August 24, 2004 Newsletter

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Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Computer Class Parents and Their Children:

A "Happy Welcome" to the 2004 Carmody school year! Trust your children are having a great start to the 2004 school year. This "7th Grade Elective Computer Class" e-mail newsletter system is now up and running! This newsletter will be updated nearly every week describing important things to know about in my 7th grade technology classes. So please look forward to these newsletters. Thank you for providing me with your e-mail addresses as a means of improved communicating. I hope that your child is enjoying my 7th grade computer elective classes. If you know of any parents in my 7th grade elective computer classes who aren't receiving it, please notify them to contact me via this e-mail address and I'll add them to my list. Presently, I have nearly 130+ e-mail addresses of parents out of 120 students in my bulk-mailing newsletter e-mail list which means I am communicating with nearly all of my 7th grade parents a minimum of three or four times a month about our unique/innovative class.

Student Contracts Signed and Returned!

Please note that student contracts need to be signed by both the parent and their children indicating that both parties clearly understand Dr. Data's class rules, rewards and consequences plus how he grades, how make up work is done, after school assistance and extra-credit, etc. If your child misplaced it, please download it at: <>. Note: when the student contract is returned by August 27th, your child will earn 100 points in Dr. Data's grade book for that student.

Guaranteed Success!

Hopefully by now, you and your child more fully understand how Dr. Data's guarantees that your child will not fail his class with me by viewing: <>. There, it offers 14 essential steps that really work and are entitled: Success Guaranteed in Dr. Data's Classes If Students/Parents Follow These Guidelines! If you should every have any concerns about the progress of your child, never hesitate to e-mail and I will respond even if out-of-school or out-of-state. Since I have a wireless Internet connection on my notebook, I have constant Internet connection and can receive and send e-mail from nearly anywhere in the USA. And as you will soon find out, nearly 24/7.

24/7 Grading System and Extra-Credit Opportunities!

You and your child should be able to view their grades 24/7 at: <> beginning next Friday, August 27th. Don't forget to print out a progress report each week and sign it as your child will earn 25 extra-credit points each week beginning Monday of each week. I have even posted a date on this web page stating when the grades were last updated for your convenience to better keep up with your child's academic progress. For parents who don't have Internet connection or printer access at home or work, your child in class on Mondays can regularly print out their progress reports in class at no charge. The first grades will be posted this Friday, August 27, 2004 before 5 p.m. I will give your child a special user name and password for access to their grades 24/7 beginning on Thursday, August 26, 2004. Then you can view the grades at home or work and printout for further analysis. Note: web grades are only updated once a week, and usually on Fridays.

Upcoming Thursday, August 26th "Back to School" Night Meetings!

I hope to see you at the upcoming Carmody "Back to School" Night on Thursday, August 26th at 7 p.m. I will conduct two orientation meetings for you to learn first hand what my courseware consists of and how I make it work as an innovative technology class. As incentive for you to attend, I will offer 15 bonus points to all students whose parent(s) attend either one of my two presentations that night. You will enjoy my presentations.

Creative Curriculum Offerings!

If you are not familiar with our innovative 7th grade computer curriculum covering a wealth of instructional materials, please peruse the curriculum materials at: The first three weeks of school will cover keyboarding skills with the AlphaSmarts which are electronic typewrite keyboards or "dumb" terminals. Then we use computers for the rest of the semester by first learning word processing skills for four weeks which will include a two-page pen pal letter to Korean speaking students in Seoul, Korea. Then we study database management for two weeks which includes designing and imputing an original database. Then we learn spreadsheets for a 1.5 weeks with many different "what if" financial analysis applications. Then we learn the finer points of using Internet search engines on how to best use the Internet for researching topics. Then the real fun begins with the making of PowerPoint slideshow presentations, newsletters and making web pages. Then we go to painting and drawing, making computer music applications and finally with how to make computer games with animation and sound effects. Parents are even encouraged to attend classes whenever they want to learn some of these creative applications along with their child to know approximately when we study each application, please visit:

Carmody's "Whiz Chips" Club

Important date to mark: Tuesday, September 14th will be the first Whiz Chips Club meeting in the PC lab. Normally, the second Tuesday of every month will be when the Carmody Computer "Whiz Chips" Club will meet. At these monthly meetings, students will learn how to construct computer games. Please encourage your child to attend the first Whiz Chips Club meeting and find out why the Whiz Chips is a great way to enjoy computers. Each club member will also receive a computer game construction software application (Klik & Play) which can be downloaded for free at: so your child can creatively practice at home beginning today! After the beginning of the second semester in January, 2005, the "Whiz Chips" Club is sponsoring a computer game contest. Some of your children might enjoy observing an intensive competition. Past information about the Whiz Chips Club can be located at: <>. Note: it will be updated soon.

Parent Observations/Visitations Welcomed!

Be aware that Dr. Data loves to have parents visit their child's class and have you seat next to your child and watch them working. Yes, parents are an important ingredient in the success of the children in school. And Dr. Data always encourages parents to "sit in." In some cases, you can assist Dr. Data or even teach with me in an area that you are knowledgeable with in computers, such as word processing, spreadsheets, database construction, Internet search engines, PowerPoint, web pages, etc. Last semester, we had several 7th grade parents volunteer to assist me and it was fun for all. Again for sample of curriculum topics and approximate dates, please go to:

Future Newsletters!

The next newsletter will focus in on the different software applications we are using for instruction and how to purchase these products at a substantial discount! Are there any specific topics that you would like me to address in future newsletters? To begin, I recommend that you go the "Carmody 7th Grade Computer Class Web" site ( for further insight about the instruction offered, philosophy and other related topics that will be important for the success of your child.

Closing Comments

If you have any questions about your child's work or class procedures, please don't hesitate to contact Dr. Data at either his e-mail address at: or his voice mail system at: 303-982-8883. For pressing issues, the fastest way to contact Dr. Data is to call the Carmody main office phone at 303-982-8930 and the receptionist will post a "love note" in his mail box for his prompt attention.,

Don't forget to visit Dr. Data's lesson plans on his weekly voice message system about the week's instruction. This could be particularly valuable whenever your child is absent from school or on a school field trip. Again, do so, please call 303-982-8883 24/7. The message is usually updated by Friday for the upcoming week's instruction or on Mondays.

Hope this installment of Dr. Data's 7th grade elective computer class newsletter is helpful in keeping you up-to-date with your child's activities, grades and well-being in the "7th Grade Computer Class."

Till next time,

John Kuzmich, Jr.
(alias Dr. Data )