Success Guaranteed in Dr. Data's 7th & 8th Grade Computer Classes

If Students/Parents Follow These Guidelines!

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V.I.P. Procedures/Expectations = Positive Results

Advanced deadlines for all daily assignments are set for completion so students can makeup absences more realistically as well as to help student focus in on the classwork that isn't on a restrictive daily deadline. Students earn better grades because assignments are completed with full points earned. Students know the instructional expectation for each given unit of instruction: 7th & 8th grade curriculums are published at: <>. In addition, all daily assignments are posted as well so students can make up missing work at home.
Student grades are posted every Friday afternoon on the Internet so students and parents always know accurately what their grades are. In addition, teacher calculates grades on a daily basis, so grades can be communicated on a daily basis to any teacher, parent or student upon special request. Parents like the 24/7 accountability on the Internet with security password protection because they can conveniently access the grades at home or work or on vacation. Grade access is: Note: if you have not been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, you need to register with Carmody office by registering in person at Carmody. Parents and students are required to use a specially assigned username and password in order to view the grades and print them from the Internet! 25 extra-credit points are awarded whenever a parent prints and signs the on-line progress report and the child returns it to my class the first day of the every school week (Mondays). Please be sure to print your child's full name on the returned progress report since the parent's name may not always match the student's name.
Open lab makeup available every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:20 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and also on Wednesdays and Fridays but only with advanced reservations from parents for Wednesdays and Fridays. 10 to 15 students stay every open lab to makeup work of the advance deadlines set for all daily assignments because full credit can be creatively earned
Students can makeup daily assignments and projects at home on a regular basis Students simply print out their work and have a parent sign it that it was done at home and the assignment/project can be submitted for full credit. All 7th & 8th grade assignments can viewed and printed from the Internet at:
Dr. Data does a making e-mail mailing to all interested parents who sign up for the "Dr. Data Elective Computer Class Newsletter" about what is taking place in Dr. Data's classes on a weekly basis or the newsletter can be downloaded weekly at: Parents frequently e-mail Dr. Data whenever they have a concern or need clarification about their child's work and/or grades. Dr. Data's e-mail address for 24/7 service is: <>. Frequently, Dr. Data will respond before he goes to bed nightly, usually rather late but early enough for early breakfast.
Publish and maintain a comprehensive web site about everything pertaining to the Carmody Elective Computer classes, including curriculum, units of instruction, daily assignments, individual student grades, an on-line newsletter and much, much more. The Carmody Computer web site has had over 8,000 hits on the Internet the past eight years.
Publish weekly assignments on Dr. Data's school voice mail that have to be done on a daily basis. Call 303-982-8883 24/7 and you will receive a 5 to 6 minute recorded message about each week's daily assignments and expectations.
Students achieve good grades in all of Dr. Data's classes. Very few failures in Dr. Data's classes. For example, out of 122 7th grade students second semester, spring 2007, only 3 students failed.
Dr. Data calls parents for student's who are not achieving well in his classes. Parent's thank Dr. Data without hesitation when concerns are communicated in a prompt manner with the child present.
Dr. Data regularly makes makes positive phone calls in front of his class via a speaker phone acknowledging individual students who are good models for academic achievement/behavior/attitude. Parents love the positive feedback approach without reservation even when informed up front that they are being spoken to in front of the entire class on a speaker phone.
Dr. Data disciplines students in a manner that expresses his concerns positively. Students respond by changing their attitude or they have to stay for "mop" squad after school from 2: 15 p.m. to 3 p.m. without the school providing any transportation home. If there is a security issue for transportation home, student will be assigned to work for the building engineer, during the lunch period instead.
Dr. Data provide bonus points for meritorious actions in class. When 20 bonus points are earned, a "floating A" is awarded and the student can replace their lowest daily assignment grade with an "A" grade. This allows students to fix broken grades and reverse previous bad decisions to improve their grades. Students rarely give up in Dr. Data's classes when they are failing.
Special computerized awards are given to students to encourage them for better achievements. Sample titles include: Best Typing, Computer Wizard, Hardest Worker, Academic Excellence, Being on Task, Citizenship Award, Student of the Month, Guardian Angel, Best Student, Eagle Award and more. Certificates are professional looking in full color and are very attractive to say the least. In this manner, many, many students are recognized throughout the semester rather than just recognizing fewer students at the end of the semester. URL's of sample certificates will soon be posted at: <>.
Student progress reports can be regularly printed out at home or work via the Internet and signed by parents. 25 extra-credit points are earned every Monday when student submits a signed progress report by a parent; that can be printed from the Camoday Parent Portal.. The result is not only that the student's grade is improved, but both the parent and student know what their current grade is on a weekly basis.
Parents are never confused in Dr. Data's classes because there are 20+ newsletter e-mailed to parents over the semester. Most of them are on Fridays announcing everything important that parents and students need to understand and be responsibile for. Newsletters are also posted on the Internet weekly at: < > for those parents who don't have e-mail but do have Internet access at either home or work. A personal e-mail will be sent to parents everytime a new newsletter is available each week. Be sure Dr. Data has each parent's e-mail address on file.
Unique 24/7 On-line Parent - Student - Teacher Conferences! Parents can always participate either on-line Parent - Student - Teacher Conferences at: <> or This provides an accurate assessment of the status of their child academic and class behavioral in Dr. Data's classes. The self-test survey's are then electronically e-mailed or faxed to Dr. Data for his assessment and subsequent feedback to parents.

For more information about Dr. Data's Carmody Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Computer Class Elective Web Sites, please go to: