Netscape Composer Internet Assignment #3:
Weeks of November 13 and 20, 2006

by Dr. Data

Let's Learn Netscape Composer To Build Web Pages More Easily & Faster!
(Don't Need to Use Notepad and Mozilla FireFox)

Three Excellent On-Line Tutorials to learn Netscape Composer:


Tips for using Netscape instantly:

  1. Open up Netscape
  2. Go to the Communications pull-down menu and select Composer
  3. This is a graphical way of constructing web pages without Notepad and no HTML coding!
  4. Click on any of the following Netscape Composer icons to give you instant results
Must Type Everything Below So That It Can Be Viewed in Netscape Composer/Navigator

Assignment #3: Internet Introduction/Tutorials
(All Hyperlinks Must Be Demonstrated Over The Internet For Grade!)

The Internet assignments involve using Firefox by Mozilla or Microsoft Explorer. The purpose of this Internet instruction is in surfing the Internet with search engines. Fortunately, the Jefferson Country Schools home page has about 18+ quality search engines that can be found on their home page at:

To log on the Internet, you are to go to your computer's desktop after you boot up. This is the screen that has all the program icons waiting for you. But first, you must log onto your computer as your own name with your own password.! Fortunately, all Pentium computers and the Gateway 2000 computer in the PC Lab are connected to the school district's T1 line for the Internet. Because we have only 20 computers connected to the Internet, we will need to double up with partners with about 7 to 10 students working together. Everybody else is to continue working at their individual workstation with the Internet assignments.

To learn Internet fundamentals, please go to the following "hot" link and read/study the contents at:

  1. What is the Internet?:
  2. Guides to using and searching the Web, browsers, and Internet software:
  3. Internet Tips and Secrets:
  4. Internet Fundamentals:
  5. Internet Topics:

Final Internet Search Engine Project:

  1. Organize Your Internet Research Project: How to Begin at: < Internet_Final_Directions.pdf >.
  2. Specific tips for Grading at: < >.
  3. Worth 500 points. Be sure to check on how Dr. Data will specifically will grade the project by going to its rubric at: < >.

Examples of bullets: