Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective computer Class Parents and Students:

  1. Fifth week (How did that happen so fast) of grades for the 2nd grading period are now available on-line. Check out your student's grades at: <>.
  2. Can't believe it but next week is the very last week of the 2nd grading period. All makeup work must be done before Friday, November 5, 2004. Important that you check your child's on-line progress report.

  3. If your child's grades have been dropping via the annual fall mid-semester slump, there's little time to fix what's missing because the database unit for the last three weeks can only be done at the PC lab. If your child has many missing assignments, have them make up arrangements with Dr. Data after school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and/or Friday this coming. Can't do Wednesday because there's a faculty meeting. Just have your child confirm with me or just e-mail to that effect that they are staying till 3 p.m. any or all of those days and I will take good care of them.

  4. This newsletter and all others can also be found on-line at:

  5. Korean Pen Pal Status: All letters are being mailed this weekend to Seoul, Korea. If your child missed my deadlines, you can mail them for the child to:

    Mr. Young Hun SHIN
    Pen Pal Coordinator
    Kweang-Ju P.O. Box 160
    Seoul. Korea 501-600

    Estimated cost for overseas air-mail postage is $1.00 an oz. Note: any letter received back from their Korean pen pal will be worth 40 bonus points or two floating A's.

  6. Next unit of instruction deals with spreadsheets and begins on Monday. For specific information about the curriculum and assignments, please go to: and

    Hope all of this information is helpful.

    P.S. Have a great weekend! Believe it or not, I've organized almost the entire wedding in just two weeks for my daughter's wedding on January 15th. Of note, Mr. Joachim Schlaaf, a 7th computer class parent, will be in charge of the catering for this wedding. One area that I still need help on is I may need to rent some limousines on Saturday afternoon of the wedding day. Any good referrals that I should contact?

    Till next time,

    Dr. Data