Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective computer Class Parents and Students:

  1. Brand new web page entitled: 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Newsletters: Fall, 2004 Semester. You can now view all of the fall, 2004 semester newsletters on-line!!! You don't need e-mail to view the newsletters, just a web browser at: <>.

  2. Second week of grades for the 2nd grading period are now on on-line as of Thursday at 3 p.m. since I need to fly to Anaheim, California on Thursday. Check out your student's grades at: <>.

  3. Makeups are readily available till the end of this grading period which is the Friday of the second week of November.

  4. Latest Korean Pen Pal Status: We need photos, post cards, postage stamps and any other light personal memorabilia for your child's final Korean Pen Pal letter which will be mailed to Seoul, Korea by next week as I'm mailing them to Korea. See: for the detailed Korean Pen Pal instructions. Dr. Data will accept final Korean Pen Pal letters up till next Tuesday, October 19, 2004. Personal memorabilia will be accepted as well. The important thing here is that the final pen pal letter needs to be 2 pages long, double spaced type and be in CSAP quality: paragraphs with topic sentences with good sentence syntax, proper spelling, correct capitalization, correct punctuation, etc. Please write in formal English with no street talk since the Korean pen pal students will have difficulty understanding informal street talk. Please read your child's Korean Pen Pal and you'll quickly know if it is CSAP quality. I will only mail letters to Seoul, Korea that meet CSAP expectations. Remember, I'm paying for the postage, between $30 and $40 for air mail shipping so only the CSAP quality pen pals will be mailed since we are representing Carmody Middle School as international goodwill ambassadors.

  5. Ordered Typing Programs have been received and your child should have received their software who ordered the software.

  6. Special Student Rewards. Students are enthusiastic for Klik & Play. If students do well in class this coming week, students will be playing other student's games next Friday. Klik & Play is a great way to learn to create things on a computer. Perhaps the best news is Carmody students are allowed by manufacturer to download the software for free by at a brand-new URL by going to: so your child can creatively practice at home beginning today! The Carmody Middle School Whiz Chips Club also sponsors a computer gaming contest in December and in May with a computer creating game contest. Some of your children might enjoy participating in the intensive competition while they learn and master the art of computer gaming. Believe me, the students are very competitive on how they make and play computer games.

  7. Parent teacher conferences were very successful this week: Tuesday and Wednesday. Nearly 50 parents reviewed their children's work on their own school computers while waiting for Dr. Data to conference as we will all be in the PC Lab together. I gave every student who brought a parent to parent teacher conference on Tuesday, October 12th or Wednesday, October 13th from 3:30 to 7 p.m. A FLOATING "A." Note: Dr. Data left Tuesday's parent teacher conference at 6:05 p.m. So please note that Dr. Data till be available for conferences as follows which will still give him 7:05 hours of available conferencing time which 5 minutes beyond what other teachers are doing.

  8. Tuesday, October 12th from 3 p.m. to 6:05 p.m.

    Wednesday, October from 3: p.m. to 7 p.m.

  9. The database curriculum began on Monday, October 11th. For an overview of it, please go to: Final database project will begin in two weeks. Students will actually construction a database from scratch and end up with 25 records and eight fields for each record. And then construct 15 test questions based on the database in which members of the class will answer. For more insight about this exciting final project for our unit on database construction, go to;

  10. What's coming next?! Spreadsheets in two to three weeks. For more insight about this curriculum, please go to:

Hope this information is helpful. Have a great fall break!!

Till next time,

Dr. Data