Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents and Students:

I neglected to inform you of the several other creative options that are in place besides the planned agenda of newsletters and web pages with Microsoft Publisher. The reason I always offer several options is that some students need some flexibility as to what will serve them best. So I have several additional options. It suggested that you guide your child so that they don't just take the easy way but match up their abilities and interests which is a great way to finish off the semester!

Final Two Weeks Syllabus:

A Creative, Graphical Experience for All!

(8 Days of Innovative Instruction)

Dr. Data

Last Two Weeks of Each Semester

The last two weeks of instruction will involve any combination of doing creative, graphical projects: newsletters, web pages, computer music creation, painting & drawing, and/or computer game design. The purpose of this instruction is to develop artistic skills on the computer for designing music, painting and drawing and computer games with animation and special sound effects. Each day an assignment from the ones below when completed earn 100 points per day for a minimum of 800 points for the entire eight days! Final Projects are worth 300 points. Match your interests with these assignments and earn as many points as possible as needed to earn the next grade higher!.

Newsletters (200 points) & Web Pages: Click for more information

(200 points each Assignment):

Computer Music Assignments: Click for more information

(100 points per assignment)

Note: Must Bring Your Own headphones with miniature 1/8" jack

Painting and Drawing: Click for more information

(100 Points per Assignment)

Designing/Creating Computer Games!

(Each game level is worth 100 points)

Individual Unit Final Projects!: Click for more information

(Nine Different Project Available at 300 Points Each)

Earn 300 points per project on your favorite software applications instead of earning 100 points a day. Click on the "hot" link above for more information.

Thursday, December 16, 2004: Makeup Day, End of the Semester Business

Thank you for being in Dr. Data's Class!!!!!

Dr. Data

If you desire more information about what we do with Microsoft Publisher, the following should give you further insight. In practice, not every student elects making newsletters and web pages with painting and drawing and making of computer games being quite popular.

Microsoft Publisher:

Newsletters and Web Page Assignments!

by Dr. Data

December for first semester and May for second semester classes

(4 Days of Instruction)

Microsoft's Publisher presentation software will be used now for four days of instruction to design newsletters and web pages. View a demo slide show that provides the instruction for both a newsletter and a web page at: < First 7th Grade Elective Class Newsletter>. There is an excellent setup wizard in Microsoft's Publisher for creating newsletters and web pages along with creating of brochures, flyers, signs, greeting cards, banners, menus, award certificates, invitations and other applications.

First Publisher Newsletter Assignment:

Your 300 point assignments to plan and create a three-page newsletter with text and photos.

Each page must be "hot" link to the other pages, so it is easier to browse the newsletter quickly. Evaluation will be made by using Dr. Datas' Newsletter Rubric. To see the specific rubrics listed below, please click on it at:

Microsoft Publisher Web Page Assignment

Your 300 point assignment is to plan and create a twelve-slide presentation on your sport, vacation trip, hobby or subject in school. Before designing the PowerPoint presentation, you must identify what contents that will go on each slide. For example:

Microsoft Publisher Instructions:

Hope this addendum helps your child select the best curriculum offerings for his/her interests and abilities. Again, it is a great way to end the semester.

Till next time,

Dr. Data