Description of my business (2)
Describe your product or service. (Must bee three complete sentences. (9))

<Example: Lisa Cruz’s Desktop Publishing offers a complete suite of Document Services to; meet your specific needs. From complete project consultation to graphic design, online ordering, printing, and scanning & archiving. Lisa Cruz’s Desktop Publishing offers a document solution for your business. Our easyDOCS@ Online Ordering solution allows you to manage and order your important business documents online at your convenience. . Personalized documents, real-time reporting, and fulfillment capabilities help you to maximize your budget expenditures.>

Targeted Market and Customers (2)
Describe your overall marketing strategy by defining an objective, marketing strategy and marketing tactic. (Must be three sentences. (9))
<example: Lisa Cruz’s Desktop Publishing targets mostly individual consumers as the main source of revenue, but a secondary revenue stream will come from corporate customers. For the individual consumers , Lisa Cruz‘s Desktop Publishing offers many customized options to satisfy their diverse tastes, and Lisa Cruz‘s Desktop Publishing would probably charge a higher price to ensure a good profit margin. For her corporate customers, Lisa Cruz‘s Desktop Publishing would likely offer a more limited product line–at quantity discounts–to allow Lisa Cruz‘s Desktop Publishing to mass produce for the large orders.>

Marketing Strategy (2)
Describe your overall marketing strategy by defining an objective, marketing strategy and marketing tactic. (Must be three complete sentences(9))

The Objective addresses the “big picture”. <Example: To enhance online client service as well as build awareness and interest with clients.”>

A marketing strategy supports your objective. The strategy defines general approaches you will take to meet your objective. <Example: Strategies to support the above objective could include 1) improve online communication, information, and education, 2) build awareness and interest in your company on the internet, and 3) communicate the Website’s existence and advantages to existing through flyers, and brochures.>

A marketing tactic is where the action takes place. Also called marketing programs or action plans they are the things you will do to bring each marketing strategy to life. Tactics for strategy 2 in the above example (improve online communication, information, and education) could include 1) sharing experience and observations in your industry through participation in discussion boards, 2) offering an e-mail newsletter, and 3) listing/submitting your site to targeted search engines and directories.

Competitive Advantage/Pricing Power (2)
Explain the unique qualities or circumstances concerning your product or service that will enable you to maintain profitable pricing. ( Must be three sentences.) (9)