8th Grade Assignments for
Special Radio Broadcast Week

by Dr. Data and Mr. Steven Chetcuti of Somers Middle School, Somers, New York

    Daily Typing warmups: 10 minutes: http://www.sense-lang.org/typing and/or All The Type software application for 10 minutes.

    Typing tests in All The Right type with tests 3C on Friday.

    Daily Instruction for Monday Through Friday:

    "Special Radio Broadcasting/Podcasting Project" in Collaboration With

    Somers Middle School in Somers, New York

    Mr. Steven Chetcuti and His 8th Grade Classes involving Carmody Middle School

    8th Grade Computer & General Music Classes

    And Involving Mr. Wiley Cruse and Dr. Data!

    Radio Broadcasting/Podcasting Project Summary

    1. Carmody Middle School 8th grade computer (Dr. Data) and general music classes (Mr. Wiley Cruse) will participate in a collaborative radio broadcasting/podcasting project with 8th grade general music classes at Somers Middle School in Somers, New York.
    2. Somers students will create the basic scripts of who, what when and where for creation into a portfolio-based radio broadcast published on the Internet as a podcast for 24/7 listening by parents, students and administrators.
    3. Carmody Middle School students will research these News, Social and Sports scripts received with Internet search engines.
    4. Carmody students will develop and expand them into 20 to 40 second audio recordings to be done in Audacity software which can be downloaded for free at home for student use. URL for the free download is http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/. Thus, students recordings could also be made at home and brought to school on a flash drive (thumb drive). Note: audio recordings may be too large to e-mail to themselves as an attached file.
    5. Carmody students will also add sound effects on a second audio track to their master audio recordings in Audacity.
    6. Finished audio recording files will be sent to Somers Middle School in which their middle school students will produce a finished recording with special effects and they will be published and posted as a podcast on their web site at: http://www.theradiohour.net.
    7. Note: students will need to borrow headphones from friends or bring their own headphones to class Tuesday through completion of their audio recordings since the school does not own any headsets.
    8. Note: Dr. Data will bring in his own personal microphones to be used for the recordings.

    This Week's Lesson Plans

    Somers Middle School student broadcast packet, rubrics and teacher lesson plan can be viewed, printed and used at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/radio/Kuzmich_collaborativebroadcastlessons.pdf

    This 16 page .PDF document offers the master lesson plan for Somers Middle School students for their podcasting project. Their radio broadcasting scripts have been received and will be distributed to our students on Monday. Below is an outline of our daily lesson plans with learning objectives.

    1. Monday: - April 6, 2009
      • "Live" Videoconferencing with Mr. Steven Chetcuti for an introduction to their special radio broadcasting podcasting project.
      • Carmody students will receive sample radio broadcast scripts for news, social and/or sports topics
      • Carmody students will Google the scripts received and further develop/expand the original who, what and where statements with additional information.
      • Learning objective: Students will start to write their scripts that will take 20 to 40 seconds to be read and recorded in Audacity.
      • Audacity audio recording software will be demonstrated and taught. m
      • There PC and Mac Audacity tutorials available for student perusa at: http://www.kuzmich.com/podcasting/Podcasting_PC_Tutorial.html and http://www.kuzmich/podcasting/Mac_Podcasting_instructions.pdf
      • Additional podcasting information can be read at: http://www.kuzmich.com/podcasting/Podcasting_short.html as a joint Bear Creek Articulation Area workshop presented on February 23, 2009. Contains a wealth of information for both those students and parents more interested in developing their own podcasts from beginning to end.

    2. Tuesday-Wednesday - April 7-8, 2009
      • More Audacity audio recording software will continue to be demonstrated and taught.
      • Students will be issued a microphone
      • Students need to bring ear phones from home or use their iPod headphones or from one of their friends
      • Learning objective: Students will create a radio broadcast script and read it to Mr. Chetcuti and Dr. Data for assessment.
      • Learning objective: Students will start to record their submitted printed scripts that are initially accepted by Dr. Data and Mr. Chetcuti

    3. Thursday - April 9,. 2009
      • Learning objective: Once their scripts are successfully recorded and accepted by Dr. Data, students will record sound effects on a second audio track in Audacity.
      • :Learning objective: Students will mix the second track so that the vocal track is still clearly understood and enhanced with the sound effects recorded in the second track.

    4. Friday - April 10, 2009
      • :Learning objective: Students will submit to Dr. Data their finished two-track audio recording projects. Those projects accepted can earn up to 500 or more points if they successfully contain the following rubric ingredients.

        Dr. Data's Grading Rubric

        Vocal recording clarity on Track 1 0 to 100 points Actual Points Earned
        Script continuity with the theme (topic, info and closing) 0 to 100 points Actual Points Earned
        Special effects track recorded on Track 2 0 to 100 points Actual Points Earned
        Balanced Mixed between vocal and special effects tracks 0 to 100 points Actual Points Earned
        Recording length between 20 to 40 seconds 0 to 100 points Actual Points Earned
        Extra-credit for creative innovations to the recording 0 to 100 points Actual Points Earned

      • Dr. Data will electronically submit all finished audio recordings to Somers Middle School on April 11, 2009. So Somers students can complete the audio recordings into a finished radio broadcast show and posted on their web site on Saturday, April 11, 2009
      • Note: late submissions after Friday, April 10, 2009 will be accepted and graded by Dr. Data, but they may not be accepted by Somers Middle School for consideration in their adding of special effects and posting their recordings as podcasts to their web site since they have a tight production schedule before their next quarter's classes begin soon.

    5. Monday to Friday (The week of April 13-17, 200), Somers Middle School students will produce and post the best student podcasts with special effects and other finishing touches on their Radio Hour web site for 24/7 listening at: http://www.thereadiohour.net. Dr. Data will post on his web site the best podcasts as well so students, parents and administrators can listen to them. Student names will not be identified in the podcasts.

    6. May, 2009: If this podcasting project proves to be successful, later this semester, all 8th grade computer classes will develop their own complete podcasts from the very beginning to end as a completed RSS podcasting project. Topic will pertain to their teenage business and the best podcasts will be posted to Dr. Data's school web site.