Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents:

This newsletter can also be read at: <>.

  1. Current Grade for 2nd Grading Period is Now Posted on Dr. Data's Web Site at: <>! In order to be fair about the database final project because of recent field trips, they will be graded on Monday, April 18, 2005 as part of the third grading period. Here are the individual class average grades which means half of the students have higher grades and half lower grades for each class. How does your child's grade compare? On-line progress reports are also available for your convenience which not only reports the status of every assignment/test for your child, but also the class ranking of your child for that class. Grades are available 24/7 at: <>. Ask your child for their special Dr. Data user ID and pin number or password. Then go to their appropriate class period and enter that data and you will know "The Rest of the Story."

    1st Period: 84.4% = B two week's ago, 85.4%. last week. This week = 85.5% = B+
    3rd Period: 88.9% = A- two week's ago, 89.1% last week. This week = 89.3% = A-
    5th Period: 89.6% = A- two week's ago, 90.7% last week. This week = 90.6% = A
    6th Period: 87.9% = B+ two week's ago, 91.1% last week. This week = 90.9% = A

    These grades represent the median which is the middle of the class with half of the class earning a lower grade and half of the class earning a higher grade.

  2. Next week, I will post the grades for the entire first and second grading period so you will be able to view a composite grade for the entire semester thus far. So you can start to estimate what your child's final grade might be in the 7th grade elective class.

    Important note: if you see your child losing points for class participation and yet they are not absent from school, they probably are losing the points via chewing gum in class on a regular basis! The first rule for my class is: respect for the equipment. Don't chew gum in school because it is also a school rule.

  3. What's coming next in Dr. Data's classes: Spreadsheets for 7 school days. For more insight, go to: <> or view it below or view it below

    For more insight about spreadsheets, please go to: and electronic spreadsheets will begin on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 about 1.5 weeks. Here is what follows next in the sequence of upcoming instruction.

    Internet Search Engines: 1 week
    PowerPoint Multimedia Slideshow Presentations: 2 to 4 days
    Newsletters and Web Pages, 3 to 5 days.
    Drawing and Painting: 1 week
    Computer Music: 4 days.
    Designing Computer Games with Animations & Sound Effects:
    Individual Unit Final Projects! (nine of them)
    Final Two Weeks Syllabus: Creativity With Graphics! Choose various projects with Microsoft Publisher, Band In-A-Box, Clarisworks, and Klik & Play.

  4. Dr. Data is interested in having his student's parents rate him in terms of what their observations are with reference to his teaching. Here is the information you have been waiting for about parents rating Dr. Data as a teacher based on your observations. This web site is entitled: "Rate Your Teachers" that allows parents and students to rate their teachers anonymously.

    The process is simple,

    1. Simply go to:

    2. Go to the "Add A Teacher" link and you will easily find Dr. Data's name listed in the center of the web page.

    3. Click on his name which then takes you to a another page.

    4. Click on "Rate This Teacher" and the rating process begins.

    Please do not just rate Dr. Data, but provide some comments as well. Dr. Data feels it is important for parents to be apart of the learning environment, especially since you know your child best and have observed the class since January. While anonymous surveys may have questionable values, Dr. Data is always willing to read and study your comments and hopefully, he will learn some informative things about what may or may not be working with your child in his class. It is never too late to improve!!

  5. Behavior Modification Assignment for Disruptive Students: Dr. Data can handle disruptive students very easily during "Spring Fever" times!

    Parts I & II: (You volunteered for it!): <>.

    Part I: A disruptive student is defined as one who inhibits the classroom instruction. If after one reminder and a discussion with Dr. Data, your behavior in class today has not improved, you will complete a "Think Sheet." You will also be assigned to after school “Mop Squad” detention.

    Part II: If you continue to be disruptive, you will complete the following alternative class assignment consisting of three paragraphs all with topic sentences and correct spelling and grammar. You are to read the enclosed computer article. Then you will write three paragraphs with paper and pencil. If not done neatly, you will do it again. If necessary, you will be asked to go to classroom to do this assignment in which the teacher of that classroom will monitor your behavior.

    Paragraph one: you are to write ten sentences summarizing the contents of the article all within the first paragraph.

    Second paragraph: you will write three or more sentences about the three most important ideas that you learned from the article.

    Third paragraph: who would you recommend this article to? Teacher, Parent, Business person, student, etc.? Give two reasons why?

    You are expected to complete parts I and II and understand why class disturbances are not to be tolerated and hopefully the alternative class activity of computer technology reading and writing helps you understand more about computers. If you do not finish this assignment within the present class period, it will be done for homework. A parent signature is required for both parts I and II. Because your classroom behavior is not conducive for instruction, you need to focus your efforts on this alternative assignment. In addition to this assignment, you are still expected to complete the daily assignment that was given in class today.

  6. For the parents that did not attend the March 3, 2005 Parent-Student-Teacher Conference, you can do it another creative way and earn 25 extra-credit points for your child. I wish that I could meet with every parent/student, but there's another innovative way to do it. To clarify how to best evaluate your child, I have come up with a unique self-assessment that you can use. To view this form, please go to: and go to the second section entitled: "Self-Assessment of Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences." After reading it click on the link entitled: and you can begin assess where progress can be made. Then after evaluating your child, please e-mail/fax your assessment and I'll attempt to clarify anything and everything that can make a difference. School fax number is 303-982-8931. To make things more convenient, I've even attached an HTML file for you to print out and use ASAP and send it back to you.

    Or you can even mail the web conference form to:

    Carmody Middle School
    c/o Dr. Data
    20500 S. Kipling Street
    Lakewood, CO 80227

    Or complete the CGI form on-line and submit and it will be e-mailed directly to me, automatically at: <>, To me, this is the most painless way to go about this matter.

Hope of this information is helpful.

Till next time,

Dr. Data
7th Grade Computer Class Teacher