Class Expectations, Letter, Business ideas, Brain Storming

About Developing A Teenage Business

Week 1:

Content Unit Natioinal Teaching Standards:

  1. Basic operations and concepts.
  2. Creativity:
  3. Digital Mastery:
  4. Technology Operations and Concepts:



  1. Welcome and Class Expectations
  2. Assignment #1: Letter to Dr. Data on Friday introducing yourself by Friday
  3. Provide an example: Letter to Students as a writing assignment at: Formatting must be similar with spacing, justification, and plus good grammar, sentence syntax and spelling. For grading, see ruberic on the second page of for details.


  1. Daily typing warmup for 10 minutes. Eventually going through all four web sites throughout the semester.
  2. Career Planning. "Choices Explorer" and "Choices Planner" are now sponsored by the Colorado Deparatment of Higher Education and is provided free of charge through the website at: Create your own account and go through the following web sites below. As you work your through, you will create your own portfolio to better understand your future career needs, training and business that want to create especially for this class.

Learning objective: Write a short report to Dr. Data clearly identifying three things you learned about each of the URL's above in dealing with 1) exploring career options, 2) higher education opportunities, 3) high school coursework planner, 4) test preparation and 5) college planning timelines. Be sure to include a title and the report formatted in a business letter format with the date, greeting, the body, and signature. Double space between paragraphs and everything else single spaced. Use left justification.

  1. There's also a great web site to help student understand how to start up a bussines at: sponsored by the Jefferson County Workforce. A free version of "Career Futures" for career information is located at There is an interst quiz and then students can research different careers which are oriented for middle school age students.

    Learning objective: Write a short report to Dr. Data clearly identifying five things you learned about how to best start up your own business. Be sure to include a title and the report formatted in a business letter format with the date, greeting, the body, and signature. Double space between paragraphs and everything else single spaced. Use left justification.

  2. Chapter 1: Money: Why Do We Need It? Reading assignment at:

    Learning objective
    is to write a short business report addressing the following questions. Be sure to include a title and the report formatted in a business letter format with the date, greeting, the body, and signature. Double space between paragraphs and everything else single spaced. Use left justification.


  1. Chapter 2: Brainstorm - Money Making Opportunities. Reading assignment

    Learning objective
    is to write a short business report addressing the following questions. Be sure to include a title and the report formatted in a business letter format with the date, greeting, the body, and signature. Double space between paragraphs and everything else single spaced. Use left justification.
  • Questions to Think About
  • What Do you like to do?
  • Are you good at?

Due on Monday if not finished as homework