8th Grade Assignments for Week 9

by Dr. Data

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes.

    Typing tests in All The Right type with tests 4B amd 4C

    Monday Through Friday:

    Six Tutorials for Learning to Build Excel Spreadsheets and Charts at:




    Earn 100 points each for completing the six on-line tutorials above for a total of 600 points

    Learning Objective: construct a spreadsheet for each tutorial studied by demonstrating three concepts that you have learned from each tutorial. Go to http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Excel_tutorial.html and begin your tutorials. By the end of the six tutorials, you will have learned 18 new concepts and created six small spreadsheets.

    Three Business Financial Spreadsheet Ruberics: 100 Points
    ue on Friday)

    Creatively and carefully design a document following the outline in each template posted above. flyer by outlining what you want on the flyer from the following below.

    Learning objective: to create three spreadsheets for your business based on the following criteria:

    Need a company title with company logo for 10 points.

    • Need have what products or services are being sold. Include sale’s price and approximate number of items or services sold. 20 points. Need to display the data in a chart of your choice.
    • Need expenses (list a minimum of four). This should include a cost per sale and estimated number of items or services sold. 20 points
    • Titles: Needs to be bold, underlined and capitalized. Normal text should be 10 point type size. Titles should be 14 point type side. Times Roman is the type face used in your spreadsheet. 10 points
    • All cells in the spreadsheet must have girdlines and have formulas wherever answer or totals are required as in the first spreadsheet.
    • 50 extra-credit points will be offered to those that include charts in their spreadsheets.

    Total 100 points plus extra-credit if earned to be awarded for each of the two spreadsheets submitted correctly by Friday of week 9.. Here is how the first spreadsheet should appear. The second spreadsheet has all formulas displayed as you need to print out for credit.

    Instructions for Building a Chart in Your Business Spreadsheet

    1. To create a chart with Chart Wizard

              * Select the data you want to chart in the worksheet, including the row and column labels

              * In the toolbar, click the Chart Wizard button and follow wizard prompts

              * Click Finish

    Quick Tip: To quickly create a chart select the data you want to chart, including Column and row headings, press the F11 key, and the chart appears

    2. To move a chart

              * Click near the perimeter of the chart until the black handle appears

              * Click on the handle and move to desired location

    3. To resize a chart

              * Click near the perimeter of the chart until the black handle appears

              * Click on the handle and drag to make the chart larger or smaller

    4. To update a chart

    *    Highlight the information you want to add, including the column title(s)

    *    Move your mouse to the edge of the highlighted area until it turns into an arrow

    *    Click the left mouse button and drag the information to the chart and release.

    5. To format a chart

              * Move mouse over desired chart element you want to format, i.e. legend,   axis, etc...

              * Right click on that chart element

              * From the shortcut menu, choose Format

    6. To put chart on a separate worksheet and e-mail it

              * Right click on the chart area

              * From the shortcut menu, choose Location

              * Select “As New Sheet” and click OK

              * From the File Menu, choose File and select Send To

              * Select Mail Recipient

              * Choose to send just the current sheet by clicking Current Sheet

              * Address the email and click Send