in the bottom right of the selected cells

* Hold the left mouse button down and drag over the cells you wish to create the remainder of the series


4. To copy and paste data to another Workbook

          * Select a cell or cells you wish to copy

          * Right click the mouse button

          * On the shortcut menu, chose Copy (the Clipboard toolbar appears)

          * In bottom left of screen, select the tab of the  worksheet that will     receive  the copy

          * Select cell(s) where you wish to paste information

          * Click on the copied information to paste it into the cell(s)


5. To add a row of numbers

          * Select the cell where you want to enter the formula

          * Type an equal sign (=)

          * Click the first cell you wish to add

          * Press the Plus key (+)

          * Continue clicking the cells you wish to add and pressing the Plus key in between until finished.

          * Press Enter

Quick Tip: To quickly add a row, select a cell, type an equal sign (=), type SUM and an open parentheses, example (, and highlight the row of numbers you wish to add



6. To add numbers in a row using AutoSum

          * Select the cell where you want to enter the formula

          * Click the AutoSum button in the toolbar

          * Click the handle in the cell and drag down until all the number you wish to add are selected

          * Click the AutoSum button in the toolbar


7. To use the Paste Function to insert a formula

          * Click the cell where you want to insert the formula

          * On the toolbar, click the Paste Function

          * Double click on the formula you want

          * On the Formula Palette click the minimize button next to the “Number1” box

          * Highlight the cells you want to use in the formula

          * Press Enter and click OK


8. To save a worksheet as a Web page

          * From the File Menu select Save As Web Page

          * Click Selection and then choose Sheet Option

          * Click Add interactivity

          * Click the Publish Button

          * Click Publish again, and the worksheet opens in Microsoft Internet Explorer



Module_3: Formatting Worksheets


1. To change the size of a row or column

          * Position the mouse cursor over the right or left column border until the two headed arrow appears

          * Click and drag the border larger or smaller

Quick tip: To adjust all column widths automatically, select the columns you wish to adjust, double-click on any border within the highlighted section and Excel will automatically readjust the borders


2. To change font and style of text

*To automatically change a column or row into dollars and cents: select the column or row you wish to change, go to the toolbar and click the Comma Style button (,)


          *To add borders or boxes around cells: select the row or column where you would like a border, go to the toolbar and click the down arrow next to         the Borders button, select the border or box you want


          *To align text: select cells to be aligned, go to toolbar and click the Alignment button you need


*To use background colors: select cells that you would like to fill with color, go to toolbar and click the down arrow nest to the Fill colors button, choose a color and click OK


3. To use pre-defined formats

          * Select a cell in the area you want to format

          * From the File menu, choose Format

          * Select AutoFormat from the Format dialog box

          * From the AutoFormat dialogue box choose the predefined format you want



Module_4: Creating Charts


1. To create a chart with Chart Wizard

          * Select the data you want to chart in the worksheet, including the row and column labels

          * In the toolbar, click the Chart Wizard button and follow wizard prompts

          * Click Finish

Quick Tip: To quickly create a chart select the data you want to chart, including Column and row headings, press the F11 key, and the chart appears


2. To move a chart

          * Click near the perimeter of the chart until the black handle appears

          * Click on the handle and move to desired location


3. To resize a chart

          * Click near the perimeter of the chart until the black handle appears

          * Click on the handle and drag to make the chart larger or smaller


4. To update a chart

*    Highlight the information you want to add, including the column title(s)

*    Move your mouse to the edge of the highlighted area until it turns into an arrow

*    Click the left mouse button and drag the information to the chart and release.


5. To format a chart

          * Move mouse over desired chart element you want to format, i.e. legend, axis, etc...

          * Right click on that chart element

          * From the shortcut menu, choose Format


6. To put chart on a separate worksheet and e-mail it

          * Right click on the chart area

          * From the shortcut menu, choose Location

          * Select “As New Sheet” and click OK

          * From the File Menu, choose File and select Send To

          * Select Mail Recipient

          * Choose to send just the current sheet by clicking Current Sheet

          * Address the email and click Send


Module_5: Printing a Workbook


1. To preview a chart

* Select the chart

* From the file menu, select File

* Choose Print Preview


* Click the Print Preview button on the toolbar

* To print the chart, click the Print button

Quick tip: If you want to print both the table and the chart, make sure that the chart is not selected or just the table will be printed.


2. To adjust page breaks

          * From the menu, click File and choose Print Preview

          * Click the Page Break Preview Button on toolbar

          * Click on the dashed lines and drag to adjust where the page breaks fall


3. To insert additional page breaks

          * Select the row where you want to add a new page

          * Right-click the mouse

          * Choose Insert Page Break from the shortcut menu

          *Click close


4. To make column titles appear on each page

          * From the file menu, choose File and select Page Setup

          * Select the Sheet tab and click the collapse button

          * Select the row that contains the headings

          * Click the collapse button again to get back to the Page Setup dialog box

          * Click OK

          * Click Print Preview - labels should now appear on the preview

          * Click the Print button


5. To print only part of a worksheet

          * Select the information you want to print

          * From the menu, choose File and select Print

          * In the “Print What” area of the dialog box, click the selection button

          * Enter the section you want to print

          * Click OK


Module_6: Help when you need it


1. Getting Help from the Office Assistant

          * From the menu, click Help

          * From the dialog box, choose Show the Office Assistant


          * Click the Help button on the toolbar


          * Press the F1 key


2. To choose a different Office Assistant character

          * Right-click on the character

          * Click “Choose Assistant” from the dialog box

          * Click “Next” until you find the one you like

          * Click OK


3. To customize the Office Assistant

          * From the file menu, choose Help

          * Select Show the Office Assistant from the dialog box

          * Right-click on the Office Assistant

          * Select the Options tab

          * Select the options in the dialog box to set the sensitivity of the Assistant

          * Click OK


4. To ask the Office Assistant "Plain English" questions

          * Click on the Office Assistant

          * Type your question where the menu asks "What would you like to do?"

          * When finished with help, click Close

Quick tip: The Office Assistant provides tips on features you've just used. If you click on the light bulb next to him, the Assistant will give you some suggestions on a better way to do the action.


5. To get the Office Assistant out of the way

          * Click on the assistant and drag to another part of the screen


          * Right-click on the Assistant and chose Hide from the dialog menu


6. To use the Excel Help System

          * Put away the Office Assistant by clicking on him and choosing Hide from the dialogue menu

          * In the toolbar, click the Help button

          * Click the plus sign (+) next to a topic of interest

          * Click on a subtopic and the information appears to the right

          * Go to the Answer Wizard and type your question

          * When done with the topic, click on the X

          * When done with Help, click the Hide button on the toolbar


7. To find help online at the Excel web site

          * From the file menu, click on Help and select the Excel Help system

          * Go to the Answer Wizard and type "web help"

          * Answer Wizard will show you how to connect you to the various resources online