8th Grade Assignments for Week 6B

(For Two Weeks)

by Dr. Data

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes.

    Friday, typing tests in All The Right Type with tests #2D and #2E.

    Now Expanded To Two Weeks:

    1. First Week covers traditional Internet search engine Web browsering techniques. Go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Week6A.html.
    2. Second Week covers Web 2.0 Web techniques. Go below for curriculum and lesson plans.

    Second Week: this is brand-new technology that most teachers are unfamiliar with. You be an expert by the end of this week!

    This second week we are learning to expand ones abilities with Internet by studying collaborative Web 2.0 tools."Web 2.0" refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design, that aims to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and applications; such as social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies. The term was first used by Dale Dougherty and Craig Cline and shortly after became notable after the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004. The term became notable after the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004.  Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web , it does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but to changes in the ways software developers and end-users utilize the Web. According to Tim O'Reilly :

    Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform , and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform. [4]

    Web 2.0 is great for collaborative websites, very easy to use for class projects, group work.


    1. Wikis – collaborative websites, very easy to use for class projects, group work, “wikified” research papers, collaboration, shared notes:

      http://jeffcocte.wikispaces.com all notes from today's talk

    2. Cell phones

      Polleverywhere - Cell phone use for student responses


      Send message – text # 41411 then CAST and the numeric answer 5903, 5904, 5905

    3. Jott http://jott.com/ call 1866-JOTT123 “Who do you want to JOTT?” “Myself” Leave message – it will send it to your Jott page, your email, Google calendar, iGoogle widget - Posted to my iGoogle homepage, free level of service

    4. Google docs

      Like Microsoft office - free on the Internet

      Survey http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pre5LZRQiGWvG0U2AWOMNJg

      Shared documents, many students can work on the same project – word processing, spreadsheet, and presentations

    5. Delicious

      Website sharing, bookmarks on steroids, categorize, subscribe to http://delicious.com/alisonsaylor

    6. Concept mapping

      http://Bubbl.us for concept mapping and process planning

      http://Gliffy.com for visual planning

    7. Web based presentations

      http://Voicethread.com image with voiceover, marker, text and voice annotation

      http://slideshare.com post and view PPT or Keynote presentations

    8. Image editing

      All examples of powerful online photo editing

      http://Gimp.org free Photoshop, (Nvu free Dreamweaver)

      http://Picnik.com image editing online

      https://www.photoshop.com/express Adobe Photoshop express

      http://splashup.com/ Splashup

      http://www.bubbleshare.com/ pics, speech bubbles frames

    9. Visual Searching

      http://Searchme.com visual searching and stacks- great for research


    10. Screencasting

      http://Jing.com records everything you do on a portion of your computer screen and also picks up voice descriptions, web hosted or imbed

    11. Tutorials

      Visual presentation of learning, easy way to learn new software tools



    12. Blogging

      Follow experts, have students post their own blogs


    13. Webpages

      http://sites.google.com Google sites, easy to create, can incorporate calendars, announcements, flicker images… also collaborative

    14. Calendar sharing


      You can create several calendars; students can subscribe to different calendars

    15. 3D modeling

      Sketchup for 3d modeling http://www.google.com/sketchup/download/

      Great for interior design, drafting,

    16. Second life

      http://secondlife.com/ 3D virtual world, many education environments

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Learning collaborating abilities of five of the above sixteen Web 2.0 collaborative tools by designing a project with one other classmate and constructing it for a demonstration on how two people can jointly work on a project together over the Internet.
    • Ingredients include statement of the project's purpose.
    • What common software will be utilized: word processing, spreadsheet, etc.
    • Project will be printed to should the collaborative content from both parties inputted over the Internet.the meaning of global addresses by finding global addresses on the Internet.
    • Six collaborative points will be addressed in the printed collaborative document.

    Business Internet Search Engine Ruberic:

    Each Web 2.0 Project assignment will be worth 100 points, including extra-credit ones. Must contain all three ingredients cited above. to get full credit per assignment. A total of 500 points will be earned for the week.

    Extra-Credit Options!

    Investigate the following  Web 2.0 collaborative elements and report on what advantages these web sites offer individuals. Do any of them go beyond learning a software package but rather do any of them teach skills instead? 25 extra-credit for every web site reported with an emphasis of three innovations found in each web site.

    1. http://ccmixter.org/
    2. http://www.jamglue.com
    3. http://www.musicovery.com/ just cool music player
    4. audacity of course - opensource http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/tutorials
    5. http://www.ultramixer.com/
    6. http://www.indabamusic.com/landing/music_software?source=google&kw=8a&gclid=CLGi5eTEvpUCFST7iAod0S4GQg
    7. http://www.girlsgotech.org/composer.asp
    8. http://www.exploratorium.edu/music/exhibits/dotmixer/index.html
    9. http://www.looplabs.com/
    10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/ibiza2001/fatboy_game.shtml