Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents:

This newsletter can also be read at:

  1. 35+ Parents Earned One Floating "A" for Attending Parent-Teacher-Student Conference: March 3, 2005!
  2. For the parents that did not attend the March 3, 2005 Parent-Student-Teacher Conference, you can do it another creative way. I wish that I could meet with every parent/student, but there's another innovative way to do it. To clarify how to best evaluate your child, I have come up with a unique self-assessment that you can use. To view this form, please go to: and go to the second section entitled: "Self-Assessment of Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences." After reading it click on the link entitled: and you can begin assess where progress can be made. Then after evaluating your child, please e-mail/fax your assessment and I'll attempt to clarify anything and everything that can make a difference. School fax number is 303-982-8931. To make things more convenient, I've even attached an HTML file for you to print out and use ASAP and send it back to you.

    Or you can even mail the web conference form to:

    Carmody Middle School
    c/o Dr. Data
    20500 S. Kipling Street
    Lakewood, CO 80227

    Or complete the CGI form on-line and submit and it will be e-mailed directly to me, automatically at: <>, To me, this is the most painless way to go about this matter.

    Important: The goal of implementing the web conference assessment document is to service as many parents realistically and conveniently. I welcome your inquiries and of course, the assessments for my input. And perhaps most important, is to get parent input first so we know how well parents and students are communicating with each other first before Dr. Data gives a reality check of the first order!! When parents and students are "together," student achievement is maintained and enhanced almost automatically. When not working/communicating together, it can be a lengthy process of "catch up football in the fourth quarter" to put it mildly. Feel free to complete a Parent-Student-Teacher on-line conference any time to stabilize and/or improve matters between your child and you as well as with Dr. Data. The on-line grades 24/7 should be a good referee about is reality in terms of your child's classroom efforts and makeup attitude. But Dr. Data and your on-line conference input together will "certainly clear the air."

  3. Current Grade for 2nd Grading Period is Now Posted on Dr. Data's Web Site at:! This advance notice will give you insight as to how your child is doing this second grading period which will be a significant update to what was posted on Wednesday of this week. In some cases, the grades may have gone higher or even lower than reported on Wednesday.

    Today is the third week of the second grading period for second semester. Grades are now posted!!! Grades are available at: <> This latest newsletter can be read/printed at: Do start to be concerned if you are not satisfied with your child's grades since we are now at the mid-period grade point. Here are the average grades which means half of the students have higher grades and half lower grades for each class.

    1st Period: 96.7%

    3rd Period: 87%

    5th Period: 74%

    6th Period: 81.3%

    With unlimited makeup available to April 15th, let's start making up missing work before it becomes difficult to makeup huge amounts of assignments and tests.

  4. Today, Friday, March 4th Deadline: Final Korean Pen Pal Letter was due for 300 Test Points! Two pages, double spaced type all in CSAP standards with multiple paragraphs with accurate spelling, grammar, topic sentence per paragraph and sentence syntax. Deadline for the Korean Pen Pal letter. Deadline is Friday, March 4th. Be sure to bring some photos and/or other small, light memorabilia. All Korean Pen Pal letters will be mailed to Korea on Friday, March 18th after Dr. Data has read all final letters. If parent and/or student need assistance on the writing of the Korean Pen Pal, please go to: for details. Final Pen Pals must be two full pages. There were many students who did not fill up the second page and consequently earned a zero for the assignment. They need to finish and submit to me between now and March 17th. In addition to having a two page letter with CSAP standards but to provide photos, baseball/football/basket cards, postage stamps, post cards of Colorado, and/or other memorabilia, etc. before I mail the letters to Seoul, Korea on March 18th.

    If your child missed the deadline, let's get them submitted to Dr. Data before March 18th and there will be no penalty. After March 17th, you can mail directly to the Korean school, but you have to pay for the postage!

  5. The database curriculum will begin on Monday, March 13th. For an overview of it, please go to: Final database project will begin the week after spring break. Students will actually construction a database from scratch and end up with 25 records and eight fields for each record. And then construct 15 test questions based on the database in which members of the class will answer. For more insight about this exciting final project for our unit on database construction, go to:

Hope of this information is helpful.

Till next time,

Dr. Data
7th Grade Computer Class