Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents and Students:

We are now into spreadsheets and some students have not quite mastered the concepts of formulas which is the magical critical ingredient of spreadsheets. We will be dealing with adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, averaging and some square roots as well. Perhaps, you can print out the daily assignments at home and assist your child in completing them in whatever spreadsheet application you might have at home. Clarisworks, Excel, Quattro, Lotus 123, etc. When the daily assignment has been completed, please print out the worksheet with formulas being displayed as that is the only way assignments can be accepted and graded and sign and date the assignment along with your child's name when your child submits it to me for grading. All daily assignments sand their links for printing them out can be found at: Note: there is also a companion clue sheet for every assignment providing insight where formulas need to be used. Both the daily assignment and its companion clue sheet with formulas can be printed out.

If we should have parent who is knowledgeable with spreadsheets and would enjoy team teaching with me anytime this week or next week, you are most welcomed to participate and in appreciation, I will give your child a floating A per period teaching with me! Now that's a deal!!!!!!

Here's what my spreadsheet web page looks like with links for printing out in terms of assignments and deadlines for completion.

Required Spreadsheet Assignments
(You can use Clarisworks or Microsoft Excel)
  1. Demonstration Sheet - Assignment #1. Printout the Introduction Spreadsheet Worksheet with answers only. Then print out the Introduction Spreadsheet with formulas for all answers. Do not submit your Introduction Spreadsheet assignment until it has formulas instead of answers. Dr. Data will show you how to toggle between an answer version and a formula version. Once this is learned, success will be yours in the entire spreadsheet unit! This assignment is due today for 100 points, November 16, 2005.

  2. First Spreadsheet - Assignment #2. Printout First_Spreadsheet_Original with answers only. Then print out the First_Spreadsheet_Formula with formulas instead of answers. Do not submit your assignment until it has formulas for every bold answer. This assignment is due on Thursday, November 17th for 100 points.

  3. Clarisworks Spreadsheet: Parts 1 through 6 - Assignment #3. Because of the field trips this week, the following assignments are due on either Monday, November 21st or Tuesday, November 22nd with all six for 200 points, any 5 for 150 points, any 4 for 100 points, any 3 for 75 points, any 2 for a 50 and any 1 for 25 points.

  4. Good News Note: Because of the November 21-22, 2005 field trips, students have a choice of assignments on Monday, November 28th. They can chose between assignments 4 or 5 below. They only need to do one of them. Happy Thanksgiving holidays.

  5. Family Budget Spreadsheet - Assignment #4. Printout Family Budget Original and Family Budget Formula: due on Monday, November 29th. for 100 points.


  6. Food Storage Spreadsheet - Assignment #5: Printout Food Storage Original and Food Storage Formula: due on Monday, November 28th for 100 points.

  7. Final Spreadsheet Project - Assignment #6: go to: due on Wednesday, November 30th for 100 points.

    Again, please go to: for activating the assignment links for: 1) more detailed spreadsheet instructions, 2) printable daily assignments for downloading from Adobe Acrobat and 3) even extra-credit assignments as well.

Hope this information helps.

Thank you.

Till next time,

Dr. Data