8th Grade Assignments for Week 10

by Dr. Data

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes.

    Typing tests in All The Right type with tests 4F and 5A

    PowerPoint Presentations for Promoting Your Business Plan

    These next two weeks, we are going to concentrate on how to promote your business via PowerPoint Presentations. You will need four introductionary PowerPoint assignments th first week and three assignments completed the second week.

    Objectives to be learned.

    1. Take an on-line pre-test PowerPoint test on Tuesday of week 10 to assess PowerPoint concepts that are mastered and need to be taught this week. Take the same on-line test to see what concepts have improved.

      • What is a PowerPoint Presentation?
      • How to create/change a slide layout?
      • How to insert new slide?
      • How to sert Photos/graphical art work?
      • How to insert a text box?
      • How to insert a graphical box?
      • How to change fonts?
      • Alignment: left, center and right?
      • How to change backgrounds?
      • How to use the spelling checker?
      • How to view a slide show?
      • How to setup a show?
      • How to set a preset animation?
      • How to do custom animation?
      • How to do a slide transition?
      • How to delete a slide?
      • How to use the slide sorter?
      • How to adjust margins in a slide show box?
      • How to save a slide show?
      • How to save a slide show as a web page?
      • How to print a slide show?
      • How to pack a slide show for remote presentations.
      • How to change the position of slides in a slide show?
      • Underlining text
      • Undo command
      • Bold text
      • Using the help files

    2. Pre-and Post-Test for 100 points each. For the on-line assessment test for 100 points. go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/Quiz/PowerPoint/Final_PowerPoint2.html . Suggest you take this test after you have completed the two PowerPoint assignments. You can take the test as many times as necessary to pass the test. The web link has the grading expectations well documented.

    3. Construct two separate PowerPoint assignments emphasizing the business plan. Both PowerPoint assignments are due on Friday of week 10 for 200 points each of credit.

    Monday: Learning PowerPoint: On-Line Tutorials!

    Learning Objective: Construct a PowerPoint slideshow illustrating five concepts that were learned by going through one or more of the PowerPoint tutorials below in a three-page slideshow for 100 points.

    Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/powerpoint_syllabus.html#Introduction

    Learning PowerPoint is easy with the many excellent on-line tutorials that are available. Please take a few minutes to become more familiar with PowerPoint at:

      1. http://www.kuzmich.com/PowerPoint_Tutorials.html. (18 tutorials are linked here.
      2. http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/PowerPoint_Tutorial2.html (single introduction tutorial)

      Basic PowerPoint Concepts To Be Used in Both PowerPoint Assignments!
      Tuesday through Friday

      PowerPoint concepts that you need to be familiar with that the tutorials will cover are:

      1. Setting up a PowerPoint file with presentation type, output of use, template, background, slide layout, pre-set animation, custom animation, Word Art, slide transition, customizing slideshow, changing slide order, deleting slides, adding artwork/photos/sound, viewing a slideshow, new slides, and save as a web presentation.
      2. For more features to be learned in PowerPoint, go to a handy on-line PowerPoint glossary at: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/007247187x/student_view0/powerpoint_glossary.html

      Four Power Point Assignments For This First Week!
      (Each First Week's PowerPoint is Worth 100 Points)

      1. All About Me: Objectives: Must contain the following ingredients.

        • Using prsentation software
        • Matking attractive slides
        • Working with bulleted text
        • Building text
        • Making transitions between slides
        • Adding clip art
        • Viewing slide show and rehearsing new timings

      2. PowerPoint Research Project: Objectives: Must contain the following ingredients.

        • Learning the bsaics of presentaiton software: PowerPoint
        • Making bulleted text
        • Resizing clip art objects
        • Learning techniques for attractoive layout design

      3. Designing Travel Brochures: Objectives: Must contain the following ingredients.

        • Learning basic desktop publishing: Microsoft Publisher
        • Inseting borders
        • Formatting text in different fonts
        • Inserting pictures from a CD-ROM or Internet

      4. Family Trees: Objectives: Must contain the following ingredients.

        • Learning the basics of an orgtanization chart
        • Inserting boxes in a organization chart
        • Formatting text in different fonts
        • Putting borders around boxes

        Second Week of PowerPoint Presentations: Two Projects

        PowerPoint presentation can help you read your customers. Before designing the PowerPoint presentation, you must identify what contents that will go on each slide.

      5. First Major PowerPoint Presentation is worth 200 points: Objectives Must contain the following ingredients.

        • Must cover your business plan as outlined from http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Business_Plan_Template.html with a title slide with logo and a separate slide for each bullet below.
        • Description of your business in terms of products or services?
        • Targeted Market and Customers in terms of describing your customer profile and why they want or need your product or service.
        • Marketing Strategy in terms of describing your overall marketing strategy
        • Competitive Advantage/Pricing Power by explaining the unique qualities or circumstances concerning your product or service that will enable you to maintain profitable pricing.
        • Closing slide summarizing your business.

      6. Create a second 200-point PowerPoint slide show must incorporate all aspects of the materials pertinent to your business and be at least 7 slides in length Objectives: Must contain the following ingredients.

        • Logo
        • Important to use different artwork in this slideshow so that it looks different from the first one.
        • Business card
        • Flyer
        • Three fold brochure
        • Emphasize how you are going promote your sales from the first slideshow.

      7. For the on-line assessment test for 100 points. go to: http://www.kuzmich2.com/Quiz/PowerPoint/PowerPoint_Actual.htm. Suggest you take this test after you have completed the two PowerPoint assignments. You can take the test as many times as necessary to pass the test. The web link has the grading expectations well documented.

        Business Financial PowerPoint Ruberics: 200 Points Per Slide Show for Second Week

        Total of 400 points to be awarded for each of the two PowerPoint slideshiows submitted correctly by Friday of week 10 plus 100 points for the pre-and-post PowerePoint on-line tests.. Here is how the first spreadsheet should appear. The second PowerPoint has all ingredients requested in the on-line rubric below as you need to print out for credit. Note: must print-out each slideshow for credit!