
Assignment #2 - is a cool site that will give you tons of ideas for your own company. Here are a few questions to help you get to know the site. You must answer each question in a complete sentence for full credit.


1.         Describe what type of business the following companies are in:

            Jared and the Beanstalk



            Seaside CEO (3)

            The Million Dollar Idea (3)


2.         How do you know what to charge your customer? (3)

3.         What is an entrepreneur? (3 )


4.         Who gets paid to party? (3)


5.         Give five steps Bethany Balloons gives to start advertising. (5)


6.         What is Candy Girl’s real name and what product does she sell? (4)


7.         At what age did Petito Picassso sell her first painting?(3)


           MMO/Biz Ideas - Assignment #3

To get the right conditions for your money making opportunity (MMO), here are a few questions to think about.

What do I like to do? (10)

1                                                          6

2                                                          7

3                                                          8

4                                                          9

5                                                          10

What are you really good at? (10)

1                                                          6

2                                                          7

3                                                          8

4                                                          9

5                                                          10


What needs do your family, friends or neighbors have? (10)

1                                                                6


2                                                                7


3                                                                8


4                                                                9


5                                                                10


Brainstorm 10 potential money making opportunities? (10)

1                                                                6


2                                                                7


3                                                                8


4                                                                9


5                                                                10