8th Grade Assignments for Week 6

by Dr. Data

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes.

    Friday, typing tests in All The Right Type with tests #3D and 3F.

    This week we are learning to expand ones abilities with Internet search engines. There's no substitute for being Internet savvy in being able to find information so you can promote your business better. Assignments for this week to be completed with individual worksheets to be completed by using the Internet.

    1. Map It!
    2. What is the Weather in Your City?
    3. Exploring The Weather Channel
    4. Visit the White House via the Internet
    5. Extra-Credit: How Far Is It?, The Virtual Body
    6. Extra Credit: Our National Parks
    7. Extra-Credit: Europe on the Internet

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Learning the meaning of global addresses by finding global addresses on the Internet.
    2. Using the up, down, back, and forward arrows on the keypad.
    3. Learning Internet terms such as Web site, home page, Internet browser, etc.
    4. Drawing boxes and lines
    5. Typing facts in boxes and adjusting box size
    6. Typing a specific global address and finding the site.

    Business Internet Search Engine Ruberic:

    Each assignment will be worth 100 points, including extra-credit ones. Must answer all questions correctly on the class worksheet to get full credit per assignment.