8th Grade Assignments
For Week 8

by Dr. Data

Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes.

Friday typing tests in All The Right type with tests 3B amd 3C.

Introduction to Spreadsheet Fundamentals

We will now concentrate on spreadsheets as the next instructional segment of the Elective 8th Grade Computer Class. Please be aware of the number of assignments and specific skills that need to be mastered and completed as part of your grade. You are responsible for all assignments. Individual handouts are available for each assignment. All completed assignments need to be kept in your class notebook after they are graded. Fridays will be set up for all typing tests with additional options of making up incomplete assignments, extra-credit work and computer games.

Note: many of the following required spreadsheet and extra-credit assignments ca be done at home if you have a computer with a spreadsheet, such as Microsoft Excel, Corel Quatro Pro, Clarisworks/Appleworks, etc.

There three types of data can be inserted in each cell in a spreadsheet:

  1. Text that define what numbers mean
  2. Numbers (raw statistical data)
  3. Formulas that calculate numbers (very important)

Spreadsheets are definitely number driven by formulas. The hardest part of understanding how spreadsheets work is to understand the power of formulas in which answers are derived within a split second via formula calculations whenever the data (numbers) change on the spreadsheet. Once students see and understand how formulas work in a spreadsheet, their adventures with spreadsheets will be very productive. And consversely, unproductive if they refuse to recognize the importance of formulas by substituting numbers for formulas. The power of spreadsheets is in their formulas and not in their numbers.

Here's a short worksheet explaining spreadsheet concepts at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Introduction_ClarisWorks_Spreadsheet2.pdf and a great on-line tutorial at: http://www.pen.k12.va.us/Div/Winchester/tech/trt/clrswkss.html. Even though for Clarisworks/Appleworks, it is also is good for Excel users.

Need more assistance? Below are excellent on-line tutorials for learning spreadsheet concepts in Microsoft Excel and Appleworks/ClarisWorks. Before doing these tutorials below, here's a list of spreadsheet concepts that I want you to learn when going through the toturials.

  1. Cell is names by its cellreference or its column letter and row number. A1 is the first cell in a spreadsheet.
  2. Entry bar - the location in the spreadsheet that you can input info into a specific cell.
  3. Row - runs from left to right horizontally across the grid
  4. Column - runs from top to bottom vertically down the grid
  5. Cell address - the combination of the column and row names
  6. Grid - horizontal/vertical lines that cross.
  7. Title bar - displays an Excel file's name.
  8. Scroll bars - allows you to scroll the spreadsheet vertically and horizontally.
  9. Task pane - Makes it easy for you to do common tasks.
  10. Pointer is used to select menus on the menus and other tools
  11. Formatting toolbar - predefined pull-down menus that have specific commands ready to be executed.
  12. First cell - A1
  13. Standard toolbar - Excel pull-down menus: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Data, Window and Help.
  14. Toobars contain buttons that you click to perform specific tasks
  15. Menu bar display lists of options called menu commands
  16. Sheet tabs - allows you to move from one worksheet to another. It is at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
  17. Zoom feature increases thezoom percentage making everything appear larger, easier to see in a cell's content. Descrsing the zoom percentage makes everything appear smaller, which allows you to see more of the worksheet at once.
  18. Use undo and redo - appears on the Standard toobar.
  19. Formula is an equation that begins with an equal sign (-) and includes values or cell references. Differnet folrulas allow you to perform different actions.
  20. Addition formula - =SUM(B2:B5) means to add up the contents of cells B2, B3, B4 and B5.

On-Line Tutorials for Learning Microsoft Excel

On-Line Tutorials for Learning ClarisWorks/AppleWorks

Required On-Line Test For Spreadsheet Literacy:

  1. To demonstrate your spreadsheet literacy in learning to use spreadsheets, you must be tested by going to following URL at: http://www.kuzmich.com/Quiz/Spreadsheet/Final_Spreadsheet_Test.pdf to take either the 50, 40, 30, 20 or 10 point test. You literally can earn the grade of your choice! Details instructions for taking this test are given at this URL.

You Pick Any Four Spreadsheet Assignments
(Use Microsoft Excel With Formulas Displayed)

  1. Due on Monday: you need to submit a bill to the customer. Here's a sample view at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Invoice.pdf. This is to be done in a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel. Simply put all text into a separate cell. The key point is you must add the totals of expenses and display a formula. No formula, no grade. To create a formula, go to the cell that needs to add up all the columns. Type =SUM(. Then click on the first cell to be added and drag to the last one and close with right parenthesis. Hit return key and you have answer displayed. After completing the spreadsheet, here's how to display a formula so you get credit for the spreadsheet. Normally, you would print it out, but today without printing capabilities, just show the formula to Dr. Data for a grade.

    • Go to the Tools pull down menu
    • Select Options
    • Click on the box that says formula and all formulas will be displayed.
    • Grid box should also be displayed.

    Second Choice due on Monday: "In Search of the Wild West." at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Spreadsheets/WildWest.pdf


    • Changing column width of cells
    • Pastinging and copying from the clipboard
    • Multitaking (using mre than one program at the same time)

  2. Due on Tuesday: Family Budget Spreadsheet - Assignment #4. Printout Family Budget Original and Family Budget Formula

  3. Second Choice due on Tuesday: "How Many Pets Does Our Class Own? " at" http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Spreadsheets/Pets.pdf


    • Demonstrate basic spreadsheet concepts by constructing a spreadsheet. Terms used will be a cell, X-Axis and Y-Axis
    • Entering data into a spreadsheet
    • Copying and pasting clip art from another program. The clip art should be their favorite animal
    • Create three different Charts by going to the Insert menu and selecting Chart and continuing through the different screens to full label everything.

  4. Due on Wednesday and Thurdsay, select and do several spreadsheets at 25 points per spreadsheet, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/spreadsheet_syllabus.html#Required
  5. Second and Third Choices due on Wednesday and Thursday: "Studying Weather With Internet Penpals" at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Spreadsheets/Internet_PenPals.pdf, "Computing Multiplication Facts" at http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Spreadsheets/Multiplication.pdf or "Animal "Speeds" at http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Spreadsheets/AnimalSpeeds.pdf


    • Understanding the basics of a spreadsheet such as a cell, the name of teach cell (A1 or C8), etc.
    • Entering data into the cells on a spreadsheet
    • Entering the correwct formulas on a spreadsheet tarting with the equals sign.
    • Making a bar graph with labels.

  6. Due on Friday: makeup work or you now are ready for Week 9 which focuses in on the finances of your business plan, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Week9.html