Basic Structure of an HTML Page Here you will see a sample HTML page with the basic structure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title that is displayed at the top of your web browser and also used as the title by many search engines

Typing Instructions and

  1. Learn how to use an ASCII Editor (Microsoft NotePad with Mozilla FireFox)
  2. Go to NotePad and enter keystrokes for the first line only.
  3. Save the document to your folder
  4. View your document in Mozilla FireFox.
  5. Hit the Alt-Tab keys together and go back to NotePad and mke any corrections.
  6. Save the document again to your folder.
  7. Hit the Alt-Tab keys togethere and view your document in Mozill FireFox
  8. Hit the Alt-Tab keys together and go back to NotePad and make any corrections, save corrected file and hit Alt-Tab keys together and view corrected document in Mozilla FireFox.
  9. Hit the Alt-Tab keys and go back to NotePad and enter the second line of keystrokes.
  10. Save the document again to your folder.
  11. Hit the Alt-Tab keys together and view your document in Mozilla FireFox
  12. Hit the Alt-Tab keys together and go back to NotePad and make anyi corrections, save and view in Mozilla FireFox
  13. Continue the three-part sequence until the assignment is completed:
  14. HTML tags you are going to learn in the same order that you are going to use them.