Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Students and Parents:

Both parrents and students should be able to examine the child's attendance and grades via the Internet on a 24/7 basis beginning Monday, October 24, 2005. Dr. Data will attempt to post grades every night if he is allowed to so you can view daily attendance and grades for daily updates because...

The Carmody Parent Portal will be official as of Monday, October 24, 2005. Finally; you will be able to know whether your child completed and submitted their daily assignment "on time" on a daily basis. Special comments will also be available if the daily assignment did not meet expectations. This means that you should be able to discuss what happened in Dr. Data's class at the dinner table and then verify if that is so by going on-line to the Carmody Parent Portal. Naturally, there will be a learning curve for both parents and teachers, but the "Master Plan" is now in place. If ever there are problems with the posted grades, please contact Dr. Data by e-mail at so the matter can be resolved in a timely manner.

  1. Any assignments/tests on the progress report with a blank grade, an "M" or a "zero" at the right side of the assignment means one of four things.
  2. Deadline for making up/finalizing all grades for the second grading period is November 5th without any late penalties being accessed. Strongly suggest that makeup work be submitted before the final November 5th deadline. Tuesday, November 1, 2005 would be better to help alleviate any possible recording problems before submitting the second grading period grades to the administration for the processing of the report cards.

  3. If your child doesn't have a B or an A grade, please refer to the web site entitled: "Success Guaranteed if Students/Parents Follow These Guidelines... at: <>. While no system is perfect, these guidelines should make a world of difference in helping your child obtain a satisfactory grade and in a timely manner!

An improved Carmody Middle School web site has been created for the 7th Grade Elective Computer Classes at: It directly links to the class web site with specific links to make it easier to do all of your school browsing at the Carmody school web site at and then go directly to Dr. Data's classes without having to leave the Carmody web site.

A new instructional curriculum unit is being taught being this Monday, October 24, 2005. The database unit can be found at: <>. It has copyrighted material, so your child will need a special password from Dr. Data to access each and every assignment on-line. As before in the word processing unit, all instruction is web-based. But the difference is that all assignments have to done in school because the database data files are only available on the PC lab's computers. Thus, students can only make up missing/unfinished arrangements at Carmody Middle School. Whenever they need to complete any unfinished/missing assignments outside of classes, Dr. Data will generally setup makeup times of 2:15 to 3 p.m. daily on Monday through Friday in the PC lab. Sometimes on Wednesdays, there are faculty meeting which will closes the lab. Please have your child make arrangements with Dr. Data before assuming that the lab is available.

  1. Note: there are special copyrighted instructional materials for each daily assignment also available on-line making the web-based instruction more valuable.

  2. For those students and parents desiring to know more about the final project for the database unit, please go to: go to:

  3. See rubric for detailed guidelines at: on how the final project will be evaluated.

Hope this information is helpful as both the Carmody Parent Portal and the database instructional unit are being implemented tomorrow, October 24, 2005.

Till next time from sunny Southern California,

Dr. Data