Microsoft Publisher Tutorial:

Creating Student Web Sites

by Dr. Data


Activity 1


Description: During this activity, you will use Publisher to create a student Web site that will become a component of your Unit Portfolio. Develop the Web site so that it meets your targeted student learning objectives. Remember that you are creating this sample as if you were a student in your classroom. Make sure that the language and content are age-appropriate. This sampke should meet your expectations for content and design.

If you are developing your Unit in collaboration with other teachers, work as a team on this activity.

Note: Be sure to follow the guidelines established by your school or district for posting student names and photos on the internet.

Step 1: Using the Web Site Wizard

The Web Site Wizard allows you to create a one-page or multiple- page Web Site.


1.         Start Publisher


2.         In the Wizard pane, click Web Sites. In the right pane, scroll to view a variety of Web site styles. Double-click the Web site of your choice to start the Wizard.

3. A Personal Information dialog box may appear. Click Cancel.

4. To begin answering the Web Wizard’s questions, click Next.


5.         Select a color scheme. Click Next.


6.         In the Additional pages section, select the pages you want to include on your Wen site ( for example, Story, Calendar, Event, or Related links. ) You may not want to include any of these categories. In that case, simply leave all of the boxes unchecked, and then click Next.


7.         In the Form section, click a form or leave the default of None, and then click Next.


8.         A navigation for bar provides links to other pages within your site. If you want a navigation bar located on the left of the page, as well as linked page titles on the bottom of the page, click Both a vertical and horizontal bar. If you want a navigation bar on only the left or bottom, but not on both, then click the appropriate button. Click Next.


9.         In the Background Sound section, click Yes or No. Click Next.


10.       In the Background Texture section, click Yes or No. Click Next.


11.       Click Finish.


12.       Click Hide Wizard at the lower left.


13.        On the File menu, click Save As.


14.       Locate your Program folder. Open the student_ samples folder. Open the student _web_site folder.


15.       Name your document in the File name box. Publisher automatically adds the file name extension . (pub).


16.       Click Save.


17.       You may return to the wizard at any time to change any of the earlier options by clicking Display Wizard and selecting the subject area you want to change.

Viewing Options


1.         Enlarge the picture of the Web page by using the Zoom list, or by clicking Zoom In. To view other pages, click the desired page number on the status bar.

Adding Additional Pages to a Web Site


1.          On the Insert menu, click Page.


2.         If you want to change the page type from story to another layout, in the Available page types list, click a different layout.


3.         If the layout do not fit your needs, but you want to keep the basic formatting of the first page, click More Options.


4.         Under Options, click Duplicate all objects on page:1, or click Insert blank pages if you do not want any formatting.


5.         If you want a button on the home page to link to this new page, select the Add hyperlink to Web navigation bar check box.


6.         Click OK.

Changing the Title of a Web Page


1.         On the status bar at the bottom of your screen , click the page 1 icon to return to page 1.


2.         Click Home Page Title at the top of your Web page. Type your Web site’s main title. The name on the navigation bar button that corresponds to that page automatically changes to reflect this title .


3.         On the status bar, click the page 2 icon to go to page 2.


4.         Click the title text box at the top of page 2. Type an appropriate title.


5.         Save your publication every 15 minutes or so. The Office Assistant usually reminds you to save as well.

Adding a Survey

Internet readers are more likely to fill out a survey if it is easy to complete and submit. The results are sent back to you in an e - mail for analysis.

1.Click Show Wizard at the bottom left of the status bar.


2. In the Website Wizard contents box, click Form


3. Click Response Form


4.Publisher automatically creates a new page with formatting set up for a response form. Click the page indicated to see the new response form.


5. Click Form Page Title, and ten type a main title.


6. Click General response form title, and then type your desired title.


7. Click Briefly describe your desired feedback, and then type a description of the desired feedback.


8. Click First Question, and then type a statement or question.


9. Click answer a, and then type a multiple choice type answer. Continue through the other answer texts.


10. Double-click Submit to indicate where you want the responses e-mailed.


Note: To make the response form work properly and e-mail you the results, you must edit the HTML code once your website is completely finished and has been saved as a Web page. See Editing the HTML Code of a Response Form.


11. In the Command button properties dialog box, click send data to me in e-mail.


12. In the send data to this email address box, type the email address to which you want responses sent.


13. In the subject of email box, change the subject of the email message if you want.


14. Click ok.


15. Save your publication

Step 2: Enhancing a web site

Decide which additional design features you want to add to your web site. Each feautre should enhance the content. Too many sounds and images can be distracting and cause your site to load slowly.


Remember to follow copyright and trademark laws; include source citations when appropriate, and save your work frequently.


Adding text frames

1. Hide the wizard and return to page 1.


2. In the objects toolbar on the left, click A (the text frame tool)


3. Draw a text frame beginning at the upper left area where you want your text to begin. Drag the frame diagonally to where you want your text to end.


4. Click anywhere in the text box to enter edit mode.


5. Change the text style if desired, and then begin typing your text


Warning: Don’t overlap text frames with other text frames or with graphics. The text frame will be transformed into a graphic, which takes longer to load then text. An animation will not animate if it overlaps with a text box or another graphic.

Creating a table


1. To create a table, on the objects toolbar on the left, click the Table Frame tool


2. Position the mouse pointer where you want the upper left edge of the table, and then drag the frame diagonally to create the table.


3. Enter the number of rows and number of columns


4. Choose a table format


5. Click ok


6. Enter the appropriate data for the table


7. Save your publication.

Creating Hyperlinks

The website wizard can help you connect information from one page to another on your site, or to other locations on the Internet, by creating hyperlinks. Think about whether you want o add hyperlinks to text or to objects on a page (for example, tp pictures, or parts of objects).

