8th Grade Class HTML Assignments

For the Weeks 13 and 14

You will need to use the following URL’s to complete the assignment. Use Mozilla FireFox.


1.        Detailed Week 13 Syllabus: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Week13.html


2.         By Tuesday. With at least one HTML tutorial completed, create the preliminary HTML web page by using an ASCII editor, Netscape’s Composer and Navigator browser: Mozilla Firefox at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML3.html


3.         By Thursday.. With at least one HTML tutorial completed, create the preliminary HTML web page by using Netscape’s Composer and Navigator browser at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/HTML4.html


4.         By Friday. See 60 point extra-credit assignment at the bottom of this web page.


5.        Week 14: complete assignments from the Week 13. Strongly suggest students finished with their work, begin working of the week 14 assignments with Microsoft Publisher at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Week14.html.


6.        Note: whatever assignments are not completed the week 13, they are to be completed the week 14. Note: when students finish their assignment they can play/make computer games on those days only. No Internet surfing unless related to their business plan such as business logos, photos, business cards, etc.


7.         Extra-Credit: Weeks 13 and 14: First HTML Business Web Page Assignment:

(Weeks 13 with either Microsoft Notepad and Netscape Navigator and week 14 with Netscape Composer and Navigator)


Your 60 point assignment for you to incorporate a one-page web site imitating your business flyer with the following rubric:


Title of Business: 10 points

Business Address: 10 points

Phone number: 10 points

business card: 10 points

Business logo: 10 points

One photograph: 10 points