

What is PowerPoint?


PowerPoint is a Microsoft Office product that is bundled with Word
and Excel. It has a variety of uses and is only limited to your
imagination, but it is basically a presentation tool students use to
present information.

When your student might use Microsoft PowerPoint:

For class presentations

For group projects

To present charts and tables

To show data stored in graphic organizers

To develop a personal picture story book/photo album

To show the results of surveys and questionnaires

To present science fair projects

For book reports

To create a timeline

Look at some examples:

See our little website for examples of some class projects

Other examples of PowerPoints done by students
http://jc-Schools.net/PPTs-science.html#'6rQdesK-5 (many great examples by
grade level)


A website that reviews how to do PowerPoint step by step: Basic Slide Show -
XP tips and tutorials

Where do I start?

Starting with a storyboard is a helpful way to organize your thoughts
and information.

Example of a storyboard:


Slide 1 Title: (What will be the main heading of this slide?)Include: (What information, pictures, etc will be on this slide?

Slide2Title: Include:

Slide3Title: Include:

Slide4Title: Include:

Slide5Title: Include:

Slide6Tiltle: Include:


Beginning a Multimedia Presentation

Step 1:

Adding a Background Color

1. On the Format menu, click Background

2. Click on the down arrow below the background fill box. This box will be the current slide

Drop down menu

More Colors
Fill Effects


3. A drop down menu appears showing any colors that you have already used in the
presentation or giving you a choice for more colors.

4. On the drop down menu there is also a choice for fill effects. This is where you can
make a slide multiple colors.

Adding a Design Template

1. On the Format menu, click Slide Design

2. Click on the down arrow to the right of the template you have chosen. Select -Apply to
Selected Slides
to change only those slides selected on the left, or choose -Apply to -411

Slides to change the design template for all slides


Quick Reference


Format-slide design-
dropdown arrow on right of
design to apply __


How to change the background color:


dropdown arrow-more colors-
ok-apply to all _____


How to have two background colors (fill

How to add another slide:

How to insert a picture from Clip Art:

How to insert a saved picture:

Custom Animation


dropdown arrow-fill effects-
choose color one and color


Insert-new slide

Insert-Picture-clip art- type
in a search like "Christmas"
or "Kwanzaa". Click on the
picture and click insert or
double click picture
Insert-Picture-From File
Click on the picture _ __ _
Slide Show-Custom
Animation-Add Effect-pick
style & speed.


How to make a slide transition;


Slide Show-Slide Transition-
highlight slide and choose a


To view show:

How to add a text box:

Slide show-view show, click
with mouse or use arrow keys
to advance slides
Insert-text box-click and
drag-type at the ojtsot


To move slides around




Click on the 4 squares in the
bottom left corner of
presentation above any
menus. You can click and
move slides.


Printing Slides                                                           File-Print-Print what-OK

          Recording a Voice Narration -best for a show that runs automatically

1. Click on the slide that you want the recording

2. On the Slide Show menu, click Record Narration.

3. Click Set Microphone Level.

4. Read the text in the Microphone Check box. Your
voice level should register as a green bar. Adjust
the level with the slide bar. Click OK. Then click OK
on the Record Narration dialog box.


5. If you start on the first slide, your presentation will begin to run. Speak your narration into the microphone, and then click the mouse to continue to the next slide. Continue the narration on all slides until the presentation


       a.         If you are on any slide other than the first the Record Narration box will appear

before the show begins. It will ask you if you want the narration to begin on the

first slide or the current slide selected.

6. To pause or resume the narration, right click on the slide, and on the shortcut menu,
click Pause Narration or Resume Narration.

7. Click once to end the narration.

8. A message appears asking whether you want to save the timings for the show (the
amount of time each slide is viewed).

9. To save the timings, click Save. Your slides will appear in the Slide Sorter View, with the
timings shown below each one. Click Don’t Save if you want to record the timings

Recording a Sound

1. Go to the slide where the sound will begin.

2. Locate the built in microphone or have an external one ready.

3. On the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, and then click Record Sound.

4. To record the sound, click the Record button

5. When you are finished recording, click the Stop button.

6. In the Name box, type the name for the sound, and then click OK.

Printing Slides for Handouts

1. On the Pile menu, click Print.

2. In the Print what list, click the desired print
format. Slides for transparencies, Handouts with
multiple slides on a page. Notes Pages if you want
speaking points printed with the slides, or Outline
to print in an outline format.

Handouts are used most often when

Step 5:

Adding Enhancements

Adding a Hyperlink - create links to Web sites

1. Select the text or image that you want to link to the Web site.


2. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink.

3. Minimize your PowerPoint and open your Internet Browser (AOL, Internet Explorer,
Netscape for example) to the desired Web site. Highlight the URL address of the Web
site and press Ctrl and the C key at the same time to copy the address.

4. Return to the presentation and the Insert Hyperlink box. Click once in the Address
text box, and press Ctrl and the V key to paste the address.

5. Click OK.

Inserting a Chart -Created in PowerPoint or in Excel

1. On the Insert menu, click Chart.

2. To replace the sample data, click a cell on the datasheet, and then type the information

you want.

Chart menu

Sample Data

Chart Types




3. To change the chart type:

a. On the Chart menu, click Chart Type

b. On the Standard Types or Custom Types tab, click the chart type you want

c. In the Chart sub type, click the chart you want, and click OK.

4. To add a title to a chart or axis;

a. On the Chart menu, click Chart Options, and then click the Titles tab.
b. To add a chart title, click in the Chart title box, and then type the text you want.
c. To add one or more axis titles, click in the appropriate box for each title, and then
type the test you want. Click OK.

5- To return to the slide, click outside the chart.


Step 3:

Adding Custom Animation

Creates text that moves by letter, word, or paragraph, Other text and objects can dim, change
color, etc. These effects can be put in an order and/or occur automatically. (Not often used with
primary students)

1. Click on the slide you wish to add animation to.

2. On the Slide Show menu, click Custom animation.





Add Effect Button

Select a speed for animations

Shows sequence that animations



3. In the Custom Animation Pane, click the Add Effect button and select one of
the following:

a. Entrance - to make the text or object enter
b. Emphasis - adds an effect to text or object
c. Exit - to make the text or object leave
d. Motion Paths - object or text will follow a path

i. You can pick one of the six pre-set paths. More Motion Paths, or
Draw Custom Path to create your own path

Step 4:

Adding a Slide Transition

To change or add a transition between slides:

1. Click on the Slide Show menu, click Slide Transition

2. In the Slide Transition Pane, select a slide transition in the Apply to selected
slides box. This effect will be briefly demonstrated.

3. In the Modify Transition area you can modify the speed of the transition.

4. In the Advance slide section, select the box on mouse click and/or indicate the
amount of time each slide will take to advance in the automatically after

5. Click Apply to All Slides if you want to apply the setting to all the slides in your
presentation; otherwise the transition will only apply to the selected slide.