Creating a Hyperlink to another page on a website


1. Select a picture or block of text that you would like linked to another page on your site, or to another location on the internet

2. On the insert menu, click hyperlink, or click the Insert Hyperlink button on the toolbar.

3. In the hyperlink dialog box, click another page in your web site.

4. Click the specific page. Then specify the appropriate page.

5. Click OK. You have just added a hyperlink to another page on your website.

6. Save your publication.

Creating links to the Internet


Establishing a hyperlink to a specific internet address is as easy as creating a hyperlink to another page.

Creating a link for a portion of text.


1. Select the text that you want to link to another internet site.


2. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink, or click the Insert Hyperlink button on the toolbar.


3.Under create a hyperlink to, click, A website or file on the internet.


4. Under Hyperlink information, type or past the URL in the Internet address of the Web site or file box, or click favorites to select a Web page from you Favorites folder.


5. Click Ok.


6. Underlined text usually indicates the presence of a hyperlink.

Creating a link for a picture


1. Click the picture that you want to link to an Internet Site.


2. On the insert menu, click Hyperlink, or click the Insert Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar.


3. Under Create a hyperlink to, click A Web site or file on the Internet.


4. Under Hyperlink information, type and paste the URL in the Internet address of the Web site or file box, or click Favorites to select a Web page from your Favorites toolbar.


5. Click Ok.

Using the Hot Spot Tool


To add hyperlinks to part of an object (for example, on picture in a collage), you can use the Hot Spot Tool.


1. On the Status bar, click the page 3 icon.


2. On the Objects toolbar, click Hot Spot Tool.


3. On the part of the picture you want to link to another page or Internet site, position the mouse pointer where you want to upper left edge of the link, and then drag the mouse

diagonally to create the hot spot.


4. Under Hyperlink information, type and past the URL in the Internet address of Web sti or file box, or click Favorites to choose a URL from your Favorites folder.


5. Click Ok.


6. Save you publication.

Creating a Hyperlink to an E-mail Address


1.Click the picture or select the text that you want to link to your e-mail address. When someone selects this link on the Internet, it starts that person’s e-mail program with your e-mail address in the To line.


2. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink or click the Insert Hyperlink button on the toolbar.


3. Under Create a hyperlink to, click An Internet e-mail address.


4. Under Hyperlink information, type an e-mail address.


5. Click Ok.


6. Save your publication.

Creating a Link to a File


If you want to link your web site to documents you have created, you have several options. If you want your viewers to have the ability to save and edit the document, you need to save the file in its original file format. Viewers must have the smae software to read and edit the file correctly. If you want your viewers to only read your document, you need to save it as a Web page.

Creating a Link to a Microsoft*Word or Microsoft* Excel Document


If you want to be sure that your audience can view your linked document, open that file and save it as a Web page in the same folder as you Web site (some formatting may be changed or lost).

1. Open the document.


2. On the File menu, click Save as Web Page.


3. Save the file in the same folder as your web page.


4. Return to your Web page. Select the text or picture you want to link the document.


5. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink, or click the Insert Hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar.


6. Under Create a hyperlink to, click A file on your hard disk.


7. Browse for the appropriate file and click ok.

Creating a link to a Microsoft*PowerPoint*document

If you want your audience to view your presentation as a slide show save your presentation as a PowerPoint Show. The extension for a file saved as a slide show is (.pps). When you link your Web site to this type of file, your presentation runs automatically as a slide show. You do not lose any formatting, animations, or transitions. However, only those who have PowerPoint software will be abel to view the presentation.


1. Open you PowerPoint presentation.


2. On the File menu, click Save As.


3. Locate your Program folder. Save the presentation in the same folder as your Web site.


4. In the File name box, type a name for the presentation.


5. In the Save as type box, click PowerPoint Show.


6. Return to your Web page.


7. Select the text or picture you want to link to the presentation.


8. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink, or click the Insert Hyperlink button on the toolbar.


9. Under Create a hyperlink to, click A file on your hard disk.


10. Browse for the appropriate file,, and then click Ok.

Linking to a PowerPoint Presentation

If you want the presentation to remain a Power-Point file that viewers can

save and edit, follow the instructions below. However, only those who

have Power-Point software can view the presentation.

1. Open your PowerPoint presentation.


2. On the file menu, click save as.


3. Locate your Program folder. Save the presentation in the same folder

    as your Website.


4. In the File Name box, type a name for the presentation.


5. Return to your Web page.


6. Select the text or picture that you want to link to the presentation.


7. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink, or click the insert Hyperlink button

    on the toolbar.


8. Under Create a Hyperlink to, click A file on your hard disk.


9. Browse for the appropriate file, then click OK.


            Note: To check if your PowerPoint presentation link works, you need to first

 save the Publisher file as a Web page in your Web page folder. After doing so, you can double-click the index file to check it. Checking the link may not work properly if you try to look at the file in Web Page Preview first.

Step 5: Saving a website


Before uploading your website to the internet, be sure to save your website in two formats. First, save your website as a Publisher file. This format allows you to edit and make changes to your website. When you have completely finished, save your website as a web page. Publisher converts all pages to HTML and all images to image files within a Web folder. HTML uses symbols and codes to tell Web browsers how to display the words and images on a Web page.


Saving as a Publisher File


1. Save your Web site as a Publisher file in you Web page folder.


2. On the File menu, click Save.


3. Locate your Program folder. Open your Student_samples folder. Then open the student_web _site folder.


4. Name your website


5. Click save