October 5, 2008

Dear Carmody Computer Parents and Their Students:

Now's The Time To Have Positive Closure With The First Grading Period:

5 Days and Counting!

Five important points to emphasize in this, the tenth 2008 fall semester newsletter.

  1. 5 days to makeup all missing assignments must be completed and submitted by the very last day of the first grading period, Friday, October 10th. All of Dr. Data's courseware are actually on-line for 24/7 use in completing any and/or all class assignments and projects at home, public library, parent's work place, relative's neighbor's and friend's computers.  But Dr. Data is also available for help every Monday through Friday between 2:15 p.m. and 3 p.m. except for this Tuesday . Please encourage your child to take advantage of this "Golden" opportunity to finish the first grading period with the best grade and with ample time to do the makeup work. Using Carmody's parent Portal is essential in staying up-to-date with the progress of your child's work. Go to: https://campus.jeffco.k12.co.us/campus/portal/jeffco_IC.jsp

  2. Final CSAP project for the 7th grade word processing unit is the Korean Penpal letter is due this Friday, October 10th. It is a 400-point two-part pen pal letter assignment to a Korean student in Seoul, Korea which was due in either October 3, 2008 with the preliminary one-page draft and October 10, 2008 with the final copy of two pages double spaced type. Final copy must be typed! See separate hand-out dealing with Penpal instructions. Penpal instructions. All students were given the same work sheet two weeks ago. Students can work on this final project at home or in class or both. That's why the thumb drives are so important making it possible to work seamlessly with hesitation whenever they have time to work on this final project. Note: preliminary draft can be either handwritten or typed but the final version of October 10th has to be typed two pages, double spaced. Suggest parents checking the Korean Penal for typos, sentence syntax, grammar and the use of topic sentences in each paragraph. This is CSAP quality of the first order! Good luck with your child achieving word processing and CSAP expertise! Dr. Data will give his 7th grade classes some time on Tuesday to work especially on their pen pal letters and on Friday as well.

  3. For the 8th grade computer classes, Dr. Data will begin spreadsheets in Week 8 this week. If parents are good with Microsoft Excel, please review the assignments in Week 8. Recommend that students bring home their spreadsheet assignment if they need extra help. Students should have thumb drives to save and bring unfinished assignments back and forth between home and school. Note: Carmody library has thumb drives that can be checked out like a book.

  4. Dr. Dr. Data's spam blocked was indeed a spam "killer" last week. So if you any parents did not receive e-mails back from Dr. Data, please resubmit and he will respond ASAP. Sorry for any delay in responding to your e-mails. Believe it or not, all .gmail, aol.com, hotmail, comcast.net, yahoo.com and other popular Internet providers were all being blocked and deleted by Dr. Data's "Super Spam Blocker (Killer)! . But the problem has been resolved.

  5. Success Guaranteed in Dr. Data's 7th & 8th Grade Computer Classes if Students/Parents Follow These Guidelines! When parents are engaged with their child's school work, success is very attainable. The 16 points outlined on this web site make parent-student-teacher interaction seamless and easier for all student success to be achieved. Nobody should be failing Dr. Data's classes if these points are being followed! If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Data ASAP.

Hope this helps.

Till next time,

Dr. Data