Word Processing Protocols for CSAP Looking Documents
by Dr. Data
- All titles must be 24 point type size or whatever size permits the type to be on a single line.
- Full name, Data and Period always in the upper right- hand corner. Be sure to right justify it on separate liines.
- All titles need to be centered.
- Topic sentence is required in every paragraph
- All regular text in 12 point type size for everything else on the page, including directions.
- Be sure to left, right and/or center justification as given.
- Imitate single, double, triple spacing as given in the assignments.
- Note if the assignments is suppose to be single or douible spacing
- If assignment is to be single spaced, you will double space between paragraphs. If douible spaced, there will only be double spacing between paragraphs.
- Indent each paragraph witih the tab key which is usually five spaces of indenting.
- Always type with lower case except when words have to be capitalized:
- First word of sentence
- Proper name
- When given bold, italics and/or underlined words, you need to do it as illustrated..
- Double space after the end of every sentence after the period, question mark, etc. before starting the next sentence.
- Follow all instructions for each assignment. Some exercises will have to be typed more than once.
- Staple pages together with name, date and period on first page at the top right corner.
- Whenever assignment is completed at home, parent must sign assignment with a short note with their name and date of completion..
- Don't forget to use your spelling checker for correct spellings!
- Don't start so many sentences with I.
- Whenever the document looks awkward, ask Dr. Data hiow to make it look better!