Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents and Students:

Eight important points to consider at this time:

  1. Composite grades for only the third grading period of this semester are now posted by 4 p.m. today for your verification to identify any patterns of academic progress/concerns. Check out your student's grades at: <>.

    To accommodate parents and students to make the third grading period the very best one, Dr. Data will accommodate parents on nearly every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from now to the end of the grading period till Xmas break. Yes, I even have a student staying today which begins the Thanksgiving holiday. Simply e-mail me to verify that I indeed will be in school that picture staying after till 3 p.m. and I will confirm and make it easier for your child to make things up. The other good news is that you may have the necessary software at home so makeup work can also be done at home more easily. Software applications include Internet access, PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, a painting program and Klick & Play.

  2. Has your child been making significant progress on their typing speed and accuracy since August and September? Dr. Data would like to hear from you if your child has doubled or tripled their typing speed with minimum errors. And if your child has been using a typing software program to practice with. You can e-mail me a short message at:

  3. Possible Mistakes For Any Published Grades for 1st, 2nd or 3rd grading Periods because all grades have to be manually inputted into the school grading system for producing report cards. Consequently, it pays to keep track of your child's weekly grades so that errors can be quickly/easily spotted and corrected. By posting grades every week, it is more easily for parents and students to accurately check their grades. Dr. Data averages 3,000 grades (100+ grades times 30 students) per class semester or 12,000 grade entries per semester for four classes and 24,000 grade entries per school year. That's a lot of grades plus including them into the school grading system for reports represents a lot of input. Hopefully, the grade access 24/7 makes a safety valve for parents and students to keep themselves well informed.

  4. If your child's grades are not as consistent as 1st or 2nd period, there should be some cause for alarm since there are only two full weeks of school left before the last week of school before Christmas break. Makeup work really needs to kick in now rather than later.

  5. Almost Unbelievable to Understand but students in November still periodically forget to put their names on assignments when submitted to Dr. Data. Yes, even today this has happened. And those assignments can't be credited to anybody. Be sure your child always includes their name, date and class period on every submitted assignment.

  6. Post November 18th Parent-Teacher Conferences are still possible for the students and parents that did not participate. I wish that I could meet with every parent/student, but I only had an allocated of 14 fifteen minute conferences and you guessed it, I could have booked many more parents and students. But I have an on-line solution that might interest you. Simply go to and go to the second section entitled: "Self-Assessment of Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences." After reading it click on the link entitled: and you can begin assess where progress can be made. Then after evaluating your child, please e-mail/fax your assessment and I'll attempt to clarify anything and everything that can make a difference. School fax number is 303-982-8930. To make things more convenient, I've even attached an HTML file for you to print out and use ASAP.

    Brand New bonus Point Opportunities: 25 extra-credit points offered to any parent that completes the self evaluation Parent - Teacher - Student Conference form on-line. This form can be found on-line at:

    The goal of implementing the web assessment document is to service as many parents realistically and conveniently. I welcome your inquiries and of course, the fax and/or electronic assessments for my input.

  7. Beginning Monday, November 22th and into week after Thanksgiving, my classes will be studying PowerPoint slide shows and Microsoft Publisher for creating newsletter and web pages. For insight into the curriculum and assignments, please go to: and

  8. This newsletter and all of the other 16 previously published newsletters can be found at:

Hope all of this information is helpful.

I wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.

Till next time,

Dr. Data