- Current Grade for 3rd Grading Period is Now Posted on Dr. Data's
Web Site at: <http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Grades.html>
because there are Missing more assignments this week than usual as wel as
lower class participation points!!!! Why? Spring fever and absences are probaby
the reason. Beginning of a new grading period isi always though especially
with absences and missing assignments. Recommend spreadsheet assignment be
taken home and finished. there. Another factor was that we did do finale projects
this week for 700 to 800 points. Please be aware that I don't accept the spreadsheet
assignments without formulas actually being printed out. Note: spreadsheet
assignments can also be made up at home if you have Microsoft Office or have
just about any spreadsheet application such a Lotus 123, Excel,
Quattro, etc.. Just be sure the formulas are displayed when printed
and have a parent signature and date to verify the completion of the spreadsheet
assignment at home. In other words, there are few excuses for not completing
the spreadsheet assignments in school since I use Fridays generally as a makeup
day and because most parents have a spreadsheet application at home for the
student to make it up that night or on the weekends.
- Many students also have not finished their 500 point database assignment
that was due this past Monday and yesterday and today, their final spreadsheet
project of 200 points. Another factor is that many students did only one
of the two final spread sheet projects. Possible confusion was that there
were several spreadsheets involved in the final two spreadsheet projects.
Some people thought one assignment was enough. Consequently, they earned
only 100 points instead of 200.
- How does your child's grade compare to the first two grading periods thus
far? On-line progress reports are also available for your convenience which
not only reports the status of every assignment/test for your child, but
also the class ranking of your child for that class. Grades are available
24/7 at: <http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Grades.html>.
Ask your child for their special Dr. Data user ID and pin number or password.
Then go to their appropriate class period and enter that data and you will
know "The Rest of the Story." Here are the grades for the third
grading period which represents only one week of classes.
- 1st Period: 84.4% = 78.8% or a B- last week
and 73.6% this week.
- 3rd Period: 88.9% = 78.7% or a B-last
week and 81.9% this week.
- 5th Period: 89.6% = 83.9% or a B last
week and 63.4% this week.
- 6th Period: 87.9% = 79.6% or a B- lst
week and 80.4% this week.
- These grades represent the median which is the middle of the class with
half of the class earning a lower grade and half of the class earning a
higher grade. It will not be until next week when I will post the grades
for the entire first and second grading period so you will be able to view
a composite grade for the entire semester thus far. I'm more concerned about
a better start with the third grading period now so that is why 3rd period
grades are being posted this week. But next week I promise, you can start
to estimate what your child's final grade might be in the 7th grade elective
class. Important note: if you see your child losing points for class participation
and yet they are not absent from school, they probably are losing the points
via chewing gum in class on a regular basis or actually not staying in their
seats! Yes, there is a lot of gum chewing these days! Perhaps, the supply
of chewing gum is rather plentiful. Yes, spring fever is here when the gum
is in full harvest.
- Here's the final spreadsheet just in case, your child wants to make up
the missing points over this weekend.
Final Spreadsheet Project
(200 to 300 Points: Depending On Quantity and Quality of Work)
by Dr. Data
April 27-28, 2005
Create two spreadsheets that utilize the following ingredients:
- Addition of at least 10 or more cells
- Subtraction of at least 2 cells
- Division of at least 2 cells
- Multiple at least 10 cells
- Average of at least 10 cells
- Optional: square root formula!
You must use labels (words), raw data (numbers) and formulas in design
your two spreadsheets. Sample projects might be: Allowance of Friends,
Exotic Vacations, Student Grades, Sport’s statistics, Bowling, Baseball
Averages, etc. Yes, final project spreadsheets need to be printed out
with the formulas being displayed.
- 25 Extra-Credit Special for all parents who participate as follows.
Dr. Data is interested in having his student's parents rate him
in terms of what their observations are with reference to his teaching. Here
is the information you have been waiting for about parents rating Dr. Data
as a teacher based on your observations. This web site is entitled: "Rate
Your Teachers" that allows parents and students to rate their teachers
The process is quite simple,
- Simply go to: http://us.ratemyteachers.com/SelectTeacher.php?sid=41785&type=1
- Go to the "Add A Teacher" link and you will easily find Dr.
Data's name listed in the center of the web page as a Carmody staff member.
- Click on his name which then takes you to a another page.
- Click on "Rate This Teacher" and the rating process begins.
Please do not just rate Dr. Data with numeric ratings, but please provide
some specific comments as well. Dr. Data feels it is important for parents
to be apart of the learning environment, especially since you know your
child best and have observed the class in many ways since January. While
anonymous surveys may have questionable values, Dr. Data is always willing
to read and study your comments from parents and hopefully, he will learn
some informative things about what may or may not be working with your child
in his class. It is never too late to improve!!
- What's coming next in Dr. Data's classes: Internet search engines this coming
week. For more insight, go to: <http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Curriculum_Preview.html>
and specifically for the Internet unit: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/internet_syllabus.html
For more insight about spreadsheets, please go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/spreadsheet_syllabus.html.
Here is what follows next in the sequence of upcoming instruction. Internet
Search Engines: 1 week, PowerPoint Multimedia Slideshow Presentations: 2
to 4 days, Newsletters and Web Pages: 3 to 5 days, Drawing and Painting:
1 week, Computer Music: 4 days, Designing Computer Games with Animations
& Sound Effects: Individual Unit Final Projects! (nine of them) for
the remainder of the semester with option Final Two Weeks Syllabus by Creativity
With Graphics! Choose various projects with Microsoft Publisher, Band In-A-Box,
Clarisworks, and Klik & Play.
- Dr. Data is interested in having his student's parents rate him in terms
of what their observations are with reference to his teaching. Here is the
information you have been waiting for about parents rating Dr. Data as a teacher
based on your observations. This web site is entitled: "Rate Your Teachers"
that allows parents and students to rate their teachers anonymously.
Please do not just rate Dr. Data with numeric ratings, but please provide
some specific comments as well. Dr. Data feels it is important for parents
to be apart of the learning environment, especially since you know your child
best and have observed the class in many ways since January. While anonymous
surveys may have questionable values, Dr. Data is always willing to read and
study your comments from parents and hopefully, he will learn some informative
things about what may or may not be working with your child in his class.
It is never too late to improve!!
Hope of this information is helpful.
Dr. Data
7th Grade Computer Class Teacher