8th Grade Assignments for Week 4

by Dr. Data

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes. You will be tested in All The Right Type by taking tests 2D and 2E on Friday.

    Week 4

    Makeup work from previous week:

    Monday Through Friday:

    1. Create 5 business with logos that are coloful, dynamic witih catching words/phrases and fancy fonts.
    2. Business plans need to be revised because most students need to add additional information to make them more comprehensive. Categories for the business plan include:
      • Describe your product or service.
      • Describe your customer profile and why they want or need your product or service.
      • Describe your overall marketing strategy.
      • Explain the unique qualities or circumstances concerning your product or service that will enable you to maintain profitable pricing.

    New Work: Creating Five Digital Personal Photos of You That Are Inserted On Your Business Cards Created in Week 3!

    1. Photo Editing of photos taken by a digital camera of you!!!! Please bring in your digital cameras and phones with their USB cables to connect to your workstation. Or bring in your own photos and convert them digitally with a scanner.
    2. Photo Scanning with our three Canon Scanners that can be moved to your workstation.

    Create five business cards again this week with the rubric items listed below but must include one photo (either scanned or digital photo). Earn 100 points for each personal photo inputed into your business cards of last week.in in Microsoft Publisher and 200 points in Microsoft Word for it is more complicated in Microsoft Word but most people have Microsoft Word on their computer at home. And double points for each photo edited in a photo editing program.

    Extra 100 points per business card if you alter one phot per business card in either Adobe Photoshop Elements or ARCSoft Photo Studio5.5 (which is on every student workstation) or Picassa for your use at home since it can be downloaded for free. These software products can do alter photos with special effects. See below for all of the creative options and details and on-line tutorials.

    • Special photo editing effects in Adobe Photoshop Elements are as follows:
      • Customizing Your View
      • Zooming in
      • Quick Image Fix
      • Sharpening the Image
      • Adjusting Color and Saturation
      • Selection Tools (since there are so many tools, you can earn 10 points per tool below)
        • Rectangular Marquee
        • Elliptical Marquee Tool
        • Magnetic Lasso Tool
        • Magic Wand Tool
        • Inverting a Selectiion
        • Feathering a Selection to Vignette an Image
        • Duplicating by Cloning
        • Resizing and Resampling (10 points per tool below)
          • Changing the Image's Size
          • Resampling an Image
          • Distorting the Image
        • Enlarging the Canvas Size
        • Trimming and Framing: C ropping (Trimming) a Photo
          • Crop Tool
        • Adding a Frame to your Image
        • Fancy Frmes using the Effects Palette
        • Fun With Filters (10 points per filter below)
          • Getting Artistic witih Colored Pencil
          • Distoring Reality
          • Creating a Mosaic

    Need tutorials to learn Adobe Photo Elements? Try these!

    1. Excellent topics for photo editing with ten separate on-line tutorials: http://www.photoshoproadmap.com/Photoshop-tutorials/Photoshop-Elements-tutorials/Most-popular/1/
    2. Another Good starter for learning PhotoShop Elements: http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/adobe_photoshop_elements/
    3. http://www.grafx-design.com/elements_tut.php Learn more basics of PhotoShop Elements

    Want a free software graphical program to edit your photos? Picassa (free download from Google) for editing/cropping/improving photos. Photoshop and Photoshop Elements by Adobe could be substituted if you have one of them. Other appropriate multimedia applications for Mac include iLife and iPhoto . Picassa does a lot of the photo editing that Adobe PhotoShop Elements and ARCSoft Photo Studio5.5 do but Picassa is for free which is great for home use. You can download it at home at: http://picasa.google.com/download/

    This week's assignment has two options. One: Use Microsof Word or two; use Microsoft Publisher to produce a quality business card with business logo and all company info such as Company name, phone #, e-mail address, address and potential web site name if known. Assignment is worth 200 points for printing out each of the five different formatted business cards with Microsoft Office and 100 points each using Microsoft Publisher.

