Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents and Students:

Happy Holidays to all! Trust you will enjoy this time with your family. This is the very last newsletter you will receive from Dr. Data!

  1. Final grades are now posted <> for the semester. If you should find any any difference for the semester grade when you receive the report cards in January, please contact Dr. Data and the corrections will be made. Having the grades posted on-line is insurance that the grades are accurate. Unfortunately, it is not possible to post both 3rd grading period and semester grades simultaneously. But perhaps I might figure out a way to do it over Christmas break!!!

  2. Final Student Projects/Portfolios are Now On-line for your perusal. You will find Web pages, PowerPoint Slide Shows and computer games. You must view these works to appreciate all the hard work. I'm sorry that I can't post everybody's works because of space restrictions on my web site. But there's quite a variety of works to view. Simply go to: <>. Note: you must use Microsoft Explorer in order to view the PowerPoint slide shows.

    Special note: there are nearly ten Klik & Play student created games that can be downloaded and played at home over Christmas break in the last table at: <>. Simply e-mail me and I'll provide specific instructions on how to access my FTP site so you and/or your child can play them. This library of student-made Klik & Play games will grow because once you access this FTP site, you can even upload newer, improved games to my web site as well. Just tell me that you have done it and I'll update the Klik & Play table acknowledging the new editions so other people can play and enjoy them.

  3. A free career planning web site is now available at: <>. We are getting it via Bear Creek High School. It is well worth using. Just e-mail a request for the user name and password and I'll give that information to you to access this professional career planning web site.

  4. All twenty-two newsletters are also posted on-line for your perusal at: <>.

  5. Thank you again for the opportunity to teach your child. Please look for the finale semester grades at: <>

Thank you for the opportunity to have taught your child.

Till next time,

Dr. Data