September 10, 2004 Newsletter

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Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Computer Class Parents and Their Children:

1. Grades are posted as of 4:30 p.m. Friday, September 10th.

2. This week was the very first day of using computers for typing skills as well learning word processing instruction with three different assignments given this week. Note: students can finish their daily assignments at home. Just have a parent sign the completed assignment done at home with a short note on the printout for the assignment done at home and I'll give full credit for it. Since there will be daily assignments beginning on Wednesday, student's grades can change rather abruptly. So pay particular attention to your child's grades this Friday to see if their grade dropped or stayed the same or went higher than last week's grades. Note that if you are having any difficulty with accessing your child's grades and progress report, please use the following URL: <>. Hope this helps.

Very, Very Important/Creative News!

3. I believe it may be important for your child to have access to my 7th grade class’s keyboarding software application for home use. Why? I'd like my students to double and/or triple the speed of their present typing speed of words per minute by the end of the semester. If so, your child be a super typist forever. I know it is possible to accomplish this, especially if coordinate with typing practice at home between now and the end of school. It would also be possible for others in your family to benefit from this instructional CD-ROM. Especially if you have younger children who could also be exposed to it. Carmody Middle School has a site license for the software application, All the Right Type, for use in our school PC computer lab. This is a highly effective ‘learn to keyboard” program. Ingenuity Works, the publisher of All the Right Type, has a special arrangement that enables students and parents to purchase a home version of this program for a very reasonable reduced price. You will receive a flyer on Monday via your child concerning this special pricing, but I have also enclosed the introductionary letter and form for you to complete. In order to participate, you need to fill out the attached Student Bulk Order Form and returning it to me accompanied by a check in the amount of $21.00 (per program) by September 23, 2004. Be sure to include your child’s name on the check. The check should be addressed to: Carmody Middle School. No cash please. These charges include:

1. A hybrid CD-ROM that works on nearly every PC and Macintosh computer from all Macintosh’s from system 8.6 and higher and PC’s from Windows 95, 98, 2000 and XP.
2. A manual and a warranty card.
3. All shipping charges from Vancouver, Canada to Carmody.
4. All taxes.

Important: the order will be cancelled unless a minimum of 10 orders are placed.

If you would like to investigate more about this product, ask your child about this software application as there are using it class daily as well as visit the product's web site for more details at:

Hope this information is helpful. This is the only the second year that we have offered this product to Carmody parents through our site license relationship and the results are amazing for students who practice daily at home. For example for one student who had a lot of difficulty in learning how to type, that child in one semester went from one word per minute to 18 words a minute. Usually, students who practice at home daily will easily double or triple their present typing speed by the end of the semester. And having the same program at home that we use in school is very helpful.

4. Watch out for progress reports this coming Monday, September 13th that will be given to your child in class and you will quickly have an accurate assessment of whether your child is keeping up with the increased work load that began this week and will continue for the rest of the semester! Progress reports must be signed by a parent and returned to Dr. Data by Friday, September for 100 grade book points. Then we have two weeks to fix their grades before the end of this grading period as parents get more knowledgeable of their child's production and work habits. Note: parents can usually accept low test grades but missing assignments hits the '"fan belt" frequently. Good luck not having the missing assignment issue with your child!

5. Korean Pen Pal letters are due in three weeks with preliminary draft on October 1, 2004 and the final copy on October 8th. This is the final project for our word processing unit. Letters must be 2 pages, double spaced type and in CSAP order: grammar, sentence syntax, spelling and content. For details of this exciting program with students from Seoul, Korea, please go to: <> and you wil find many suggestions on how to write the letter and what kinds of memorabilia should be included such as photos, stamps, etc. All letters will be mailed to Seoul, Korea and in turn, their Korean pen pals will write back to them making for some international cultural adventurers in Dr. Data's classes. Korean Pen Pal instructional materials will be given to your child on Monday, September 13th.

Hope this information is helpful. Dr. Data's classes are now at full speed. It is going to be an exciting semester.

Till next time,

John Kuzmich, Jr.
7th Grade Elective Computer Teacher


P.S. This "All The Right Type Registration Form" needs to be completed and returned to Dr. Data by Thursday, September 23, 2004 if you desire having the same software that we use in class on a daily basis. Printout copies will also be given to your child on Monday, September 13th.

Dear Parent,

Carmody Middle School has a building site license of the program All the Right Type for use in our school computer lab. This is a highly effective 'learn to keyboard' program. Ingenuity Works, the publisher of All the Right Type, has a special arrangement that enables students and parents to purchase a home version of this program for a very reasonable price.

You can purchase this program for a discounted price of $21.00 (shipping and taxes included). For more information on the program or system requirements, visit

If you would like to participate in this program please return a copy of this e-mail with the information below filled in, and a check in the amount of $21.00 made out to Carmody Middle School by September 23, 2004.

(Please note, in order for our school to qualify for this offer, a minimum of 10 copies in total must be purchased by the class)

Order Form: All The Right Type Software Application

Date: September 10, 2004

Deadline for ordering All The Right Type: Thursday, September 23, 2004

Price: $21.00 which includes shipping and taxes.

Student Name_________________________________

Team # ________________________________

Parent Authorization Signature____________________________

Hope this information is helpful. This is the only the second year that we have offered this product to Carmody parents through our site license relationship.

Till next time,

John Kuzmich, Jr.
7th Grade Elective Computer Teacher