    Here is how it will be graded: Need five business cards created and saved in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher. Be sure to update your business logos.

    1. Produce business cards from scratch, In Microsoft Word, go to Tools pull-down menu and go to Envelopes and Labels and you copy logo into a label format and print out 10 real business cards using special business label stock of 2.5" X 3.".
    2. Produce business cares from Microsoft Word templates. Microsoft Word also has the capabilities of searching on-line for business card templates that work instantly and very user-friendly inside of Microsoft Word. Here's how to download them for your use. In Microsoft Word on the right center of the workspace is a toolbar for doing a search. Type in "business cards" and hit the search button. 26 templates will be avalable for you to view and download. Click on the first one and view it, hit the next button and so on to view all of them easily. Click the download button for ones that you want to use. Put them in your folder on the school server and then you can open them up and modify them with your personal information and logos previously created and saved..
    3. Microsoft Publisher can produce business cards by going to "Publications for Priint." Select business cards and there is an excellent tutorial waiting for you with 53 ready-made templates to built from.

    Learning Objective: Create five business cards with the following rubric for the ingredients that will be graded. Students will design six different business photo logos for your business plus finalize your business plan with more in-depth information in both Microsoft Word and in Web application discussed below. A total of five personal photo logs will be created for 100 points each, but worth 200 points each if edited in a photo editing program.

    The Business Card Rubric for Grading

    Your business plan must include the following:

    Logo: 10
    Company Name: 10
    Three relevant sentences per category: 50
    Titles of category bolded: 10
    Content: 10
    Neatness: 10
    Spelling and grammar: -1 per occurrence

    Total possible   points                                       100 possible points per business card


    Need help with a business plan assistance? Go to: http://www.grsites.com for construction of some exciting logos!

    Helpful Hints:

    Still need help on designing a very creative logo? Here are seven additional URL's that will allow you to design and print out your first logos. The last two are real winners for a professional-looking coporate-looking logo with graphics. Just right click on the finished logo and save as image to your folder.

    1. Cool Text:  www.cooltext.com
    2. Animal Text:  www.animaltext.com/index.php
    3. GlitterMaker.Com:  www.glittermaker.com/
    4. TrippyText.com:  www.trippytext.com
    5. GraphiMorph:  www.graphimorph-hk.com/home.html
    6. Corporate Logo Design With Graphics:  logodesignpros.com/Logo-Design-Pros/portfolios.aspx  This one is really good for our class situation.
    7. You Design - We Print at: http://www.designyourowncard.com/

    More Helpful Hints:

    Sample business cards to help illustrate business card formatting: Here are the elements that you need to consider when desigining a 2" X 3.5" business card.

    1. Layout
    2. Special uses of fonts
    3. Alighment of letters
    4. Special use of logos and graphics
    5. Use of contrast
    6. Fit the words together

    Click here to see an animated GIF show featuring 40 business cards in 5 second increments that repeated indefinitely.

    For an example of a middle school designed business card, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/business_card_template.pdf.

    Here's a fast review of what you just perused on the Internet.

    1. Chioose a format: 2" X 3.5". By adding panels and folds, you can create something more than a traditional calling card.
    2. Defiine the elements. You should consider people, place, communication details and orientation.
    3. Choose a typeface. Don't forget to include typeface for headlines if format calls for them.
    4. Decide on the number of colors. The least expensive is to print black or a single solid color. YOu can print with two colors: black plus one color, but it can be expensive.
    5. Experiment with the layout. Movoe the elements around on hte page, decide on a potential solution, and print the page out to see how well the design works on paper.
    6. Build on a grid. When all of the elements line up, the design has an ordered look that cannot be achieved any other way.
    7. Test the design. Be sure critical text and graphics are not affected by folds and trimming.
    8. Refine the proportiions. Be the type is readable. Type samller than six points high will be unreadable by many.