September 15, 2004 Newsletter

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Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Computer Class Parents and Their Children:

I need some V.I.P. assistance for helping our students complete the daily assignments at home whenever they don't finish them in class (which means homework).

1. Please give your child a 3.5" floppy diskette to use in my classes because I showed the classes how to save in Rich Text File format so they can take any or all of their work home on a daily basis to complete there or bring back to class to print out in school. I gave a ton of floppies out today to help make it easier to complete their work at home. Knowing that students can easily misplace floppies, I need your assistance to make sure that they take good care of their diskettes so they can earn credit for doing all the work! Note: the assignment generally require the following ingredients to earn full credit.

1. Heading with their name, date and period on three single space lines at the top of the paper with right justification.

2. Then double space below with the enter key and put the title of the assignment in 24 to 36 point type size.

3. Then double space again with the enter key and type the entire assignment as given on the assignment paper (top to bottom) with nothing left out!! The instructions are noted so hopefully, the student will follow the instructions verbatim.

4. Select any easy to read type font. Avoid script looking fonts, old English or crazy wingding type of fonts.

An alternative to using a floppy diskette for taking work home is to print out their work at the class period and then take it home and continue typing at home on a new file where they left off at school. Then, printout the home file and staple with the school printout and bingo, the assignment is now complete if they follow the instructions as specified above!!!!

Hope this helps our students complete their assignments for submission to me. Note: any assignment not finished in full will not be graded. But, it can be completed later before the end of the grading period and resubmitted to me without penalty. Note: October 1st is the end of the first grading period. I advise that all makeup work be complete a week before the October 1st grading period deadline.

Hope this helps our students complete their work. As a special aid to parents in this matter, I will post student grades on the Internet today to provide further insight on which assignments have not been completed.

If your child doesn't have access to a computer at home or typewriter, please consider a neighbor's computer, a friend's computer, your computer at work, the public library or maybe at school. If any parent wants their student to complete their assignments at school instead of home, I will make my classroom available from 2:15 to 3 p.m. daily: Monday through Friday. The only exception is I need appointments on Wednesdays since we sometimes have faculty meetings on Wednesday and may not be able to do anything on those faculty Wednesday meetings. Please note: you are responsible for seeing that transportation home on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays is not provided by Dr. Data. Generally, the school provides late buses home at 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Open Lab.

Hope this helps. Again, check the Internet grades for a more up-to-date analysis on how your child is doing.

Till next time,

John Kuzmich, Jr.