Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Students and Parents.

We have a "Master Plan" in place on alleviating any and all first and second grading period irregularities for Dr. Data's classes. Hope this eliminates and fixes any problems and/or confusion created for the first and second grading periods. .Here are the how's of the "Master Plan."

  1. Progress reports were distributed to all students on Monday, October 17th for both the first and second grading periods. Note: the Term S1 - Term Final grades are really the first grading period grades and there is no composite grade for the semester..
  2. Presently fixing all grades by extending makeup without penalty still available for both grading the first and second grading periods until through this Friday, October 21, 2005. Take advantage of it as this is an unusual situation.
  3. The "Carmody Parent Portal" will be available on the Internet beginning on October 24th to all parents 24/7 which should help parents and students considerably on what's been graded and missing from now on!
  4. Any assignments/tests on the progress report with an "M" or a "zero" at the right side means one of four things.
  5. Good news: Carmody Parent Portale will be operating to parents and students by Octobe 24th. Finally, you can review all grades from all of your child's teachers 24/7 in ten days or less from now!!!. That should make a huge difference in being well informed about what assignments/tests need to be updated for better grades. Dr. Data will post grades everyday before leaving school to help make this system work for your benefit. And on days that he should ever not have sufficient time to post grades, he probably will do so before breakfast of the next day.

    Until that happens, the simplest way to assess your child's progress is to identify what assignments they have typed and submitted. For the word processing unit, go to: and check off every assignment that your child verifies that was indeed submitted to the in-basket for their class assignments. Although this system isn't perfect, it will provide insight on what's being accomplished. Today is a makeup day after students take their two typing tests. Monday, October 17, 2005 will be day #17 of the word processing unit.

  6. An improved Carmody Middle School web site has been created for the 7th Grade Elective Computer Classes at: It directly links to the class web site with specific links to make it easier to do all of your school browsing at the Carmody school web site at and then go directly to Dr. Data's classes without having to leave the Carmody web site.

Hope this information is helpful.

Till next time,

Dr. Data