Weeks 15+, 16, 17 and Beyond to End of Semester

Construct Your Own Web Pages With Pictures, Hyperlinks, Etc.:

And Post To The Internet!

by Dr. Data

Last Two Plus Weeks of Each Semester

Week 15 Typing Tests : 6D and 6E

  1. Finish Business Web Pages (4) from Week 14

  2. Week 15: Start Personal web site in Microsoft Publisher or Netscape Composer with 4 web pages about:

Rubric for this four page web site: go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Web_Rubric.pdf for a total of 100 points earned per page. Main technical ingredients for each web page as follows in addition to good layout apeearances.

  1. Each web page must have 1 photo (either digital or scanned photo or downloaded from the Internet).
  2. Each web page needs at least one article about either you, your friends, your hobbies/interests, your business interests and your favorite things.
  3. Each web page needs at least two fancy titles by using WordArt.
  4. Each web page needs a fancy, colored background color
  5. All web pages must be linked to each other.
  6. Each web page needs to have two links to other web pages outside of your web site.

Week 16 No Typing Tests

Design Your Own Personal Web Site


The second week from the end of the semester will focus in on editing your photos used on your personal web site with four different web pages. This 500 point project can be done in one of three ways.

  1. HTML coding
  2. Netscape Composer
  3. Microsoft Publisher (strongly suggest using Microsoft Publisher)

Main Ingredients for the six page web site with be about making your own Carmody School web site. To peruse what editorial content could be copied and pasted from Carmody's web site, go to: http://sc.jeffco.k12.co.us/education/school/school.php?sectionid=280 ideas, photos, logos and text. Structural web tools will include the following:

  1. One page needs to designated as the home page with contact information for you including e-mail address.
  2. Must have three types of alignment on each web page
  3. Each page must be link to another page
  4. Must be multimedia attractive with
  5. Three photos and/or artwork per page All three of the photos must be altered in Adobe PhotoShope Elements 6.0. In this software, you can changte the color, sharpness of the photo, the size, and more. For instruction on how to edit photos with many creative options, go to Weeks 14 and/or 15.
  6. One video link per page
  7. Two musical links per page
  8. One list on every page with either numbers or boxes
  9. Two three articles per page.
  10. Each web page is organized in either a two, three or four page format.


Week 17 No Typing Tests!

Alternative Creative Assignments That Rocks Out The Semester!


The last week of instruction will involve any combination of doing creative, graphical projects: newsletters, web pages, computer music creation, painting & drawing, and/or computer game design. The purpose of this instruction is to develop artistic skills on the computer for designing music, painting and drawing and computer games with animation and special sound effects. Each day an assignment from the ones below when completed earn 25 points per day for a maximum of 700 points for the entire seven days! Final Projects are worth 100 points. Match your interests with these assignments and earn as many points as possible as needed to earn the next grade higher!


To post your web pages to the Internet,

  1. You must first register with a free web hosting service. To find them, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/free_web_hosting.html. Not onlyi will you have a login name and a password, but the appropriate URL to log-in to.
  2. Then you need to use either Netscape 7.2 or Microsoft Publisher to post the web files directly to your free web hosting service.
  3. Once your web pages are successfully loaded, you will be to view them at a designated URL for your web site.
  4. Good luck!



Newsletters & Web Pages: Click for more information

(50 points each Assignment):

1.      Assignment 1: design a three-page newsletter in which all pages need to be “hot” linked together by hyperlinks. Must have appropriate graphics fitting your theme inserted wherever included on the templates. You ;can use HTML coding with Notepad, Netscape Composer and/or Microsoft Publisher.

2.      Final Project worth 100 points: Convert completed newsletter to a web page of 8 pages with all pages hyperlinked!




Your 100 point final project assignment for this business plan web pages need to incorporate a eight-page newsletter with the following:

Computer Music Assignments: Click for more information

(25 points per assignment)

Note: Must Bring Your Own headphones with miniature 1/8" jack

1.         Assignment #1: Introduction: Learn How To Operate Band -In-A-Box

2.         Assignment #2: You Create Your own Musical Composition: The Blues!

3.         Assignment #3: Modify A Musical Composition!

4.         Assignment #4: Your Create Your Own Music Composition From Sheet Music!

Painting and Drawing: Click for more information

(25 Points per Assignment)

1.      Demonstrate Dazzle Draw Techniques with a "ClarisWorks Treasure Vocabulary Sheet": Assignment #1

2.      Section One: "Talking Words: Tongue Twisters and Shorthand": Assignment #2

3.      Section Two: "Constellations, Illusions and Curves from Straight Lines," Assignment #3

4.      Section Three: Monday, "Perfect Shapes, Signs, Weaving, Flags and Mazes,"

5.      Section Four: Vanishing Points I & II, Contour Map, Monograms, The Eye, Phases of the Moon, Snowflakes, Land Forms and Facial expressions.

6.      100 Point Final Project. See Dr. Data for the Rubric.

Designing/Creating Computer Games!

(Each game level is worth 25 points)

1. Step One: Outline of Klik & Play Tutorial!

2. Step Two: Now You Do It - Level One Game!

3. Step Three: Now You Do It - Add Level Two!

4. Step Four: Completed Game with Animation and Special Sound Effects!

5. Step Five and beyond: make as many levels as you desire at 25 points a level!!

Individual Unit Final Projects!: Click for more information

(Nine Different Project Available at 50 Points Each)

  1. Earn 50 points per project on your favorite software applications instead of earning 25 points a day. Click on the "hot" link above for more information.


Week 16: End of the Semester Business


Thank you for being in Dr. Data's Class!!!!!


Dr. Data