8th Grade HTML Assignments
For Weeks 12A and 12B

by Dr. Data

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes.

    Typing tests in All The Right type with tests 5B and 5C.

    Web Development: Overview of HTML Over 4 Weeks!

    Two Entry-Level HTML Curriculum Choices To Chose From:

    Click Here for Weeks 12A and 12B

    Week 12A: Part 1

    • In Week 12A.Part 1: Here are 14 lesson step-by-step track. Each lesson is worth 100 points. See Dr. Data for individual lesson sheets or go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/HTML.html. When finished with these 14 lessons, go to Dr. Data's curriculum and earn even more points!!!!!!
    • Dr. Data's HTML curriculum is below in Week 12B. Points earned are as specified below.
    • Or, select combinations of both curriculums and earn points as specified for each assignment in each curriculum!!
    • Stuidents will use Microsoft NotePad to create an HTML file and Microsoft Explorer to display the HTML files. Be sure to safe all HTML files with an .HTML extension. Students will need to have both programs open simultaneously.

    Web development is one of the most productive, fascinating aspects of technology these days. You will be exposed to three different ways to construction web pages.

    HTML: a universal programming language that works equally well in Mac or PC. Necessary to know this for really fine-tune editing.of web pages that you create. You will learn this Week 12A. Why are we learning HTML? To be able to edit web pages when GUI Web Editors can't edit exactly as you would like. Then you can edit manually to do a better job!

    Week 12B: Part 2

    Dr. Data Curriculum: HTML: Part 2: Week 12B:

    Learn how construct HTML with a PageBreeze, an HTML Editor, and a web browser (Microsoft Explorer). You can download PageBreeze for free for home use at: http://www.pagebreeze.com.

    You can earn 100 points poer assignment by copying and pasting the following assignments from the URL's below into PageBreeze and validate by displaying in 1) normal, 2) HTML Source and 3) Internet Explore. Or earn 300 points per URL by typing directly into PageBreeze manually and validating in the same manner as above.

    by Monday, Week 12B, Part 2: Complete one HTML on-line tutorial. http://www.middleschool.net/less_tut/tutorials.htm#Internet%20Tutorials contains 9 excellent HTML tutorials. Best one for your first day is: the one I particularly like is: http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/html/testbed.html because it displays your work instantly on a web browser. See the following URL for the text that I'd like you to type into this tutorial web site in PageBreeze at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Demo1.pdf. Print it out with your name for 100 points!!!

    Learning Objective: to construct an HTML document with the help of the above tutorial

    By Tuesday, Week 12B, Part 2: with at least one HTML tutorial completed, do the preliminary HTML web page by using an ASCII editor, Microsoft NotePad and a web browser: Internet Expolorer at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML0.html and http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML0_code.pdf.l If you need HTML help, a very good web for more HTML tutorials is: http://jmarshall.com/easy/html/ for there are many good tutorials to follow up on day one of Week 12. The codes that you will learn are identified at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML0.pdf and are usee to create a document from scratch without any tutorial will be the same letter you created yesterday in the HTML tutorial at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Demo1.pdf

    Learning Objective: to create an HTML document without the help of a tutorial from a basic repertory of HTML codes identified as.

      HTML tags you are going to learn in the same order that you are going to use them.

      <center> and </center>

      Large Headline type: <H1> and </h1> (size of titles varies from H1, H2, H3 and H4)

      Bold type: <b> and </b>

      Change font size: <font size="3"> (choose between 1 and 7)

      Change text color: <font color="red"> and </font>

      Paragraph: <p>

      Drop one line: <br>

      Italics: <i> and </i>

      Hozionatal line across the entire page: <hr>

      Underline: <u>

      Left aligning text: <p align="left">

      Right aligning text: <p align="right">

      Blinking text: <blink> and </blink> (only works in Netscape and Mozilla FireFox)

      Scrolling Text: <marquee> and </marquee> (only works in Internet Explorer)

    By Wednesday, Week 12B, Part 2:. With this tutorial, do the first HTML assignment: HTML1.html at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML1.html and http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML1_code.pdf

      Basic Structure of an HTML Page Here you will see a sample HTML page with the basic structure.

      Paragraph: <p>

      Drop one line: <br>

      Bold type: <b> and </b>

      Italics: <i> and </i>

      Underline: <u>

      Large Headline type: <H1> and </h1> (size of titles varies from H1, H2, H3 and H4)

      <center> and </center>

      Hozionatal line across the entire page: <hr>

      Left aligning text: <p align="left">

      Right aligning text: <p align="right">

      Change font size: <font size="3"> (choose between 1 and 7)

      Blinking text: <blink> and </blink> (onlyi works in Netscape and Mozilla FireFox)

      Scrolling Text: <marquee> and </marquee> (only works in Internet Explorer)

      Change text color: <font color="red"> and </font>

    Learning Objective: to create a more complicated HTML document with more HTML codes as defined in the web-based worksheet above.

    By Friday, Week 12B, Part 2:. With this tutorial, do the second HTML assignment: HTML2.html at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML2.html and http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML2_code.pdf

    Learning Objective: to create a rather sophisticated HTML document with even more HTML codes, including links.

    By Friday, Week 12, Part 2: . See 60 point extra-credit assignent at the bottom of this web page.

    Dr. Data HTML: Part 3: Week 13

    PageBreeze: A graphical interface that goes beyond HTML that is far more user-friendly: Week of week 13. Netscape can be downloaded at home for free: http://browser.netscape.com/ns8/download/archive72x.jsp. Be aware the last versison of Netscape is 7.2 which has Netscape Composer.

    For specific lessons and learning objectives, go to Week 13, Part 3.

    Dr. Data HTML: Part 4: Weeks 14 and 15

    Microsoft Publisher with a graphical interface (WYSIWYG) or GUI.

    For specific lessons and learning objectives, to to Weeks 14 and 15, Part 4.

    Four Required HTML Tutorials: Week 13

    Here are some good on-line HTML tutorials to get you jump started with HTML coding for designing web pages.

      1. http://www.middleschool.net/less_tut/tutorials.htm#Internet%20Turorials contains 9 excellent HTML tutorials. Best one for your first day is: HTMLementary. Must verify that completed one or these 9 HTMl tutorials to Dr. Data. 25 extra-credit points will be given for each additional HTML tutorial completed.

      2. With at least one HTML tutorial completed, do the preliminary HTML web page by using an ASCII editor, Microsoft NotePad and a web browser: Mozilla Firefox at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML0.html and http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML0_code.pdf

      3. With it at least one HTML tutorial completed, do the first HTML assignment: HTML1.html at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML1.pdf and http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML1.html

      4. With this tutorial, do the second HTML assignment: HTML2.pdfl at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML1_code.pdf and http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML2_code.pdf

    Here's a Summary of the Nine Excellent On-Line Web Building Tutorials Available: