Final Spreadsheet Project for 8th Grade Classes:

Pertaining to Your Business!

(200 to 300 Points for each Spreadsheet: Depending On Quantity and Quality of Work)

by Dr. Data

Teaching Objective for 300 points: design, create in Microsoft Excel and printout one spreadsheets with formulas displayed with the following characteristics below to any aspect of the business model. Data can be made up. . Note: must have formulas displayed or no grade!!!

Sample Projects to Consider:

For 200 points if you are having problems defining a spreadsheet for oyour business model, create a spreadsheet to any of the following topics below that contain the above characertistics. You must use labels (words), raw data (numbers) and formulas in design your two spreadsheets. Sample projects might be:

  1. Allowance of Friends: money plus how you are going to spend and/or save it.

  2. Exotic Vacations (travel, hotels, food, entertainment, etc.)

  3. Student Grades in a teacher's book

  4. Sport’s Statistics of your favorite sport.

  5. Bowling Tourament. For a breakdown of a bowling tournament, go to: Math Table Original

  6. Baseball Team Averages. For a breakdown of batting averages, go to: Class_Party Original and Class_Party_Formula . For team statistics, go to: Colorado Rockies

  7. Football Statistics (passing, running, points, receiving, etc.) Go to for a breakdown of football statistics: Denver Broncos Statistics

  8. Basketball Statistics: For a a breakdown of a team basketball statistics, go to: Denver Nugget Statistics.

  9. Super Bowl Party. You buy the food. For a breakdown of the kind of statistics you might consider, go to: Class Party: Printout Class_Party Original and Class_Party_Formula .

Hope this helps.

Dr. Data