8th Grade Assignments for the Week 2

by Dr. Data

Week 2

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing or All The Right Type. Friday test on 1C and 2A.
    Completion of assignment #1: Introduction letter with ruberic at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/8th_Assignment1.html. To be done in a word processor. See Guideline sheet for correct word processing formatting at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Cheat_Sheet.html
    Complete reading Chapters 1 and 2 and provide answers to the following questions: for Tuesday

    Review of First Two Weeks of School:

    Chapter 1: Money: Why Do We Need It? Reading assignment at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Chapter1.html . Extra-credit for 20 points.

    • How Do We Make It?

    • Where Does it Come From?

    • Allowance? Work - For Allowance

    • Ask for a raise or start your own companyR

    Completion of Chapter 2: Brainstorm - Money Making Opportunities. Reading assignment http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Chapter2.html. Extra-credit for 20 -points.
    • Questions to Think About

    • What Do you like to do?

    • Are you good at?

    By Monday: go to http://www.youngbiz.com and do assignments 2 and 3 today. Assignment sheets can be printed out at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/youngbiz.html
    By Tuesday, read Business Plan: Reads chapter 3 http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Chapter3.html ,
    By Wednesday, read Business Plan Read 4: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Chapter4.html,

    Need help deciding what business to select? Go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/30%20Great%20Business%20Ideas.htm and you will have over 30 businesses especially appropriate for teenagers.

    Special 8th Grade Class Lesson Plans: Week 2of September 10, 2007

    There will be intermittent Internet use in class the next two weeks. The good news is that we will have a much better system soon with better/faster than presently, plus a better server connection and even optical mice. So students will need to work at home probably more than they would normally. So homework is really necessary. Hopefully, parents will make your home computers available to you. Plus you can go to the public library, go to a friend’s house, a relative home and/or a neighbor. Important: all links below are there for everybody to read before ever filling out the forms linked below.

    Learning Objective for Friday: modify business plan with specific updates taken from Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 covered this week. For example,

    • Budget revisions on what your competitors are charging for similar products
    • Marketing strategeries for promoting your products and services
    • Is your product/services over saturated in stories.
    • Cost estimation of profit margain. Nornally, 100% over cost is a fair goal for estimating profit.
    • Management skills needs to produce the product and/or services.

    Assigned reading of chapters one, two, three, four, and five. See above for their links.. Now complete the forms for 20 points each with check marks. There are 6 of them. Print and complete by answering all questioins and submit to Dr. Data.

    Form #1: : Eight Essential Entrepreneurial Traits at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Entrepreneuria1.pdf

    Are You Ready to Be an Entrepreneur?

    What is an entrepreneur?

    Do you have what ti takes?

    Quick Tip

    Form #2: Your Entrepreneurial Checklist at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/business_Plan.pdf

    Why Are You Starting Your Own Business?

    The Downside of Self-Employment

    Leaving the traditional workplace

    More work, less pay

    Stres-related illness and depression

    Unappreciate employers

    Layoffs, downsizing or no work

    Fewer opportunities for youth

    Incompetent employers

    Family jugglin and home-based businesses

    Leaving the boss behind

    Fingertip technology

    The baby boomer upsureg

    Seven Skills for Sucess

    Interpersonal skills


    Financial skills

    Technical skills

    Communication Skills

    Marketing skills

    Technological skills

    Form #5: What is Good Business Management at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/What is Good Business Management.pdf

    Do you have Management Skills?

    Whyi Do businesses Fail?

    No Planning andn poor management

    Lack of cash flow and capital

    Wrong location

    Inadequate marketingn plan

    Competition ;not researched

    Wrong Choice of Business

    Business grows too quickly


    Form #6: What Does A Business Plan Contain? See great checklist and overview of what goes into a business plan at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Business Plan Checklists.pdf

    • Cover Plan

      Table of Contents

      Executive Summary

      Genearl Company Description

      Products and Services

      Marketing Plan

      Market Research - How?






      Competitive Analysis




      Promotional Budget


      Proposed Location

      Distributiion Channels

      Sales Forecast

      Operational Plan

    • Production


      Legal Environment




      Credit Policies

      Managing Your Accounts Receivable

      Managing Your Accounts Payable

      Management and Organization

    • Professiional andn Advisory Support

      Personal Financial Statement

      Startup Expenses and Capitalization

      Financial Plan

      12-Month Profit and Loss Projection

      Four-Year Profit Projection (Optional)

      Project6ed Cash Flow

      Opening Day Balance Sheet

      Break-Even Analysis


    • Brochures and advertising materials

      Industry studies

      Blueprints and plans

      Maps and photos of location

      Magazine or other artiles

      Detailed lists of eqwuipment owned or to be purchased

      Copies of leases and contracts

      Letters of support from future customers

      Any other materials needed to support the assumptions in this plan

      Market reseawrch studies

      List of assets available as collatgeral for a loan

      Refining the Plan

    • For Raising Capital For Bankers

      For Investors

      Types of Business

    • Manufacturing

      Service Businesses

      High Technology Companies

      Retail Business

    • Resources to better understandn a business plan model, consider the following outline.

    • Cover Plan

      Table of Contents

      Executive Summary

      Genearl Company Descriptio

      Products and Services

      Marketing Plan

      Market Research - How?






      Competitive Analysis




      Promotional Budget


      Proposed Location

      Distributiion Channels

      Sales Forecast