September 10, 2008

Dear Carmody Computer Parents and Their Students:

Three points to emphasize in this, the fifth fall, semester newsletter.

  1. The "All The Right Type" order was cancelled because we didn't meet our minimum number of 10 orders.

  2. On Thursday, The PC Computer lab (Dr. Data's) is being totally rewrired so that the school network works perfectly. Classes will meet in the library computer lab on Thursday only. Note: Students will be able to save their daily assingments on their school folder in the library computer lab. But the idea of student's having their own floppy disk or thumb (Flash) drive on a daily basis is still excellent so they can always bring their unfinished work home for completion and then printout at home with a parent signature and date of completion.

  3. Parent-Student-Teacher conferences are taking place next Wednesday and Thursdasy, September 17 and 18 from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. When a student brings one of their parents to meet with Dr. Data, they can earn a floating 'A.'

  4. On Carmody's Parent-Portal, be aware that sometimes Dr. Data gives more than one day for an assignment while most of the time one day. Basically assignments should be completely weekly so makeup work does not become excessive. And don't look at completion days as absolute as students can still finish work at home and submt without a late penalty with a parent signature and date of completion.

  5. Hope the "M" (Missing Grades) grades are disasppearning for our upcoming Parent-Student-Teacher conferences next week? If not, student work is strongly encouraged after school daily in the PC Lab Monday through Friday between 2:15 and 3 p.m. But please make appointments for Monday, Wednesday and Fridays with Dr. Data since there are faculty meetings periodically.

  6. Be aware that students' missing assignments are not graded because...
  7. Solutions for assignments not being credited/graded?

Hope this helps.

Till next time,

Dr. Data