Web Development: Overview of HTML Over 4 Weeks!
HTML:Week 14: Week's Syllabus. Simplest instructions at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Week14_syllabus.html
HTML: Week 14 With Specific Assignments
- Microsoft Publisher A graphical interface that goes beyond HTML that is far more user-friendly: Week of November 13, 2006. Netscape can be downloaded at home for free: http://browser.netscape.com/ns8/download/archive72x.jsp. Be aware the last versison of Netscape is 7.2 which has Netscape Composer.
- PageBreeze: An excellent HTML editor that is free for home and school use. http://www.pagebreeze.html. There are some good tutorials on-line to learn the program quickly:
- For specific lessons and learning objectives, students will create a web page each day a web site with Netscape Composer that has a GUI interface with a predefined template. Students will insert there own text, artwork and photos where designated at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Demo_Web_Template.html
- For students who don't like doing daily web training assignment, here's an alternative using Netscape with options to learn by doing it rather than by studying it. Here are different options each worth 300 points per web page.
- First Real Web Site: Construct a web site in Netscape Composer with table(s), artwork, articles, title and pictures. Topic: Your Favorite Topic. Click on the following template at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Demo_Web_Template.html and you will see what the web template looks like. You fill in the boxes with content and you have 300 points earn. Must print out. Artwork and photos can be downloaded from the Internet plus there is a wealth of artwork on Drive S: on the school server. Go there, you go to Students folder, then to Kuzmich Assignments and then to folder entitled "artwork" and you about twelve different folders loaded with free artwork. Note: these folders can only be accessed from school and not on the Internet.
- Second Real Web Site: Add a second page to the first web page by doing a link from the first page. Then design your own template using a 8 row table in much the same manner as: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Demo_Web_Template.html Again, it worth 300 points if.... you follow the same rubric format as designed in the above template. But it has to be a different layout. It could be 2, 3, or 4 columns. Be sure all pages link back to the first page!!! So all pages are interactive and can be access from each other.
- Third, Fourth, Fifth and Six Real Web Sites: Add them following the instruction for the Second Real Web Site above. 300 points for each addition page. It could even have different tables on the same page.
Alternative to Making Web Pages in Weeek 14: Create Photo Editing in either Picasa, Adobe Photo Elemenets or ARC Photo Suite or Morpheus Photo Animation Suite Double points for photos edited in Morpheus Photo Animation Suite.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Edit six photos daily for special effects that pertain to your business. Week 14 will have 24 photos edited. Number the photos: Special 1, Special 2, etc.. .
- Friday, insert all 24 photos intoo your business web pagess of Week 13 by increasing the number pages to 10 pages.
- Extra-credit is available for going through the Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 tutorial, pages pages 8 to 24. Topics covered and for every heading covered, you earn 25 points. Note: there are both many photos and some tutorials located on Carmody's server at Drive S: under Kuzmich Assignments in a folder called PhotoShop Elements that you can work with and edit for practice in learning the following powerful editing features found in PhotoShop Elements.
- Customizing Your View
- Zooming in
- Quick Image Fix
- Sharpening the Image
- Adjusting Color and Saturation
- Selection Tools
(since there are so many tools, you can earn 10 points per tool below)
- Rectangular Marquee
- Elliptical Marquee Tool
- Magnetic Lasso Tool
- Magic Wand Tool
- Inverting a Selectiion
- Feathering a Selection to Vignette an Image
- Duplicating by Cloning
- Resizing and Resampling
(10 points per tool below)
- Changing the Image's Size
- Resampling an Image
- Distorting the Image
- Enlarging the Canvas Size
- Trimming and Framing: C ropping (Trimming) a Photo
- Adding a Frame to your Image
- Fancy Frmes using the Effects Palette
- Fun With Filters
(10 points per filter below)
- Getting Artistic witih Colored Pencil
- Distoring Reality
- Creating a Mosaic
Here's a Summary of the Nine Excellent On-Line Web Building Tutorials Available:
- First mini assignment to learn text and font tags.
- 2nd mini assignment to learn page structure
- 3rd mini assignment to learn hyperlinks
- 4th tutorial to learn bulleted lists
- 5th tutorial to learn Adding images
Review of HTML Activities
Let's Start with Basic HTML Programming Elements with Tutorials that
cover many important web page concepts at: <http://www.kuzmich.com//handouts/HTML_outline.html> and free HTML
Tutorial at: http://www.2createawebsite.com/build/html.html>.
- The Very Beginning
- Simple Text Enhancement
- Italics typeface:
- Underline typeface: Creative banners with fancy fonts: http://www.cooltext.com/
- Simple Text Formatting:
- Hard carriage return: <BR>or <P>,
- Centering: <center>
- Font Size: <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>,
- Multiple columns: <MULTICOL COLS=2 GUTTER=10>, </MULTICOL>
- Line Across
the Screen: <HR>
- Image:
< img src = "nameof the file .gif" > It will probably be a .GIF or JPG file (extension)
- Fancy Animated backgrounds: <Body Background="File.JPG"> or HTML code:
- Animation Online: http://www.animfactory.com, http://animationonline.com, http://www.buttonmaker.com/
- http://cooltext.com
- http://www.arcadia-animations.com/index2.htm
- GIF Animations.COM (20,000 animations): http://www.gifanimations.com/
- Smiley Cental (10,000 smiley faces, some with music): http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml
- Free Music Clip Art: http://www.voice-teacher.com/html/free_music_clip_art.html
- More Free Music Clip Art: http://school.discovery.com/clipart/category/musc1.html
- More, More Free Music Clip Art: http://www.school-clip-art.com/music_clipart.shtml
- Outling and Organizing Text:
- Indent with numbered order: <OL>
- Assorted graphical indents: <UL>
- 3. List Item: <LI>
- Links to other web sites <A HREF="URL">Text</A> Posting
photographs: <img SRC="name of photo file JPEG or .GIF">:
- Great HTML Guide to Coding at: http://werbach.com/barebones/
Extra-Credit: Week 14's First HTML Business Web Page Assignment:
(Will be the First Assignment for Week 13 with Netscape Composer)
Your 60 point assignment for you to incorporate a one-page web site imitating your business flyer with the following rubric:
Title of Business: 10 points
Business Address: 10 points
Phone number: 10 points
business card: 10 points
Business logo: 10 points
One photograph: 10 points