Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents and Students:

Three new important points consider before we finish up the 2nd grading period this week.

    We just working on spreadsheets this week and next week as well. If your child didn't get to understand the use of formulas in a spreadsheet, please review them because we want our students to complete this week's assignments on time since the end of the grading period is Friday. That means there is no makeup available for this 2nd grading period beginning next week.

  1. I'm available after school for makeup work this week on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday till 3 p.m. So if you desire your child to make up missing assignments, please have them stay after school on any of those days. This Wednesday, I have a faculty meeting and will not be available.

    All class work can be made up at home from now on if you have a spreadsheet on your computer, such as Excel, Quattro, Lotus, etc. Future units of study will require Internet access, PowerPoint among others. Just print them out at home and sign as before and return to Dr. Data to school and full credit will be given. My guess is that most homes will already have Microsoft Office with PowerPoint and Internet access for the Internet unit and some painting and drawing application as well. By now most homes should have Klik & Play which will in the final two weeks of semester.

    This newsletter and all others can also be found at:

    Any good referrals that I should contact for a limousine rental for my daughter's January 15th wedding.

      Hope all of this information is helpful.

      Till next time,

      Dr. Data