Final Internet Search Engine Project: 500 Point Assessment Checklist!

by Dr. Data

Due May 4-5, 2005


1.         Cover your topic adequately with at least three different web sites. Make certain your facts are accurate. Take note, process all of the information.


2.         Report will be graded for accuracy. Use spelling checker in Clarisworks. See the Internet search engine rubric on the other side of this paper for a detailed check list of how Dr. Data is grading the project!!


3.         Report must have a Internet Final Project Rubric stapled to the printed out final project.


            A.       Topic - Title for this Internet Search Engine Report


            B.       Purpose of this report.


            C.       Minimum of five different Internet graphics pertaining to the Topic copied/downloaded from the Internet web sites.


            D.       Text support the topic, each picture and the purpose of this research report paper.


            E.       Five different Internet web pages, including their URL’s, documenting where you got your information for this report.


4.         Your sources must properly document with URL’s that include: protocol (usually http:) and file names.


5.        Make sure the report is two pages long with both graphics and 12 point text.


6.         Be sure to list 5 URL’s.


7.         Need a summary statement of what you learned by doing this Internet research project. Put this bold so Dr. Data doesn’t miss this point.


8.         Good luck!